Anyone who wonders why we argue with fundamentalists, this is why. So unbelievably dangerous.They live in a world where the buses don't run.
It’s easy to understand the basics. The single most important thing to learn about before anything else makes sense, is that we have an atmosphere, about 99% of it is nitrogen and oxygen, within the remaining 1% is a small amount of greenhouse gases.They are called greenhouse gases because of the way they allow the Sun’s ultraviolet rays through, but then when that gets converted to heat and infrared radiation, that gets inhibited, slowed down, in its escape from Earth.
The burning of fossils fuels has been unleashing stupendous, unbelievable amounts of these greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. (#1)
That means basically that our atmosphere is slowing down more and more infrared radiation. Dad, do you know what infrared radiation is? Heat.
That means that within our global heat and moisture distribution engine, (that is basically our atmosphere, oceans, landmasses, cryosphere, biosphere where that heat builds up, and gets distributed around our planet by various currents. (#2)
This is what manmade global warming is all about. (#3)
OK so far. So what do you suggest people do about it? Some countries make stricter regulations and we see companies move to another place with less regulations.
#4) Check out a history of climate science here: https:// history_aip_org/climate/timeline_htm {replace _ with . }
I have said that I see no issue with recent changes and that the only thing I would question is when they try to tie that in to many thousands of years ago. For example I saw this on one site
“Thus, it can be said that climate variation has been the midwife of humanity and its various cultures and civilizations.”
I do not agree with that belief. I would say that God is the reason for the rise and fall of various kingdoms. Even if in some cases, such as after the flood, the great changes on earth resulted in certain patterns of migration, it was all planned.
Then there is the issue of the future. Predictions of how things will be. Science can’t really predict properly because it does not have all the factors. For example if there was a limited nuclear war coming, how would a climate prediction model from science be affected!? Etc. When it comes to prophesy I will trust the book that has 100% accuracy and basically tells the future from a vantage point of history rather than guesses based on a fraction of the info.
The 1755 Lisbon earthquake was seen by many people as a punishment of god.
Now, we know that it was caused by the movements of the tectonics plates.
We know that Himalaya mountains were created by such movements.
And we know that the north African plate is coming toward Europe and that it will cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
No need of god to explain and predict.
From 346921
"OK so far. So what do you suggest people do about it?:
That’s it @dad1. That’s the line of questioning you should be taking with these finger waving know it alls.
Put the pressure on them to state what solutions they think are absolutely necessary and let’s have the discussion from there about these changes and assess how the political parties are performing in its implementation.
Sounds about right to me.
No, doesn’t work that way. Merely having a natural aspect to something God does would not mean that only naturedunnit. One example is in the very end of the world (of man’s rule here) we see that every island moves away from where it was. So places like Australia will go sailing somewhere else. That does not mean observers would not see tectonic activity at the time! By the way, I assume that a similar event happened over a century after the flood, which would be how things got to where they are today. The animals and man being wafted on these moving land masses would have no problem getting around the world to their current locations either! I suspect that in the very end what we will see is the land masses going back together into a siupercontinent. This is also a good glimpse into why the models of science are so inadequate and wrong!
I’ve said it elsewhere, but I don’t see it in this thread - I think we need to prepare for the changes that are coming.
Infrastructure - in a broad sense - needs to be updated and hardened. Transportation, power, communications, “essential industry” (dangerous term), healthcare facilities AND the people to run them - training. Of course the big stickler is Who’s gonna pay?
trump yapped about it, and I was hopeful, but I don’t think anything ever came of it. Biden is trying too - it’s been talked about for many administrations, but little has come.
What kind of catastrophe is needed before they wake up?
I’ve said it elsewhere, but I don’t see it in this thread – I think we need to prepare for the changes that are coming.Infrastructure – in a broad sense – needs to be updated and hardened.
So what does this mean in clear and simple terms? Looking at the definition of the word I see this
“2. The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons.”
So who is supposed to pay to make all these things as new? We already have communications (mainstream media and social internet networks) that censor voices they don’t agree with and that work in a harmony that is uncanny. What about transportation, do you shut down all trains and buses and planes that you feel may fall short, and tell the working people to stop travelling to work? Where do you get the untold trillions of dollars to do all this, and if your country does it what about the rest of the world?
Transportation, power, communications, “essential industry” (dangerous term),
So who declares who is essential? You? They already closed and fined and persecuted churches as non essential while allowing baby killing, booze and other various things to continue. Do we really want to live in that kind of world under tin pot dictators?
healthcare facilities AND the people to run them – training.
Except the ones killing babies or doing sex changes etc? Who gets to make all these rules? And how is that supposed to stop pollution in China, India and other places exactly?
Of course the big stickler is Who’s gonna pay?
To overhaul the planet universally so that the climate would be affected, there is not enough money in the world probably.
trump yapped about it, and I was hopeful, but I don’t think anything ever came of it. Biden is trying too – it’s been talked about for many administrations, but little has come.Well maybe ask the folks who write his cue/clue cards? And what could they say? Could they fix the world?
What kind of catastrophe is needed before they wake up?There is no waking up that I see in prophesy in the bible, only a greater belligerence and fighting God and His people at all and any cost.
there is not enough money in the world probably. -- dad1Interesting logic. Not uncommon unfortunately. There is not enough money to save us from destroying ourselves, so we just all die, and there is no need for money.
Oh, and, you were asked to stop posting about gods in the science forum.
Last warning @dad1
A very simple thing to do.
Center of USA is affected by desertification, tornadoes and extreme temperatures.
It is urgent to plant forests.
Easy, possible, and effective.
A complementary mesure: to give up monoculture and industrial crops.
If it is not done, center of USA will become a new Sahara.
It is urgent to plant forests.Plant Industial Hemp. In just a few months 1 acre of Hemp will start scrubbing the same amount of CO2 from the atmosphere as 20 acres of trees.
We submit that industrial hemp be seriously considered as a crop that can contribute significantly to the Australian Government’s aim to reduce global atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Industrial hemp has been scientifically proven to absorb more CO2 per hectare than any forest or commercial crop and is therefore the ideal carbon sink. In addition, the CO2 is permanently bonded within the fiber that is used for anything from textiles, to paper and as a building material. It is currently being used by BMW in Germany to replace plastics in car construction. It is therefore additional to what would otherwise be grown or sourced from oil. It can be constantly replanted and as such meets permanence criteria as defined by the Kyoto Protocol.
Industrial hemp is not marijuana. Industrial hemp is the name of the soft fiber from the Cannabis Sativa plant. It is distinguished from the psychoactive varieties by having low (less that 0.05) levels of the chemical THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). It has been developed to grow long fibers and in dense plantations thereby increasing the biomass.
Hemp can be grown on a widespread scale throughout Australia, on nutrient poor soils and with very small amounts of water and no fertilisers. Hemp can be grown on existing agricultural land (unlike most forestry projects), and can be included as part of a farm's crop rotation with positive effects on overall yields of follow on crops. It can therefore comply with the Australian Government’s plans to increase employment and improve the economic position of remote areas. This is especially relevant to the holders of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land.A brief history of hemp
Hemp has been in cultivation for thousands of years, most notably for ropes for naval vessels and for paper. In the mid 1930’s there was the invention of nylon and the spread of plastics, and a general trend away from all things natural. At the same time use of marijuana as a recreational drug increased and hemp was included in the ban on cultivation of any plant of the Cannabis family. This view spread globally with political pressure from the US and since that time there has been a stigma attached to hemp cultivation.
For a crop, hemp is very environmentally friendly, as it is naturally insect resistant, and uses no herbicides. Hemp grows rapidly in Australia and matures in 90 days compared to traditional forestry taking 20 years. It therefore starts absorbing CO2 from almost from the day it is planted.Much more.........
What a shame hemp doesn’t like sea water.
Don’t look now but for the past decades there’ been a brewing fresh water crises. Demand outstripping supply.
“Infrastructure – in a broad sense – needs to be updated and hardened. Transportation, power, communications, “essential industry” (dangerous term), healthcare facilities AND the people to run them – training.”
How will this prevent a 4 degree increase in global temperatures that will ensure a lifeless planet?
To write 4 u
Clock is running on our reliance on vegetation as a steady ‘carbon sink’
More trees are nice. Do you really think that will save the world?
How many acres of hemp needed to save earth? Also what would people do with it all?
Planting is an exemple of something simple to do, not only as creating carbon sinks but also as fighting heat and desertification, enhancing biodiversity and so.
I agree that even needed, it will not be enough.
One priority is to reduce our wasting of natural ressources and pollution of oceans and air. And that means rebuilding our whole way to produce and our lifestyle and consumption of goods.
In fact, we need to change our society.
So what you need is one big happy family of nations that all work together in unison and harmony. Otherwise you have some nations where they allow the bad stuff to continue. Then you need harmony inside all these nations, so as that it is not just some power grab by a few that can benefit from the operation. Then you need no major war where nukes are used. Then you need honest politicians etc. Good luck with all that.
“In fact, we need to change our society”
110% agreed