Anonymous Voting in Congress

Why isn’t there a way for Senators and Reps to vote anonymously on various bills? I know there should be transparency, but on some things it seems like it would make sense. Impeachments for example. I’ll bet if there was anonymous voting Trump would have been out in a flash.

Dang that’s a good point.

I don’t think we can have it both ways — i.e. transparency when it’s convenient and trust in democracy. At least not publicly. ?

Well when those Representatives are being threatened with death, by a bunch of off the rails lunatics, if they dare vote against their criminal treasonous führer - guess it’s time to think about making adjustments.



I agree with @thatoneguy.

Also, an elected federal official is elected for the purpose of representing a constituency. That constituency has the right to know exactly what votes are being cast on their behalf.

Unless, that is, we’re moving away from being a representative republic.

Also, an elected federal official is elected for the purpose of representing a constituency. That constituency has the right to know exactly what votes are being cast on their behalf.
They were ! The BIG LIE is that they weren't allowed. This was adjudicated in court. Now the BIG LIE is that the courts were corrupted.

The BIG LIE is the posit that the entire government is a corrupt “deep state” . But no one has offered ANY proof, other than “I heard it on the grape-vine”

Now people have died at the hands of misinformed citizenry and that’s a fact. When are we going to pay attention to a “common” invisible enemy, instead of refusing to wear a protective mask because it is a restriction of “free speech”, and that the pandemic is nothing more than a flu!

That BIG LIE has produced 450,000 deaths so far and we cannot even properly distribute available vaccines to the public . But we can tear down and defecate public buildings real good !

An informed citizenry indeed…living in an “alternate reality” TV show…!!!

The BIG LIE is that

This was adjudicated in court.

No judge or jury ever heard any evidence. The only decisions ever made were to not allow the case to be tried. Lets get our facts right.


Also, an elected federal official is elected for the purpose of representing a constituency. That constituency has the right to know exactly what votes are being cast on their behalf.
Right on! And not just at the federal level. Closed-door meetings serve only to protect the intentions of those inside the meeting.

The only power an individual has over his elected officials is his vote. The power an official has to impact the life of a voter may include any number of things up to actions by law enforcement agents. The individual vote must be anonymous.

The challenge we have is not just counting votes after ballots have been cast but ensuring that ballots are provided in accordance with law to only those who are eligible by law to vote and providing a secure process for submitting those ballots and counting the votes on those ballots. Anything less than in-person voting with verified identification at a secure location provides opportunities for errors and fraud.

The appearance of failures to ensure the integrity of ballot distribution and the voting process in several States led to claims of a false result in the 2020 election.

No judge or jury ever heard any evidence. The only decisions ever made were to not allow the case to be tried. Lets get our facts right.
And who made the decision to not allow them?


No judge or jury ever heard any evidence. The only decisions ever made were to not allow the case to be tried. Lets get our facts right.

And who made the decision to not allow them? Judges!

And why did the judges not allow them? Because there was no EVIDENCE, there were no Facts !!! You know, the fundamental basis for filing a legal grievance.!!!

Jeez, IBIL, what has happened to an “informed citizenry”? Familiarize yourself with the Laws on which this Nation’s justice rests. You are directing your inner rage at the wrong people. Do switch News channels once in awhile, to find some balance between the two extremes. Courts are not TV reality shows.

Well when those Representatives are being threatened with death, by a bunch of off the rails lunatics, if they dare vote against their criminal treasonous führer – guess it’s time to think about making adjustments.
The possibility of assassination comes with the territory of being a public official. Democratic principals must not be violated so politicians might engage in undemocratic behavior without scrutiny.
The possibility of assassination comes with the territory of being a public official. Democratic principals must not be violated so politicians might engage in undemocratic behavior without scrutiny.
Politicians should never be elected to office without public scrutiny. That's called an "informed citizenry". You get what you vote for.

George Carlin put this in plain terms. Warning , crude language.




An informed citizenry indeed…… in an “alternate reality” TV show…!!!
Nope. An informed and engaged citizenry is the recipe for rational sane democracy. Following recipes is an altogether different story.


I tried finding a fascinating article from a few years ago about the decline in participatory clubs and boards, where Officers are elected, with bi-laws and such, following Roberts Rules of Order. You know actually participating in governing, even if your organization is stamp collecting. Today, a frighteningly small percentage of citizens actually practiced governing.

That’s before we even get into appreciate the truthful reality of what scientists have to share with us.

and so and so forth.

Nope. An informed and engaged citizenry is the recipe for rational sane democracy. Following recipes is an altogether different story.
Sorry if I didn't make that clear was intended to be a sarcastic statement.....

I’m not sure I want to watch that. I grew up with George Carlin, hippy dippy weatherman, he was my guy in da day. But he got too angry and cynical and seems to me some of his later routines, man they make ya just want to give up, toss in the towel, and jump off the cliff. It’s sad for me to watch, I can understand, and the pain and hurt behind it and inside of that man. But making people feel hopeless about participating, that just ain’t right in my book.

And maybe I’m wrong, maybe I miss Carlin’s “Don Rickles’ Moment” - before going off stage and he’d tell everyone he was just kidding and we should all love one another. {made me want to slap him upside the head. but that’s just me}

Share a clip of him trying trying to get people to engage in a positive way. I’m open to new evidence, but doubt it’s in that video. Then again surprise me with a…

At this point me thinks, poop I'd watch it, if I'm going to make such a big deal about it.  I started listening, about a minute in I deleted the above and I thought, okay shut up and listen.  At 1:45 I hit command-Z. because that was exactly what enrages me.  Rather than appreciating that that is exactly what the powers that be, F'n well wanted them to do.  Yup, get so self-satisfied and pure, too pure to even vote.  That really sucks.  It's really curious listen to that audience listen to his words and eating it up, never appreciating what it said about they themselves.

AFTER ALL, THE SIMPLE REALITY IS YOUR VOTE IS ONLY F'N TIME YOUR OPINION MATTERS TO THE POWERS THAT BE,  no matter how much you blab the rest of time.  This is the game, it's the only game in town.  And the f'n disgusting message of giving up on it because you're too pure and good to dirty your hands with the stink of politics, and it's exactly what allowed a transparent narcissist crook that hated our government to take it over.


Like the meat lovers who get revolved at the thought of actually cutting up a carcass.  Listening to that audience, lordie, lordie, such shallow minds we have created.


just an aside.   ;-)


Sorry, that was more than you asked for. But he’s another example of a onetime hero who left me feeling betrayed, well in his case more disgusted than betrayed.

Still so much of our problems today goes back to that idiotically conceit of being too good to waste your time on paying attention and voting.

I agree with @thatoneguy.

Also, an elected federal official is elected for the purpose of representing a constituency. That constituency has the right to know exactly what votes are being cast on their behalf.

Unless, that is, we’re moving away from being a representative republic.

Unless those votes are coerced, for example by a nitwit with a megaphone/twitter account who can easily shame someone or worse. I don’t think anonymous voting should be the rule, but should be allowed in exceptional cases, like during an impeachment.


Plot twist: Democracy fails not because of corrupt politicians but because most citizens don’t really want it. Democracy is simply forced on many people. ?

You’re a funny guy.

Guess the concepts of Democracy really are foreign notions to you folks.

People want it, but are too lazy to do anything to protect it from the ME FIRST totalitarians with the deep pockets. The sociopathic masters of the universe who aren’t happy with just 88% of everything, they are demanding it all.

The same one’s that have been playing the alt-right cult of frustrated angry losers like a fiddle.