Does not compute.
Taking it back to the OP Awaken to reality!

My awakening was progressive.
Now that makes sense.
Awakening to what reality?
My first awakenings where in Yosemite NP. They were an awakening of my emotional, spiritual sense of connection with the natural world and the awe of the stars.
Then there was the awakening to women, it’s fun, but also some awesome spiritual stuff going on. And on many levels, and it’s also a progression until that one particular lady, that one particular night I/we literally touched the center of the universe and like in a dream an amazing girl was conceived. Seriously.
Most recently the Awakening to the profundity behind the most fundamental duality within human existence, namely the Human Mind ~ Physical Reality divide, and it’s cascading understanding that I am an evolved biological creature produced by Earth’s processes, with evolution flowing through my veins and built into my bones and that I am a filament in the flow of Earth’s Evolution and It Is Good.
I alway think I’ve arrived at the peak, but life keep happening and the depth of appreciation keeps growing, even as cognitive abilities are now starting to ebb.
We are born, grow, blossom, go to seed, and life goes on.

Color doesn’t exist in the world. Your awakening is false. … that’s just your brain creating what isn’t there.
Colors exist in the world, they are produced by specific wavelengths and can be physically measured. What you are baffled about is the process of perception. Every sense instrument, biological or manmade, is only capable of observing what is out there within the limits of its ability.
The key thought: Each creature creates a unique impression of the very real world that is out there.
Get what I’m saying, we are perceiving images, not creating realities.
Well okay, we are creating “realities” within our minds, but don’t mistake that for physical Reality.
This is were recognizing the mind ~ reality divide comes in handy.

This also sounds like another false awakening and when people awaken to realities science shows us it detracts from joy and often leads to nihilism.
I know from personal experience that this is nonsense.
Learning about the science within the thing of our lives opens up new dimensions of awareness and even spiritual challenges that match anything a mystic has come up with.
I’ll never reach you, but I’ll warn others, science (and getting to know the natural world for yourself) is the key to awareness - which might not seem as good a self-delusion, but it provides a inner solidity that endlessly groping within the dark limits of our minds can’t get close to touching.