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Female nudes are not automatically erotic. Nobody thinks that besides a lot of straight men with wild imaginations.

Here is a study.

Are Most Child Sex Offenders Heterosexual?

Sexual abuse and sexual orientation of child sex offenders

Most people who sexually abuse children also experience heterosexual attraction to adults. Someone who has sexual relationships with adult women may sexually abuse boys, and someone who sexually abuses children of one sex is likely to abuse children of the other sex. [5]

Are gay people more likely to be child sex offenders?

Researchers have studied the question of homosexual men being more likely to sexually abuse children, as well as the question of homosexual men being sexually attracted to boys. In a one-year period at a major child abuse center, less than 1% of the abusers who were identified were in a homosexual relationship.

Another study looked at sexual attraction to children among heterosexual and homosexual men (not everyone who is sexually attracted to children will abuse them, but there is a correlation between the two things). Researchers found that gay men were no more likely to be attracted to prepubescent boys than straight men were to be attracted to prepubescent girls.

more… Are Most Child Sex Offenders Heterosexual?

Do you believe you are contributing to a free society where individuals can live their life as they see fit, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others?
Doesn’t sound so to me. I am sure you believe you are doing the right thing, but in reality it is the wrong thing. You do not have the right to dictate anything to another person, as long as they live by common law.

Good thing I didn’t do that then. I said the history is there, including evidence of how some in history tried to suppress others. But we have improved histiography quite a bit in this last century.

And you completely ignored what I said about current attempts to cherry pick history.

No, we don’t have everyone’s literature, so we don’t have a view into everyone’s world.

Or maybe every human has the right to be treated like a human being.

You obviously didn’t read too much.

Transgender, gay, LBG, the labels doesn’t change what that little subculture has always looked like though out history.

You keep trying to ignore a simple historical, biological, sociological reality. Sure we got internet now, no more secrets and apparently you simply can’t handle it.

Please it’s never been humanized for you, why else are folks so easy to cling to hate and fear driven political agendas and slanderous dishonest narratives. I’ve live long enough to see a few real jerks for dads, see the light, when it came to losing their sons, or accepting them for who they are. Amazing what the decades and a little maturing can do to a hard ass.

It’s a compassion thing, the deviate hysterical things comes from your own heads.

Incidentally, it goes way back, I mean way back:

What do you make of them apples?

So what? Animals can also have cancer.

Why don’t you produce that evidence?

Very True.

Child molesters are dysfunctional – even if they are in heterosexual relationships. The risk of gay men doing something with boys is much higher because the gay community doesn’t have any barrier to that behavior, whereas the normal community does.

That is so wrong , it is really sad . You just argued against yourself by admitting that heterosexual men have a higher incidence of child molestation than gay men, yet you still argue that gay men have no moral barriers against child molestation.

In effect you are saying that heterosexual child rape is less of a crime than same sex rape??? That is so prejudicial it begs for correction of your ignorance.

Gay people are normal people in all respects except they are attracted to same sex, no more no less. They are far from dysfunctional and often have extraordinary insight in matters of public concern, such as blind prejudice against certain groups without having a clue why.

They make excellent and eloquent representatives of minority voices.

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Again, child molesters are dysfunctional. They aren’t strictly heterosexual. Now that I think about it, they could be on the LGBT spectrum.

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Why don’t these groups have any barriers to that sort of behavior?

The Catholic church was able to use their authority to cover up its many pedophile priests. Fortunately that is not possible anymore.

Covering up?
I imagine there’s still a bunch of covering up happening.

Like the fentanyl busted at the corned, what’s uncovered is simply the tip of the iceberg.



Although, now that you mention it, you do know that better sex education for youngsters is key to protecting them?

Probably, although there is so much distrust towards the catholic church now it will never be able to reestablish the authority it used to have.

You make them sound special.

There is so much national distrust of crazy evangelical christofacists too.

Miriam Cahn is an international paintress.

[Miriam Cahn - Wikipedia]

France has chosen this painting in an exhibit. A polemic is presently running. The painting means to represent the horrors of war for women, the difference of size symbolizing the difference of strength and power.

Many people interpret it as a pedophile painting, without any distanciation.

Honesty i would not show it to children.

[Miriam Cahn et l’invraisemblable polémique qui s’abat sur son expo à Paris - Le Temps]


Thanks for the new word of the day:

Distanciation in general refers to the stepping back or distancing of the observer or reader from an object of scrutiny . explanatory context.
NOTE: distanciation is sometimes spelled ‘distantiation’ Distanciation or estrangement allows for or facilitates a critical attitude.

Disturbing and uncomfortable and probably not what you’d want to take kids to, you got a point.
Although in art therapy, some kids can come up with art that’s every bit as disturbing, then some. That disturbing peek into their tormented inner worlds.

Art is there to help us with our demons. For me, fortunately my demons aren’t near as serious, or nasty, as what life has dished out to too many others.

Having a mother who was a teenaged refugee during a few years of WW2 Europe, I’ve been fortunate to have tasted it, distilled and once removed, but enough to leave it’s impression in my "bleeding liberal heart."

Nobody could be blamed for thinking the kneeling figure is a child. There is nothing remotely womanly about it. This kind of art is made by and for a certain type of person.