Adam Schiff nails GOP for indifference to attack on America

Capitalism is not stealing from the workers. All labor is under contract, written or not. It is the law.

And who makes the law? You are hopeless. Show me how a worker has any say about what happens with the profits.

Who makes the laws? Let say who makes the Labor Laws. They can be made by the cities, counties, states, churches, governments and workers themselves.

In London the steam engine made possible the saw mills. But the Labor Unions who used two men and a saw blade outlawed the use of sawmills for years in London. Now, they did not own the companies, but you could say the had some control over the companies.

The longshoremen in Russia, Spain, Mexico, State of Deseret, the American State of California and at last California. Basically, the Longshore Union in California was able to stay together even as the land changed governments many times. Then got laws written with the United States of America. These laws are known as the Longshore Act and the Jones Act. The railroad and ironworkers are also unions that have done quite well for its members. And the Railroad Act is quite well known.

The point being is the labor laws have been around longer than many of our states.

This is quite simple. What is the most valuable item in most companies? The workers of course. Can the company own the worker? No. So, the most valuable of the company is not owned by the company? Think about it.

Sharecropping laws are the only labor laws that allow the workers to work for profit. In North America just about all labor is for money by the hour. But in Mexico and Central America labor is by the task. We do allow piece work contracts and sales contracts. But they still must meet certain dollar by the hour laws.

Now you and I both know that some workers get profit sharing. But that is on top of the standard wage. Basically, when the hour is done, or the sale is made the worker gets paid. Profit is not part of the labor laws.

You are either an employer or an employee by law. Everyone who does not qualify as an employer will default by law to an employee by the IRS code.

When you boil it down. Profits have nothing to do with labor or employees. But companies will give employees part of the profit or cars, meals, pay for babysitting. Just all kinds of items. But any way you turn this, the profit really has nothing to do with the worker. If it did, what if it was negative profit. That would not be good.

Tim, you are looking at the facts that you see and deal with in today’s world. The difference is I look at a bigger picture in time. No different than the Climate Change going on today. You no doubt see Climate Change every where you look. But again, I look at the long time and I don’t see much Climate Change. I see mostly cycles that have been going on for a long time with added smog and trash. And I follow the 3% of Climate Change man has added. I just don’t understand how people think that all of Mother Nature is Climate Change.

You see the economy as in great shape right now. And POTUS says its good. What do you want POTUS to say? That we are in terrible shape. Yes, as a matter of fact we are in terrible shape. What part of the national debt don’t you understand? We are expected to be upside down 1.4T this year. 700B caused by ACA alone. There has been an economic war going on now for five decades. And we have won and kicked butt for five decades. Now the EU is not helping us because Germany want to take our place. If the dollar falls. You’re probably looking at three-fours of the colleges and universities closing. The housing market crashing followed by the stock market. Our medical doctors will be leaving to Asia to work as the hospitals will be closing here anyway.

In many countries the workers have little or no value. And that will happen here. Harry D. White had a meeting with Germany just before America got involved in WWII. It was about how much America was going to help Europe after the war. And they want to start setting up the banking with Mark being the only safe-haven currency in the world. After the war, America could take a sheet of paper and give it the value of gold. Today there is $80T in money in the world and $1.5T of that is the dollar. And the only one that has really counted for a long time is the dollar.

When Trump said, “Make America Great Again”. He was not talking about nationalist. He was talking about in the global power that included the safe-haven currency. That’s why the trade agreements had to be redone. The value of the workers is based upon the supply and demand of the workers. Slowing illegal immigration adds value to our workers.

Trump says he is going to make the Republican Party, the party of health care. So far, Trump has one of the best records ever of trying to keep his promises. This will be interesting to see what he has in mind.

I think what is going on here is that President Trump knows he must stop the increasing of the national debt. And he is not going to be able to do that without fixing or changing Obamacare. So, making the Republican Party the party of health care may be the only way the President sees to stop the national debt from increasing.

If he does nothing. The dollar will fall, and the renminbi will become the safe-haven currency of the world. The dollars will be coming back to America. The America debt is also the debt of the US dollar. And vast American debt reduces the value of the dollar. This hurts the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. The dollar is known as an international currency. Today the rest of the world has lost faith in the dollar and are trying to find a replacement with new global currencies, digital money and petrocurrency.

The crash of the dollar to the renminbi will cause the US to go into a depression that will last at least two decades. And all entitlements will have to be cut, including retirements. Under the laws that are on the books today. The government can take your funds from your bank if needed. And that will most likely be needed. The golden age of the dollar will be forever over for the American people. And America will be lucky to stay a first-world country because globalization has made it possible for our methods of wealth to easily be moved to other countries.

My point being. The dollar has not been a currency backed by gold for a long time now. The world is using the dollar because America is a country operating under a constitution of laws and morals. If we don’t drain the swamp soon, that will all be changed. The fate of costly entitlements like health care rests with the events of the dollar as it relates to our national debt.

My second point. The progressive movement is a driving force in today’s political beliefs. As in the progressive movement of the Weimar democracy. In the first three years of the Nazi regime many lawyers, 32% of teachers, and 45% of physicians joined the Nazi party in order to advance their careers. All the journalist had succumbed to the progressive movement. Does that remind you of anywhere today?

For thousands of years now, history tells us how to operate governments and civilizations. And the root of our problems today are the same greed and caste problems that have destroyed many countries and civilizations throughout history. All one needs to look at is what our progressive founding fathers did in setting up America. The one thing that they were working on that never got finished was the moral system. The moral system is what controls the greed and caste problems we are having today.

My third point. Trump has done several things to help strengthen the dollar that have not been recognized by the public. And he is taking steps to help stop the greed and caste troubles. Which again the public is unaware of the problem or the fixes. He has done these items at political costs to him and his campaign. I am thinking he is hoping to realize the rewards in his second term from the actions he is taking today.

Obamacare and beyond

Obamacare will be coming on the radar a lot more this coming year. Here are my viewpoints on the subject.

Obamacare was enacted in 2010 as the federal takeover of the delivery of health care.

The core was that every person in the US had to purchase health insurance. That is called the individual mandate.

Then the Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that Congress does not have the power to force the public to purchase an insurance. The individual mandate was ruled unconstitutional.

But the Supreme Court allowed Congress to tax you if you do not purchase the individual mandate.

The Democratic Congress made Obamacare a tax and not a health care system under the laws of America. And America had one of the biggest tax increases in our history.

Obamacare was a mandate that if you did not buy health insurance, the government would tax you for not buying health insurance.

In 2016 the Republicans took control of congress.

In 2017 congress enacted Trump’s tax reform which removed the Obamacare tax.

A couple months back a Texas Judge said Obamacare should not exist without the taxing ability. Because the taxing authority had been voted out of law. Obamacare was no longer a legal tax, Obamacare itself was now unconstitutional. The government should not be spending money on a tax system when the tax no longer exists. Obamacare is considered above the law.

So, is Obamacare unconstitutional if it is not a legal health care system and not a legal tax system. The Texas case is making its way to the Supreme Court now.

The Democrats today are putting the spin on Obamacare that Trump should not shut down Obamacare unless he has something to replace Obamacare with. It is congress’s job to pass the laws. Not Trumps. Trump should not allow unconstitutional programs to operate in a county built on the laws of the constitution.

The DOJ is not defending the Obamacare, because it is not legal. Which makes sense because the Supreme Court in 2012 rule Obamacare as an item that people were forced to purchase, and therefore was unconstitutional. And the DOJ cannot defend Obamacare as a tax. Because that tax no longer exists.

Obamacare was a Democratic program that was forced into operation by political power and not by constitutional laws.

So, the House run Congress has hired attorneys at taxpayers’ expense to defend Obamacare, which is a tax system without a tax. The Democratic ruled House is financing with taxpayer’s dollars a system that in 2012 was ruled to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

Basically, the Democratic controlled House wants to enforce unconstitutional laws. And is spending taxpayer’s money to fight to do so. The Democrats should be defenders of the constitution and it is their job to make sure all our laws are constitutional.

We really need to drain the swamp.

What the Democrats have done is give Trump an unconstitutional program to manage, that has 21M citizens enrolled and the Democrats have told the public that they will be covered on pre-existing medical problems.

No president should take America down the path of being a country without laws. And the two parties in Congress will not fix the Democratic screw up. Should Trump ignore the constitution and allow the country to operate outside of the laws of the constitution? We know what most presidents would do just that because it is the easiest method for them. But I think Trump is a much better president than most.

Again, Trump is right. We need to drain the swamp.

We should not allow our congress to implement unconstitutional laws for the purpose of buying votes. What if the Republicans said they would have the government pay everyone’s debt? That would get votes. Say that the doors to America are open. That would get votes. Say that education is free. That would get votes. Say that everyone is entitled to a free government check every month. That would get votes. Say that everyone is entitled to free medical. That would get votes. You get the idea; each party would just be trying up one on the other party.

The cost of Obamacare. Obama said Obamacare would cost the taxpayers $940B over ten years. It is already costing taxpayers $700B a year right now and still rising. Trump has been trying to hold down the costs of Obamacare. The Democrats are claiming he is sabotaging Obamacare by not pumping in more money. Illegal aliens are costing Obamacare $18.5B a year right now and that is also on the rise.

Where is the government getting all this money to pay for Obamacare? The government is barrowing the money. The national debt is up to $22T now. In 2016 the deficit debt increase was $590B and last year it rose to $1.4T. And a huge part of that debt is Obamacare. Obama added over $9T to the national debt. And his health care programs are still running up the debt today.

Let’s say you live in another country and need a coronary bypass surgery. Go to America and have Obamacare pay the $40K for the surgery. And the government will pay $80K a year to house and take care of you while you are here. Then you can go back to your country and owe nothing. The US taxpayers will have barrowed $200K to pay for your needs. Americans today are paying $500B interest a year on the public debt.

On top of all of this, is the rise in Americans health and mental problems. What use to be an issue with the aged is now a problem with the young. High blood pressure problems and mental health problems are rising fast with kids in the age group under 16 even.

The first steps are to have a moral country. And we cannot have a moral county without a moral government. We must start by draining the swamp in DC and on the State and local levels.

Bernie, being the communist he is, says that free health care is a right. A right of the people. He is wrong, it is an entitlement at best. America and other countries around the world use to say the same thing about clean air and water. And then we found out that is not true.

Tim, my viewpoint as to why we differ on many items.

My interest was in the oil and gas explorations contracts in Eastern Ukraine and the Black Sea. The Ukraine is the 28th largest gas export in the world.

Easter Ukraine has never been drilled and American companies were dying to drill there because the geologist reports are very promising for major finds.

This needed to be known because of the decisions that had to be made about the Kurds. The Kurdish area and people were divided up after WWII and are now part of Iran, Turkey and Syria. With the biggest part in Iraq. Turkey has the great Kurdish farm land and doesn’t want to give that up. America has the Incirlik base in Turkey that would have to be given up if the US backed Kurds start nationalizing eastern Turkey.

The oilfields in Syria were now under the control of the Kurdish military. Now this is interesting because the Kurds don’t have a country and the US has created and built a military for the Kurds. This was payback for Iraq stabbing us in the back and dealing with China. Iraq put the Iraqi oil at risk of going to China.

When we created the Kurdish military and let the Kurds fight for oil fields in Syria. Russia stepped into the picture. America is trying to stabilize the oil going to Europe and the Kurds have one third of the oil produced in Iraq and the pipeline going right to Europe. Without the Kurdish oil, Europe is depending on Russian oil and North Sea oil.

Simply put, we are building a backup supply of oil for Europe incase Russia closes its pipeline.

Plan B - use the fear of Climate Change to build a backup energy supply. That is very costly and politically needs more taxes. Thus, the carbon tax.

Plan C – let Israel take over and develop the Mediterranean Palestinian gas fields and ship gas to Europe. Plan D - establish the possible oil and gas of eastern Ukraine.

Where is Europe on all of this. Well, they took in the Syrian refugees, and screwed that up.

Plan C is up and running now, thanks to America and Israel.

European people are sold on Futurism clean unlimited energy, powered by deuterium, tritium and lithium. In other words, endless clean energy.

In 2017 the UK started it Ambitious fusion reactor which is plasma energy.

In 2017 Europe claimed they were just one step away from having an endless supply of energy all figured out.

Europe’s plan B was a carbon tax and they started pushing that in America and politically because it seemed like a good idea to them for America to tax Americans about $2,500 per year and give it to Europe to control.

Then Trump came alone and said, that was not really the path America should take. And he sent the signal by NATO that he was serious, and this was just not going to be another political chest game.

While America was busy spending tax dollars to secure Europe’s energy supply. Europe was closing its coal production. Basically, they thought Hillary was going to win and Plan B, the carbon tax was a sure thing.

The UK is on the Tokamak pathway for energy.

The EU as of January was 100 percent sure Futurism is working. And are excided about China’s results with the new artificial sun program that they claim will be up and running this year. If the EU can’t get its systems working, then they can let China built and operate artificial suns in the EU.

So, how far should America go on creating the Kurds their own country. Note the Kurds are Christians and Iraq is not.

These are items I watch unfold in the news today.

Now that I have given you an idea of what I make my decision on. Let’s go back to in time to Hillary and Ukraine. We had Condoleezza Rice passing the job off to Hillary.

So, what was Hillary’s job in the Ukraine? Secure Plan D for the EU.

The key figure would be David Kramer a member of the Ukraine Today media organization’s International Supervisory Council. Kramer was Senator John McCain aide and brings all the players together.

Chernobyl had made the Ukraine a political hotspot because a lot of tax dollars were being spent on Chernobyl. Tax dollars mean contracts. Contracts mean Washington lobbyists and lawyers like Paul Manafort showing up in areas of the world where the tax dollars are being spent.

And remember BuzzFeed’s Ken Bensinger obtained the Trump dossier from David Kramer who was responsible for the Ukraine. And it is Kramer working on Russian policy and the Minsk cease-fire agreement signed in 2015.

What I am getting at is that the players against Trump in the FBI, CIA, DOJ and congress were all involved in Ukraine.

Which is what they were supposed to do to get Plan D for the EU put together.

But it is looking like Hillary also set up Ukraine to help her in the 2016 presidential run. No big surprise, and I don’t think anyone would put that past Bill and Hillary. And all that would be buried in old history if it were not for the Ukraine war.

Hillary got the Russian backed Yanukovych out of office by creating a revolution. The problem was Hillary was replaced because of Benghazi and was not there for the new government and new president Poroshenko.

Poroshenko was Ukraine’s media king and billionaire. Note Kramer’s involvement with the media. The problem was a law of the new government called the “On the principles of the state language policy”. This cause the breakaway of parts of Eastern Ukraine.

We don’t know what happen in the Ukraine, but whatever it was caused the players of several departments of government to break the laws of the constitution, lie to congress and judges to make sure Hillary was in office.

The steps that were taken go way beyond the actions of loyalists. And the missing Strzok emails we found out were not even being looked for. Why look for something you are helping coverup? What the hell went on in the Ukraine?

Mike, do you have one those boards with newspaper clippings and lots of yarn connecting them somewhere in your shed?

What were you doing in my shed?

Nobody every asks the why questions. Example. Why were we trying to take care of the EU energy problem? If the dollar fell. And Russia cut the oil and gas to the EU. Do the math. The EU would be buying from Venezuela causing the oil to reach 300 to 400 dollars per barrel. With the dollar only worth $0.15 of today’s dollar. Everything would be more costly for us. Just guessing a $20 per gallon gas price here. It was like we were trying to create this crash. By stopping the pipelines and drilling. Look at the first things our President did. Open the drilling and allow the pipelines. Stopping the Ukraine fighting. Trying to get alone with Russia. The more trade with Russia the less likely the oil will shut off. In 2014 Russia stop the gas going to Ukraine. That was a problem, remember. The drilling needs to take place in eastern Ukraine and the Kurds need their country established. This year should be interesting with the China sun project. That could change everything. Is the UK going to get the Tokamak energy system running?

The EU and the US put our future in the science of new developing technology. As the EU was counting on Futurism energy both of us were told the wind and solar would be enough for us until the fusion was producing. No fusion yet today and without the actions of our President we would be at risk of losing our system of wealth. Today we are much better off thanks to Trump.

That my view points Tim. And that is why we differ so much on our thinking. Got to run and help a neighbor. You have a good day.

wow a M Yohe philibuster.

Yohe: “…When you boil it down. Profits have nothing to do with labor or employees. But companies will give employees part of the profit or cars, meals, pay for babysitting. Just all kinds of items. But any way you turn this, the profit really has nothing to do with the worker. If it did, what if it was negative profit. That would not be good.”

TimB: "If an employer loses money, typically the worker loses their job. This happens whether there is profit sharing or not. (Profit sharing is, by far, the exception, anyway. It is rare.) The point being that, on the whole, is that profits SHOULD have something to do with employees. The fact that profits go mostly exclusively to the owner and CEO types, is the reason that, for decades, production has been going up and up and up and wealth for the wealthy owners and employers has been going up and up and up, while the working class wealth has stayed the same.

You don’t see this as an exploitation of laborers, but it is. And the resultant disparity of wealth, that has resulted and which continues to grow, has negative repercussions for our country.


reply to M Yohe post #298662:

1st in regard to your climate change denial: We have global temp rise, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, glacial retreats, decreased snow cover, sea level rise, declining amount of Arctic ice, increase in record high temperatures, increase in intense rainfalls, ocean acidification, dying off of our coral reefs. All this in conjunction with an atmospheric CO2 rise since the mid 20th century, that is now the highest in, at least, 400,000 years. So it’s VERY VERY probably not just a long term cyclic event.

Next. I said the economy is going great guns. I am referring to various positive economic indicators. This does not mean that I have no concerns about our economy. It is our current POTUS who said that our economy may be the best ever. You belie our current POTUS when you say our economy is in terrible shape. You also say that 1/2 of our national debt is due to the ACA. Show your proof on that one.

Your flight of thought on the value of the dollar, and then saying that “make America Great Again” is not about nationalism, but rather about keeping the dollar strong was difficult to follow. And I wonder why our current POTUS has not said that “make America Great Again” is about protecting the dollar, if that was his primary intention.

Trump’s lie about the repubs are going to be the party of great health care, is one of his biggest lies. His transparent con, of saying that the secret plan for great healthcare, will be revealed AFTER he is re-elected and AFTER the repubs retake the House. Why do you think no one ever gave Wimpy a burger when he said “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”?

I don’t recall our current POTUS justifying any of his BS by saying it is about keeping the dollar strong. Yet you declare that that is what it’s all about. Your apologies for our current POTUS seem to be boundless.

Next you compare our current US progressives to Germans in the 1st few years of Nazi power in Germany, prior to WWII. Again, your mindset is in opposite-world.

Finally, for this post, you again say that our current POTUS is doing all sorts of things to support the dollar. But that he is doing it without almost anyone knowing about it. And that he is doing it to his own detriment.

That is a big pill of bullcrap to swallow. Our current POTUS is the first to toot his own horn. He does not purposely do things that are a detriment to himself. He lies and cheats, and always has, in order to make himself look better than he is. He can’t help it. It is part of his character.




reply to post 298663

The repubs tried many dozens of times to kill the ACA. Even when they controlled the presidency AND both houses of congress, they could not kill it, despite many dozen attempts. So they did an end-around and killed only the individual mandate, for the explicit purpose of getting the Supreme Court to kill it.

But the Supreme Court has not yet declared it to be unconstitutional. It may be declared unconstitutional as the repubs have finagled another partisan Supreme Court Justice, but not yet. Thus it is still a law. The job of the executive branch is to enforce the law. Our current POTUS has done the opposite. He has undermined and attempted to have the law killed off.

IF/When it is killed off by Supreme Court decree, it will be gone. It will be gone due to the ceaseless attempts by repubs and our current POTUS. No replacement. Our current POTUS promised that it would be replaced by something better. Is a lot of people dying and going broke better? Because that will be the results of the nothing replacement. And we will never see the secret plan for great wonderful healthcare that our current POTUS has and is promising. This is because he is a liar. There is no great wonderful secret plan for healthcare.

Again, the Supreme Court decides if a law is unconstitutional. It is not unconstitutional because the executive branch interprets it to be unconstitutional. So until the Supreme Court, declares it so, it is still a law. The executive branch is not to make that call. The executive branch is to enforce that law. Yet, in your opposite world mindset, our current POTUS is supporting our “sacred” laws, when he is, himself, unlawfully deciding that the law is unconstitutional, so as to excuse undermining that law. Not his call.

Next, you dare to say “drain the swamp” when our current post has ushered in the swampiest of administrations. Corruption, lack of ethics, and even some criminal behavior abounds. Not to mention a high number of appointees who are simply stooges for our current POTUS, even in positions that have traditionally been non-partisan.

Your claim that foreigners can come to the US, get ACA coverage, and a heart bypass and housing, then go home without paying, IS A VERY BIG FAT LIE. Visitors are not eligible to apply for ACA coverage. What other lies are you slipping in, that I haven’t caught?

That is enuf for now. I can only confront so much BS at a time.


Reply to end of post 298663

You mention the rising incidence of chronic illnesses like high BP, I would add type 2 diabetes. These could be decreased by strong supportive promotion of lifestyle changes. Our current for profit sickness care industry will not do this. They have no interest in dealing with long term health issues. They are about their bottom line NOW. They typically will not have the same consumer but for 2 or 3 years, if that. This is another reason that we would be better off with a universal single payer non profit healthcare system.

Next you call Bernie Sanders “Communist Bernie”. This would be like saying “Neo-Nazi Donald Trump”. Hyperbole is just another way of lying. Bernie calls for universal healthcare, not, as you say “free” healthcare. But low cost, effective healthcare SHOULD be a right in our society. You may want it to be just a privilege for the wealthiest among us. But without it, life can often be cut short. So in your eyes, are the rich more deserving of life than the poor? What happened to “All lives matter.”? Or is that slogan only valid when discounting whether “Black lives matter”?


reply to post 298664 (oh dear god, this futile exercise is almost enuf to make one religious)

All that post is beyond my knowledge. And I am not inclined to try to fact check it. But considering your tendency to make mis-statements elsewhere, I would suggest caution for anyone who might tend toward taking it at face value.

Reply to post 298669

Again, if as you theorize, most of out current POTUS’s actions are, and have been, about upholding the value of the dollar, how is it we have not heard about this from him? Isn’t it more likely that this is just a comfortable justification that you have conceived of? It is hard for me to believe that our current POTUS even has the focus and motivation to come up with and carry out that complex of an endeavor. Remember, he doesn’t even like to read, except maybe his own tweets.

Re: energy. Wind and solar are the top preference for now. We need to invest in their expansion and create jobs in those areas. We can’t rely on whether fusion will be viable in the next 10 or 20 years. It may always be 10 or 20 years away. If expanding clean renewables is not sufficient, we are now, and can reluctantly continue to supplement with gas. If truly instead of falsely *clean coal is available, we could even supplement with that. If we must continue to supplement with oil, then oil companies should pay the true cost of the damage they have done and are doing to our world.

*there appears to be a way to capture CO2 and turn it into baking soda in the use of coal. Seriously. A plant in India has allegedly been doing it for a couple of years now.

I thought of another good thing that has happened under our current POTUS admin. A wee bit of prison reform, allowing some non-violent offenders, who had been excessively punished to be set free. That’s a start. The effort was lead by Jared. Perhaps he identifies with non-violent criminals.

I looked up the national debt. It is actually >$22Trillion. It went up on ave. slightly over $1 Trillion per year with Obama. It has gone up almost $1 Trillion per year with our current POTUS. And our current POTUS has not been dealing with a great recession.


Mike said: OK, I can do that. Should be back latter today and I will give it a shot.
298640 <Mike comes back>

Here’s the article