Are whites capable of appreciating what we put colored people through?

Their situation worldwide says otherwise.

White women are light years ahead of black women. They are in the passenger seat in terms of power. You probably know that black women can’t stand it when White women try to pretend they are in the same position as them.

I grew up blacks and know they are dysfunctional. They struggle with very basic things.

Take a look at the places with black leadership and you see total disaster, so that can’t be the reason.

There’s a ton of info about this. Just look up stats on any life outcome worldwide and blacks do worse.

They do?
Blacks in Africa have lived in harmony with nature for some 2+ million years.
White people have managed to destroy the Earth’s environment in a few hundred years. So who is smarter at living in a natural environment?

And don’t give me sophistry. Facts are facts.

The First Humans

One of the earliest known humans is Homo habilis , or “handy man,” who lived about 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa. Mar 5, 2020

Living in harmony with nature is why Africans have poor health and shorter life spans.

[quote=“thatoneguy, post:24, topic:9345, full:true”]
Living in harmony with nature is why Africans have poor health and shorter life spans.
[/quote] Exactly, and that’s why the comparison is not valid.
You do know that white people live longer because they do not live a life in harmony with nature and in generally poor health, only extended by artificial medicines.
In developed countries, people are kept alive by artificial means.

By your standard the most superior organism is : The oldest single living thing on the planet is a gnarled tree clinging to rocky soil in the White Mountains of California . This Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) has withstood harsh winds, freezing temperatures and sparse rainfall for more than 5,000 years. Nov 4, 2019

Longevity has nothing to do with being “superior”.

Black people are just as intelligent as white people. Their intelligence is used in different ways.
Survival in the jungle takes as much smarts as survival in the city.

But put a white person in the jungle in Africa and they won’t survive a week.

You are woefully ignorant of ancient civilizations and accomplishments long before man lost his skin pigment to protect him from the ultraviolet radiation.

White people are more likely to develop many types of skin cancer than any other racial group. This is because they have less melanin in their skin, which gives skin its color.
Melanin provides some protection against UV light, which is a leading cause of skin cancer.

What do you know about it?

Ollie Bye
In 1492, when the Americas were discovered, a new era of European-based colonialism set fourth which eventually saw the continent control most of the World’s surface by the 1920s, after which colonies gradually gained independence until the 1990s. This video covers that journey.

Do you think the fundamental concept of “Living in harmony” with nature is some sort of joke, or to be belittled and dismissed?

Or might you imagine the concept might have ramifications beyond simply primitive societies?

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I think what oneguy means is, in the last few hundred years, white people have extracted resources from Africa, human and otherwise, and used them to destroy large sections of the rest of the earth, take Chernobyl as a prime example or the rain forests. They have sent their own to die in the largest wars, wars that didn’t improve anything, just moved lines around on a map. This is what he calls progress.


Prior to those recent centuries; black people were the first empires, they discovered agriculture, spread out over the globe and some lost that pigmentation, invented zero, the Bible, had the largest cities, while Europe was farming mud they had aqueducts and poetry and were interpreting Aristotle. The Chinese invented gun powder and had governments that weren’t run by religion. A few quirks of geography, like where animals lived that could be domesticated helped Europeans steal all of this and call it their own, even using African architects to build their plantations. And what did Europeans do with all of it? Created a monarchy system with inbreeding and forced marriage to create “alliances” and keep improving how to kill until we could blow up entire cities with one bomb.

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But, but, but, we are white and that means we are clean people!
We are the blessed people!!! …ugha…ugha…ugha, where are my inhaler?

A condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed, narrow and swell, and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.

Asthma can be minor or it can interfere with daily activities. In some cases, it may lead to a life-threatening attack.

Asthma may cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough, and wheezing. The symptoms may sometimes flare-up.

Asthma can usually be managed with rescue inhalers to treat symptoms and controller inhalers that prevent symptoms. Severe cases may require longer-acting inhalers that keep the airways open, as well as oral steroids.

Very common:
More than 3 million US cases per year.

Oh I didn’t know you set that up. I thought it was already set up.

And it’s the most oppressed. Fund their schools, their medical facilities, give them better doctors, etc, just like the rest of the nation and I bet they’d thrive. They aren’t thriving due to oppression, not due to crap you speak of.

Again, oppression, not because they can’t. Give them an education, as well as all the other advantages whites have and they do well. Your beliefs about minorities are pure BS. It’s oppression and psychological effects the oppression gives that is the cause, not some genetic difference where whites are more evolved or stupid crap like that.

Oppression does a lot of damage.

Not light years, but we are a wee bit ahead.

Nope. They are kissing the white man’s butt to get their positions they have now. Look at Barrett. She kissed butt to become a Supreme Court judge, with the promise she will obey the rich white man, in part due to her religious beliefs, but also in order to have position that is only symbolic. She’s not thinking for herself on that bench. She’s being told what to do.

The don’t actually hate it. I’m in the same position as they are, unable to get ahead because I don’t kiss butt, like Barrett does.

ROFLMAO! No you didn’t and no they no more dysfunctional than anyone else. Oppression just brings it out. You forget, my family is Black and I was married to a Black man. My ex’s problems had nothing to do with being inferior to whites and the same goes with other Black people. They issues have nothing to do with inferiority. That idea is BS and you have nothing to back it up with. I can back up the damaging psychological effect of oppression though.

It’s not a disaster in all areas of Black leadership. In fact, there are a lot of success stories, which you are overlooking.

Again, the cause is oppression. Please educate yourself before you start spewing racism.

Always amazes me when the prejudice show where it comes from. If someone labeled me, I’d be sure i knew what the label meant. Prejudice is taking a small group of people and extrapolating their characteristics to a group that has similar looks or genes. We have no idea how many blacks oneguy knew or why they were the way they were, but, to him, those childhood experiences are as good as scientific research.

Look up the diaries of plantation overlords. They were convinced their slaves were actually dumb and lazy and needed to be whipped to do any work.

Has he described anything, other than color?

I’m not sure what you mean? He says Blacks struggles because they are inferior. Let me find the exact words.

After I said Black people are not stupid or less intelligent, he said:

I could go on, but he seems to put skin colour with inferior and superior status.

Personally, I think you are dysfunctional in the English language.
It’s a relative thing you know. Very scientific !
You ought not bother your pretty little white head with that kinda stuff…!

Right. He just says, they are inferior because they are black. No other reason. Typically, racists won’t allow for inequity of statistics to demonstrate possible discrimination, but they will cherry pick stats to say it proves inferiority.

Exactly and that’s getting my goat, but he’s also inferring that it’s because they are inferior that they aren’t capable.

I was reading an opinion piece about the comments that have come out about Dwayne Haskins’ death.

That’s why fans heartlessly and disrespectfully rain down insults on sports figures during and after performances. Differentiating between humans and racehorses is too complicated a task. Pausing to place oneself in the shoes of another takes too much effort and necessitates a thought process too deep or broad.

Made me think of someone else’s shallow comments from above.

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Don’t he nail it.

How about some evidence for these ridiculous claims. You are so wrong it’s laughable.

I would have to supply about 20 links. They are simple history. Is there one that you are sure is wrong?

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Sub-Saharan Africans did not evolve in an environment that selected for high cognitive ability or complex organizational skills. They didn’t need to. We did.

The tropics are a paradise to live in but the temperate zone requires almost constant struggle for survival. Remember Darwin – organisms are shaped by their environment.