Oh I didn’t know you set that up. I thought it was already set up.
And it’s the most oppressed. Fund their schools, their medical facilities, give them better doctors, etc, just like the rest of the nation and I bet they’d thrive. They aren’t thriving due to oppression, not due to crap you speak of.
Again, oppression, not because they can’t. Give them an education, as well as all the other advantages whites have and they do well. Your beliefs about minorities are pure BS. It’s oppression and psychological effects the oppression gives that is the cause, not some genetic difference where whites are more evolved or stupid crap like that.
Oppression does a lot of damage.
Not light years, but we are a wee bit ahead.
Nope. They are kissing the white man’s butt to get their positions they have now. Look at Barrett. She kissed butt to become a Supreme Court judge, with the promise she will obey the rich white man, in part due to her religious beliefs, but also in order to have position that is only symbolic. She’s not thinking for herself on that bench. She’s being told what to do.
The don’t actually hate it. I’m in the same position as they are, unable to get ahead because I don’t kiss butt, like Barrett does.
ROFLMAO! No you didn’t and no they no more dysfunctional than anyone else. Oppression just brings it out. You forget, my family is Black and I was married to a Black man. My ex’s problems had nothing to do with being inferior to whites and the same goes with other Black people. They issues have nothing to do with inferiority. That idea is BS and you have nothing to back it up with. I can back up the damaging psychological effect of oppression though.
It’s not a disaster in all areas of Black leadership. In fact, there are a lot of success stories, which you are overlooking.
Again, the cause is oppression. Please educate yourself before you start spewing racism.