Censorship exists here in the US as well - I have been trying to get the following published with no luck
Dear Editor:
In recent days we have been bombarded with the news of the New King’s Coronation in England
For the life of me, I do not get it. What have these people done to deserve this praise, fan following and all these accolades? They were born in the right family! That’s it! That is their biggest achievement! We have soldiers and policemen and women giving their blood and bodies to their country, some of them ending up begging in the streets but these people get to live a life of ease & comfort? Sure, those born in a rich family get that life as well but they don’t get this praise or accolades, nor do they get to sponge off the tax-payer! And it is the latter that I have a problem with
Because that IS how Caste works - a person is praised or derided, given a higher or lower ranking based on birth! Nothing else! Not what they have done with their lives, what they had achieved! None of that matters!
And Caste is universally derided! There are thousands of articles in India written by Hindus, as well as others, deriding caste as the evil that it is. There have been movies, TV show episodes, books written that have highlighted this as a problem and needs to be eradicated. Caste has no place in the 21st century!
And here, to my surprise, I see Caste - but it is being given another name - Royalty! And amazingly, that’s all it takes it seems for our morals and values to change, to do a 180 degree turn! From derision and mockery to singing high praises! Take Caste, add a dash of white skin and give it a different name and presto! the anger and derision is gone! In its place we get fan worship and accolades!
Just like Caste, Royalty has no place in the 21st century. Neither the US nor India have these Royals, nor does the vast majority of humanity. Only a few countries still cling to this archaic medieval system - these Royals have no real power in the modern world - they are vestiges of ancient times, still sticking around because of the blindness of their people and the lack of pushback from the educated, intellectuals and the media
We see the same thing with other issues as well - Putin says, “Believe in me, blindly Support me and be rewarded or else!”
And many have blindly supported him and have done extremely well
We mock them as evil people, selling their souls for a few silver nickels
And those that did not find themselves dropping out of high-rise buildings!
But change the name Putin to God and repeat the very same words and now we get “Praise the Lord!”
Those that blindly support are told they will be rewarded with Heaven
And those that do not will burn in hell!
Morals, values, who we are as people does not matter - all that matters is whom we blindly support
Are we this easy? Yes we are!
Our morals and values that easily dropped! We are this easily brainwashed!