Do you learn from history? When has ‘society’ banished war? Sure you could say they ‘should’. They won’t though. When has slavery been abolished completely? Never. When have the poor been lifted up so that there were no poor any more? Never. Nor will it ever happen. Why would you think that ‘society’ all over the planet would all get together and stop polluting and travelling and working or etc? Man cannot save himself, period.
“Infrastructure – in a broad sense – needs to be updated and hardened. Transportation, power, communications, “essential industry” (dangerous term), healthcare facilities AND the people to run them – training.”How will this prevent a 4 degree increase in global temperatures that will ensure a lifeless planet? - DJTexas
It won’t. The purpose was stated just prior - We need to prepare for the changes. Weather extremes and “weather whiplash” will further stress our already crumbling infrastructure.
… and just like the gun lobby stopping any kind of reform, the mantra “If you can’t stop it all, why stop any?” creeps into this conversation too. ?
In fact, we need to change our society. -- morganI'm reading a book "Braiding Sweetgrass" by Robin Kimmerer. She has a PhD in botany, but she connected with her native roots. She is the best at weaving the two that I've ever heard. In her native language, they use a lot more verbs, like instead of the word "bay" as a defined space you can sell as real estate, they have "being a bay" as a place with other life, connected to other creatures and changing through time. She says the term "Indian giver" was coined when missionaries found out they don't have a word for "please". But, what they didn't understand is their culture is one of giving, so it would be expected you would pass the salt, they didn't need a word for it.
I say this here because I think society as we know is corrupted in ways we can see and understand and the ways to fix it are available to us.
"It won’t. "
Yet the question was asked about solutions and not about changing the deck chairs on the titanic
Yet the question was asked about solutions and not about changing the deck chairs on the titanic - djtexasNo. The question was "What are you going to do about it?"
And the OP was “Interested in hearing your feedback”
The passengers on the Titanic didn’t try to stop it from sinking, they prepared for the inevitable sinking by getting into lifeboats - aka preparing to survive.
Your answer was about a solution. My answer was about preparing.
“the ways to fix it are available to us.”
What are these ways?
Your proposed “action” guarantees the iceberg will be hit
Your proposed “action” guarantees the iceberg will be hit -- djwhat are you doing DJ?
Could you answer 347010?
Let’s face it folks, ultimately it will be the Earth’s ecosystem that will cleanse itself and restore the natural balance. If that means half of humanity has to die, so be it!
The exponential functions that apply to the Earth’s “limited” ecological resources will determine the corrective action.
Your proposed “action” guarantees the iceberg will be hit - djYes. I never said those actions would avoid the iceberg.
Those actions would help to survive the collision.
What don’t you get?
And some say now it may have been better if the Titanic had slammed head-on into the iceberg.
What about the ones that say it’s would have been better if titanic avoided iceberg What’s is to be done to avoid the iceberg?
What about the ones that say it’s would have been better if titanic avoided iceberg What’s is to be done to avoid the iceberg?That would be rather selfish to avoid the iceberg. We wouldn't have that movie, the merchandise, the memes, the sayings and references to bring up as a petty analogy in some discussion ...
There’s practically a whole economy concerning the Titanic.
A slap stick comment in science forum. Doesnt belong here
Some joke is needed sometimes
But the original question was about the passengers of the Titanic. And both answers are right: the passengers could have prepared themselves to survive, but it would not have prevented the ship to hit the iceberg. In fact, at this time, it was too late for that, as the passengers had no reason to take mesures to survive before the hit.
It suggests 2 questions:
-Are we passengers or crew?
-Have we hit the iceberg ?
I would say we are crews member and not passengers, but that all crew members are not equal. Some are officiers on the bridge and some are working under…
I would say that we have not yet hit the iceberg, but it is very near, and we have seen it in time.
Last, i am almost sure that man will survive the collapse of our civilisation, but with many deaths and so … .
But the original question was about the passengers of the Titanic. And both answers are right: the passengers could have prepared themselves to survive, but it would not have prevented the ship to hit the iceberg. In fact, at this time, it was too late for that, as the passengers had no reason to take mesures to survive before the hit.It suggests 2 questions:
-Are we passengers or crew?
-Have we hit the iceberg ?
I would say we are crews member and not passengers, but that all crew members are not equal. Some are officiers on the bridge and some are working under…
I would say that we have not yet hit the iceberg, but it is very near, and we have seen it in time.
Last, i am almost sure that man will survive the collapse of our civilisation, but with many deaths and so … .
Good questions and further details on the analogy.
I don’t think we have seen the iceberg in time to avoid it.
Part 1 is what can we do to minimize the damage to the ship.
Part 2 is to get the bilge pumps ready and move the necessities out of the lower decks and “that” side of the ship.
In these efforts we need both passengers and crew.
A slap stick comment in science forum. Doesnt belong hereAnd slapstick questions do?
“I don’t think we have seen the iceberg in time to avoid it.”
Who is we? The climate. Scientists?
Minimise the damage to the ship? There will be no ship if action is not taken to avoid catastrophic disaster