Really? You can actually see the truth for once? I will wait to rule out whether your statement, “I am not a liberal. I know when wrong is wrong.”, stands.
I drove past Chicago and 38th , where George Floyd died, many times but very rarely stopped there. “Organizers emphasized keeping this protest peaceful”. That’s extremely difficult. Some people just don’t care about that, many do not understand how non-violent protest works. The police respond like they always, as the man said in the video, “it’s the climate they created”. But what’s happening now is still why I don’t like fomenting anger.
Friends of mine helped build this and have performed here. Now it’s on fire.
He should have been thrown in jail, tried for murder, and sent to prison.And they still might be, but we are a long way away from cops throwing each other down and cuffing each other. I don't think the riots in Minneapolis last night were justified. The riots after Rodney King's killer went free came after the process failed. This time, the process started out the way it should, with the firing of the guy who did it, and the guys who stood around and did nothing. But we don't always haul people off to prison the next day. I would like to say that we don't tear gas peaceful protest either, but we do that.
I lived and worked and went to church and marched and met drug addicts in the neighborhoods that are in the news now. I know the kind of people that will take advantage of a situation like this and do stupid things like burn down the buildings that are part of their own community. I know the ones building it to, and there are a lot more of them.
If you have Netflix, see if this movie is still there. It’s about the riots in Detroit in 68. It follows a kid who got caught up in it. At the very end, you finally see the “good cop”. They’ve always been there and they are increasing in numbers and getting in more powerful positions.
Sree, you must have no capacity for feeling shame. Else, how could you so incessantly being either factually wrong, empathically incapacitated, or flat out ridiculous in the things that you say in your posts.You are entitled to your opinion even though you folks won’t let me have mine. But that’s ok.
Have you forgotten that we are to judge others by the content of their characters? The color of anyone’s skin should make no difference in where one and all are free to go.I don’t judge, period. You folks judge all the time about everyone and everything. The color of one’s skin makes a lot of difference whether you like it or not. You folks are ideologues and believe that the lion should lie with the lamb. You cry foul when the lion gets you by the neck.
There are definitely people of poor character that I would not like being in my neighborhood nor would I like there being the imbecilic, characterologically-flawed, and aspiring dictator of my country in the White House.A lion is in the White House. Deal with it.
I don’t judge, period. – Sree
Always good for a laugh, this one.
... This time, the process started out the way it should, with the firing of the guy who did it, and the guys who stood around and did nothing...Actually, this started out the same way as it always does - with the cops lying in their initial report, indicating that everything was by the book. If not for the video, and the onlookers, it would have passed unnoticed, as it probably does lots of times.
The rioting, pillage and plunder have not resulted in death, like the actions of the cop with the “knee of death”. BTW, did you notice the murdering cop nonchalantly had his hand in his pocket? Was he manipulating his dick in some sort of weird sexual excitement while killing a black man and being the star in a snuff film?
Peaceful protest happens every time one of these incidents is found out. And what has that changed?
A lion is in the White House. Deal with it.Please don't insult lions. What did they ever do to you? T rump is not a lion. He IS a pussy and that may be the nicest name I can think of for him that fits.
That was a misspelling. Allow me to fix it:
A liar is in the White House. Deal with it.Or not and live with the cascading consequences of malicious willful ignorance.
Demonstrations continued, peacefully today until this evening, when there was some fence destruction at the local polic precinct. Cops used flash bangs along with tear gas. What could go wrong with flash bang grenades used in conjunction with flammable tear gas.
Another business in the area went up in flames. It was not known what started that fire.
Today spokespersons for the FBI investigation, said that they need more time to investigate, because some evidence that they have suggested innocence. They did not say what that evidence was.
Why should we trust the FBI? Their boss is Attorney General Bill Barr, cabin boy and personal fluffer for Donald J Trump. T rump may want to make this whole incident a focus for riling up his racist base. It takes attention from 101,000 dead from C-19, and 40 million unemployed, and it will work great for motivating MAGAheads.
Derek Chauvin was arrested earlier today and charged with 3rd degree murder.
Derek Chauvin was arrested earlier today and charged with 3rd degree murder.I find it hard to believe that any white cop could be that stupid: deliberately kneel on a submissive person's neck in plain sight of the world till he dies.
@sree some are. They are a minority, but as seen by recent events, they do exist.
T rump is not a lion. He IS a pussy
Hey, don’t insult my pink pussy cat or any of my pussy cats. He’s a wuss.
Sorry, I like cats, too. I used the word “pussy” for the consumption of the macho-oriented, chauvinistic, misogynistic posters that frequent the forums. Being that kind of “pussy” is not something they ever want to be accused of, or to have their macho-oriented heroes called.
I have always enjoyed actual pussies. It is always difficult to compare T rump with anything, as anything is unjustly defamed by such a comparison with our DOTUS. e.g., when you say the T rump is a wuss, that turns out to be a comparatively unfair defamation of wusses.
How about lower than a snake’s belly or the dotard is so low that he has to look up to a snake’s belly- that’s the dotard.
That is not offensive to anything. So yeah. Though, personally, I would tend to choose more disgusting imagery in describing the T rump.
Actions have consequences. Always. Every time. Bad actions have bad outcomes. Always. Every time. Why is it that black men who do crime think they can do a crime and just walk away? Of course its not just black men, its all criminals. This, the idea that it is somehow OK for “me” to do something bad, is the first thing that we need to change. Crime is not OK.
The second thing we need to change is the idea that it is bad for a criminal to be punished for his crime. That anyone would believe all infractions of civil rules should be forgiven if the rule breaker has a bad outcome with law enforcement is absurd. Those charged with law enforcement are given the authority to apply whatever force, including deadly force, to do their job and the discretion to apply the level of force they deem appropriate. If you resist police, as Floyd did, you will not have a good outcome.
Questions not answered, yet. Who produced the fake $20 bill? Did they search Floyd’s body, his car, his locker at work or his home for more fake bills or evidence of how the one he tried to pass was produced? Were his wife or brother or someone else in his family part of his criminal activity? The left wants to make gun makers responsible for gun violence; should we hold whoever made the fake bill responsible for Floyd’s death? Shall we just forget that Floyd’s deliberate attempt at criminal action is the reason for the subsequent events that resulted in his death?
Perhaps we should put Floyd’s picture on our $20 notes as a reminder that actions do have consequences.
Somehow many people seem to think that the appropriate way for celebrating the death of a criminal is by rioting. looting and arson.
If I had been the owner of one of the businesses attacked, I would have defended my business and I would not have used rubber bullets.
@ibleieveinlogic What? Geo Floyd was not the criminal in this case. The officers who murdered him were. Every person, guilty or not, has a right to a due process, a trial by their peers. They should never, regardless of what they are accused of, get a knee to the neck. They have the right to remain silent and a an attorney. Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Your sentence assumes he is guilty without giving him his rights and that is what this is all about. No one was celebrating a criminal’s death, because he never had trial nor was he ever proven guilty of any crimes. He was murdered, by cops, before any of that, despite being subdued. No, saying, “I can’t breathe” isn’t not being subdued. It is saying “your knee is hurting my neck cutting off my air”, not fighting arrest.
BTW, both your posts were pure racism and I’d give you a warning for it, but what would you learn from it? IMHO, you learn about others before you alone become judge and jury. No one is saying criminals should go off scott free. What people are saying is there are two systems in this country- one for whites and one for blacks and other minorities and you just showed that, because you are absolutely clueless about the protests.