Hadfield reviews CO2Coalition & Happer's, CO2 Starvation conjecture

I don’t do much posting about climate science these days, It’s all too disheartening and people just don’t want to hear about, let alone think about it.

That’s why I’ve been spending more time grappling with the philosophical thinking that undergirds our understanding of the world and is (I believe) a big reinforcer of our inherently self-destructive blind-sided behavior - rather then a rational mirror and tool to help facilitate self-recognition and more rational behavior.

Still, once in a while something comes up that I feel compelled to share. This latest video from Peter Hadfield aka Potholer54, for example:

Dec 16, 2023
(Check out the description, for an exhaustive list of links to informative resources.)

The following comes from the disinformation fabricator and broadcaster organization called the CO2Coalition and their spokesman W. Harper and Lindzen, both with illustrious early scientific careers, but they didn’t age well, and after celebrity bug bit them, they were putty in the hands of their handlers and would say anything while ignoring a great deal of relevant material. Absolute pure shysters. And they got away with it. So so disappointing.
They were precursor role models for the current MAGA crowd of disconnect from real world facts.

Their myopic reasoning is astoundingly misleading. Spinning fragments of truth into utterly deceptive frauds against humanity. That’s why it’s important for people to understand its flaws and Peter Hadfield is such a wonderful resource for learning about those facts.