Trump, the Great Winner, the vaunted Immigrant Basher, the Businessman Who Can Hire the Right People to Organize, the Premier Birther, the Bully Extraordinaire… in his first ever elected contest… his first test of organizing… after consistently dominating in the vast majority of pre-election polls…
has just lost to a foreign born, hispanic guy, and just barely seems to have maintained 2nd place over another hispanic guy!
Sometimes irony is sweet.
True, but as one of my college journalism profs just posted on FB, the last two Iowa Republican winners were Huckabee and Santorum.
True, but as one of my college journalism profs just posted on FB, the last two Iowa Republican winners were Huckabee and Santorum.Often, in politics, psychological perception of the public, is of the utmost importance. This is a chink in the armor of Trump, whose mythos is everything. Had he won, now, along with his likely upcoming wins, he would very possibly be unstoppable. So this is reason for celebration for those who are anti-Trump, because, now, at least, there is a better chance that he will not steamroll through the primary process. I don't think that the Canadian born "Texan", who won tonight is viable for the long haul.
I don’t see any Republicans who could make it through the primaries and win the national election. The inmates have taken over the asylum formerly known as the Republican Party. The way our primaries work only the most extreme Republicans can garner enough delegates to make a run for the nomination. It will be interesting to see how the one percenters manipulate the system to get their choice nominated.
I don't see any Republicans who could make it through the primaries and win the national election. The inmates have taken over the asylum formerly known as the Republican Party. The way our primaries work only the most extreme Republicans can garner enough delegates to make a run for the nomination. It will be interesting to see how the one percenters manipulate the system to get their choice nominated.My pet "theory" is that Marco Rubio will be supported as their ultimate puppet target. But in Presidential selections, if the democratic rules are followed, there is only so much that they can do. They may have to settle for a fellow billionaire and hope for the best. (e.g., that Trump won't go philanthropic-by-proxy in some respects, and do something "crazy", like trying to implement single payer universal healthcare.)
Glad to see Trump not win but, I don't like Ted Cruz at all. Don't know which one scares me most but, I could say that for all the Republican candidates.Cruz would probably be at the top of my list for "least favored" (I say euphemistically) candidate of the current crop. But I give him props for beating Trump, in the 1st primary, especially because it, at least temporarily, interferes with Trump's momentum. And because it belies Trump's self-proclaimed mythos.
I can’t even visualize President Cruz. I don’t want to. Ughhhh :shut:
Glad to see Trump not win but, I don't like Ted Cruz at all. Don't know which one scares me most but, I could say that for all the Republican candidates.Cruz would probably be at the top of my list for "least favored" (I say euphemistically) candidate of the current crop. But I give him props for beating Trump, in the 1st primary, especially because it, at least temporarily, interferes with Trump's momentum. And because it belies Trump's self-proclaimed mythos. Tim, think I am turning into a political junky. Or, it could be the media productions that is adding theater on steroids to this candidate for the presidential race. It is fascinating. Our political machinations fascinate me, in that if you can view it, somewhat objectively, it highlights our (collective) tendencies to accept certain narratives or not, without much regard, oftentimes, for underlying hard realities. (This is the same reason that I am fascinated by the fact that so many people believe in the supernatural.) But also, on a subjective level, I am fascinated by the political machinations because I am a patriot, and truly want the system to work out and result in what seems best for my country.
The inmates have taken over the asylum formerly known as the Republican Party.Ever watch the movie King of Hearts? Plot. Charles Plumpick (Bates) is a kilt-wearing Scottish soldier who is sent by his commanding officer to disarm a bomb placed in the town square by the retreating Germans. As the fighting comes closer to the town, its inhabitants—including those who run the insane asylum—abandon it. The asylum gates are left open, and the inmates leave the asylum and take on the roles of the townspeople. Plumpick has no reason to think they are not who they appear to be—other than the colorful and playful way in which they're living their lives, so at odds with the fearful and war-ravaged times. The lunatics crown Plumpick King of Hearts with surreal pageantry as he frantically tries to find the bomb before it goes off. The film ends with the question of who is more insane, those in the asylum or those who create wars.oh but I digress. I heard Trump's going to get Iowa to redo their caucus :lol:
I do have to say, I agree with Trump that Cruz played dirty pool to win, as in flat out scumbag tricks. If it were anyone else other than Trump who “lost” I’ll bet the media would be all over Cruz for the dirty tricks. And his trick wasnt merely dirty, it was outright wrong. So I do see Trump’s point that the Iowa Causus was “stolen”.
Dirty tricks like that are more standard practice than they should be. George W. would probably never have been President, if not for some of Karl Rove’s dirty tricks along the way.
Dirty tricks aside, I liked Jimmy Carter’s comment that, if he had to choose between Cruz and Trump, he would choose Trump, because Trump has proven that he is “malleable”.