@sree. I am still waiting for @citizenschallengev3 to engage me on the topic of the culinary arts.
Lordie, lordie you are a card.
May 4, 2020
Humanist reflects on his path to a "respectable mastery" in culinary arts. 1 of 4
May 5, 2020
Humanist reflects on his path to a “respectable mastery” in culinary arts. 2 of 4
whatsupwiththatwatts.blogspot - com/2020/05/humanists-path-culinary-arts-2-4 html
May 7, 2020
Humanist reflects on his path to a “respectable mastery” in culinary arts. 3 of 4
whatsupwiththatwatts.blogspot - com/2020/05/humanists-path-culinary-arts-3-4 html
May 9, 2020
Humanist reflects on his path to a “respectable mastery” in culinary arts. 4 of 4
whatsupwiththatwatts.blogspot - com/2020/05/humanists-path-culinary-arts-4-4 html
It’s your turn to do some engaging. We never got pass yo mama taking you to the bestest restaurants in the bestest city in world and only getting the finest on the ever so fine menus. Then it was crickets from da big shot. Leaving the distinct impression you never actually worked within a kitchen, or front of house for that matter.
So sree, what you want to engage about? Spit it out already.
A comment on Bank of America/Countrywide’s discriminatory mortgage lending and its implications for racial segregation
Report • By Richard Rothstein • January 23, 2012
It’s July 4. I just had a barbecue dinner in my back garden (after watching Trump’s salute to America) and the air is filled with sounds of fireworks going off everywhere. We are happy.
Yeah, this was the best 4 of July I’ve seen in a long time. Cancelling all the usual celebrations forced people to improvise and enjoy what they have.
Money will open doors for anybody, but there’s that old saying “a black person with money is still black” (“black person” is not the usual term). Race does matter in this way.
A little off topic, but this made me think of caste in India and how that is tied into skin color. While Indians are all pretty much the same “race” their complexions can vary a lot with the lowest caste people being darkest, and the high caste are lightest. This is how it is around the world.
While Indians are all pretty much the same “race” their complexions can vary a lot with the lowest caste people being darkest, and the high caste are lightest.
Hey. Look into this, willya. Find out if there has been genetic work done to determine the types of inbreeding levels that the lighter skinned Indians share with Neanderthals and Denisovians vs those levels in the darker skinned Indians.
It’s your turn to do some engaging. We never got pass yo mama taking you to the bestest restaurants in the bestest city in world and only getting the finest on the ever so fine menus. Then it was crickets from da big shot. Leaving the distinct impression you never actually worked within a kitchen, or front of house for that matter.
So sree, what you want to engage about? Spit it out already.
No, I never worked in a restaurant - front or back - for a living. Neither had I worked on a farm nor went out to sea to forage for the best ingredients the cooks need to turn out a dish fit for a king. I am a connoisseur. I am the guy the chefs strive to please. Mine is an attitude better suited to times of indulgence than ones of moral rectitude which is where you come in. An opulent 3 Michelin star eatery would fill you with hate. You are better off running soup kitchens for the needy.
A little off topic, but this made me think of caste in India and how that is tied into skin color. While Indians are all pretty much the same “race” their complexions can vary a lot with the lowest caste people being darkest, and the high caste are lightest. This is how it is around the world.
Yeah, even in America black girls whiten their skins and straighten their hair even though looking naturally black is much more attractive. And if they absolutely hate their frizzy hair, they could wrap it up with Kente cloth to look as stunning as Ilham Omar. Feeling low caste as a black in America has nothing to do with white supremacy. It's low self-esteem, and they can thank Nancy Pelosi and her "dear white people" for that.
Feeling low caste as a black in America has nothing to do with white supremacy. It’s low self-esteem, and they can thank Nancy Pelosi and her “dear white people” for that.
That feeling was brought on by society, which is White Supremacy. You have no idea what it’s like to be black or what it’s like to be part of a black family. Pelosi had nothing to do with it. The dotard is the one making things worse and he needs to be removed from office for his crimes. You can thank the Repugs for aiding and abiding murderous criminals- the dotard and his cronies.
Your mental blocks are so obvious. You keep showing them with statements like this. If you would let go of your anger, you might be able to hear your own thoughts. You know there is something wrong, but when you start looking at it, it's complicated, and you don't like the part you have played and your family has played, so you take an easy way out, blame them for their own problems.
They are not mental blocks. The reason is because looking for excuses for not dealing with a tough situation is not my caste ethic.
You keep showing them with statements like this. If you would let go of your anger, you might be able to hear your own thoughts.
What anger? I am not a social activist.
You know there is something wrong, but when you start looking at it, it’s complicated, and you don’t like the part you have played and your family has played, so you take an easy way out, blame them for their own problems.
Yes, I do know that there is something wrong and I have been looking at it since forever. I agree, it is complicated. I don't know why science, by now, has not found a way for us to live in harmony in a society flowing with milk and honey for everyone. Blaming myself personally and my family for something wrong with the world is similar to the acceptance of original sin. You need to deal with the complication - step by step - like a diligent scientist without fudging and jumping to conclusions. Let's find out where an honest inquiry leads.
mriana said; You know @sree no one in the Star Trek universe like the Ferengi. On top of it all, all Quack thinks about is getting gold press latinum. That’s not a life.
It good old Capitalism and in the end all the people in the US will look and behave like Ferengis. That's the future, folks...
Yeah, even in America black girls whiten their skins and straighten their hair even though looking naturally black is much more attractive. And if they absolutely hate their frizzy hair, they could wrap it up with Kente cloth to look as stunning as Ilham Omar. Feeling low caste as a black in America has nothing to do with white supremacy. It’s low self-esteem, and they can thank Nancy Pelosi and her “dear white people” for that.
I don’t know where you get that idea, just interacting with black women for a short time shows they think very highly of themselves.
Something deeper is going on.
That idea came from Isabel Wilkerson who wrote the article for this topic. Even with a net worth of $19 million, she feels low caste in white America. Something is indeed going on.
Even my older son says due to the idea that white is somehow better, which we don’t think it is better, but because of that, black girls and women are always doing things that damage their hair to make it like white hair. Society has imposed the idea that white hair is better from the day they go to school. My thing is, if dark skin isn’t so great, why do white people always try to get skin cancer every summer by laying out in the sun for that beautiful tan?
Even my older son says due to the idea that white is somehow better, which we don’t think it is better, but because of that, black girls and women are always doing things that damage their hair to make it like white hair. Society has imposed the idea that white hair is better from the day they go to school.
Society didn't impose anything on anybody. The whole idea of female beauty - female sexual attractiveness - was invented by white society in Europe. And later, we have the American movie stars like Ava Gardner, Rita Hayword, Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot, Elizabeth Taylor - all white women. Do you know who created Marilyn Monroe? Homosexuals, gay men, those make up artists and hair stylists of New York. Gay guys know what men like. My mom, who later wrote for The New York Times (lifestyle section) was in the fashion business as creative director choosing the faces for Revlon back then, told me that. Women of all cultures all over the world imposed on themselves this white idea of female beauty.