It’s not so much about questioning the evidence, and experiments, it’s about questioning your interpretation.
“doubt physical reality?”
Why ?
I can’t speak to your arguments.
Though I’ve gotten close in the past.
All I can do is speak from my experience.
My search started with trying to understand myself and the day to day reality I was embedded within. Went through the faith based phases early on. It was unsatisfactory, but using science to learn about Earth and geology and biology and humanity, that was fascinating and fun and a life long, started early on and never stopped.
I’ve been amazed how even through the shocking unexpected discovers, there was still always an internal & externally consistency and harmony that was exquisite.
Stuff like that study establishing some 15sec. lag in visual perception. At first, it’s jarring but it doesn’t take too much consideration and it becomes, why of course, how could it be any other way. Then it offer an explanation for why the trucking trick of front-door, back-door, rocking chair, with the rocking-chair drive actually being able to nap, behind the while and “safely” drive for long distances. If emergency happen, CB is on, a driver gets woke up fast, continuing at the wheel without a beat.
Though don’t be misled by headlines, it’s one study and just scratching the surface, and you can bet there will be way more nuances than you (or me, for that matter) and appreciate.
Oh and it’s not like we process visual information with a 15 sec lag, it’s more like the brain builds up a 15 sec buffer for certain monotonous portions of our vision. Your system is still keeping track in real time, after all if I suddenly threw a ball at your head, you’d be ducking in split seconds.
I find it easy to understand myself as another mammal, my body and mind the product of millions upon millions and even billions of years worth of development and pruning.
My human self-conscious mind is a produce of my body getting on with the business of living and communicating with itself. Our “consciousness” is a reflect of our body communicating with itself. (read Solms and Damasio for more)
Through that lens all those things you seem to be mystify by - have been resolved within this perspective, based on a lot of learning and thinking and living.