A Travesty of Justice for the Left

It doesn’t seem you are interested in a full assessment of the facts

Watch the name calling, especially if they border on being slurs.

For the life of me, I cannot imagine how a person who is engaged in an illegal act of carrying a prohibited gun (for his age), can be held innocent of committing a crime when using that illegal gun to kill other people.

Something is wrong here! The judge was prejudiced should have excused himself. His instructions to the jury were hopelessly misplaced. He should be censured if not disbarred.

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We join the Pride Parade every year, we work with the homeless and vulnerably housed, we support our intensely multicultural neighbours in any way we can as they do us (I mow next door’s lawn), we work with the police - they’ve come to our soup nights, the council, the Labour Party, the Unite union. In conversation with any of them, diversity issues, intersectionality, prejudice has never come up. Even though it is intrinsic, structural. This is England. What am I, a state pensioner, missing? Not doing? What should I be doing instead?

It’s never enough in helpless privilege tho’. And there’s a church a street away that feeds the poor on Wednesday afternoons and I haven’t offered my services yet as the missus is wary. I’ve discussed it all with Gaz. Will do again. I serve at another a mile away on Friday nights. We stopped attending there years ago as they’re damnationist (they ALLL are!) and it is impossible to question, and stopped attending our new local, despite its liberal veneer - it takes refugees from the former - when it stopped feeding the poor during lockdown and won’t recommence. The char-con-evos never stopped. It keeps me tolerant.

We created you. You’re our victim. Sorry about that. And you pass it on. As the twig is bent, kids eh? I’ll leave you alone if you leave the world better than we made it. White supremacists don’t have a good track record on that. So you have a very long way to go and I’ll be here, bleeding my heart for our victims, including you, all over you. Loathsome as your impenetrable mindset helplessly is.

But yeah, your other puppet Israel, another of our offspring, is nearly as terrifying. About to attack Iran again, but a tad more overtly.

If I may.

My father was a moderately successful business man, who has let some money for his children. He was a religious, chauvinistic and racist man, but human and able to help others, Black and Muslim people included.

I don’t feel guilty for my ancestors. I do what I can and I don’t feel guilty for who I am. I will not go on about my merits. I just try to act as a human being.

Am i a white supremacist ? I don’t think so .

I am not exploiting anybody, i treat every one in a respectful way and i have taught my daughter not to be racist.

I know that as a White, i will be less controlled and watched by the police. Is this a privilege? No not to be controlled because the color of my skin is a basic right every one should benefit. It is not a privilege to abolish.

Now, I have been insulted by no white racists, because I am a white man . It does also exists.

Further, for me a rich black man or a rich Arab or a rich Asian, who own factories, where women and children overwork in bad and dangerous surroundings, mistreated and under paid, are capitalists. They are as guilty as a rich white man owner of a factory. A white man who works in a factory and does not earn enough to live decently is not a supremacist.

And last, to think that white men are " naturally" or " genetically " supremacist and chauvinistic is a big mistake.

In fact, it consists to attribute to them a set of characteristics independent of their way of living and thinking. And to classify people by the color of their skin, attributing them innate characteristics is a racist way of thinking.

But how to deal with people who refuse to evaluate information?

People who are emotionally threatened and instinctively hostile to any thought or fact that doesn’t conform with their thinking?

There was a lot wrong with the case, starting with the judge refusing to allow the victims of Rittenhouse being called victims.

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Yes, and that immediately turned the tables and made Rittenhouse the victim, who was acting in self-defense. Pretty neat.

This whole thing just blows my mind…:angry: :right_anger_bubble:

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No, as far as I know you are not.

However, you may or may not have attitudes that maybe carry over from a past time.

For example, I had a customer who happened to be Black and female. The customer behind her was an older man, approximately in his 70s. He had a tax exempt card for the Eagle Lodge and was shoving it in my face before I was done scanning the customer I was attending to at the moment (the Black woman) and accepting her payment. I did not like it because it felt like a throwback to Jim Crow. My response was to tell the old man, “Sir, I’m still taking care of this customer.” He backed down and might not have meant any harm, but regardless of whether or not he was racist, I thought it was very rude. On the other hand, it could have been racism hidden to him due to his previous upbringing as a kid many years ago. I’ve noticed that some older people have issues with past social interactions creeping up, but if you talk to them about it, you get “I’m not racist” and “i have/had friends who are/were Black”. Their subconscious thinking, learned in childhood, hasn’t caught up with the times or their minds have gone back in time. They end up not being mindful of their actions sometimes.

Not saying you’re in your 70s, but you may have some suppressed learning from your childhood that sometimes creeps into your behaviours, in which you end up not being mindful of your actions at the moment.

And I fully agree, even if he was not thinking or realizing the situation.

If you are skipping to that question, then you are not engaging. If you have made an attempt, but found refusal, then, of course, walk away. And, make sure there is some kind of confinement if possible, and let others know how to counter their misinformation.

In the case of Rittenhouse, it was literally deliberated by our justice system. Kyle is now a pawn in a flawed system. But, we have the right to argue with our government. It’s what all those vigilantes did in the first place, they claimed the right to take the law into their own hands. So if the argument is “he was found innocent, the system works”, that is the ultimate hypocrisy.

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Rittenhouse, according to Democracy Now, shot the first dude (Anthony Huber) multiple times- groin, hand, head, and back… He was unarmed. Rittenhouse should have gone to prison just for that, but the story continues, in which he kills another person. Rittenhouse is NOT a hero, he’s a murderer, beyond a reasonable doubt and should be in prison right now.

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I don’t think the facts of the case are in dispute. It’s the interpretation of being in danger. The prosecution dropped the ball. He was out after curfew, but they didn’t say anything about it before they rested, so it was dropped. The fact that he was there with a gun should be considered provocation, but it wasn’t. It’s interpretation, and is the exact opposite for black people.

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Typical British chauvinism. Nobody is impressed by it anymore.

Huber hit Rittenhouse with a skateboard and attempted to take the rifle. Enough reason for Rittenhouse to kill him. Deal with it.

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So you know absolutely nothing of history. You guys are still playing catch up. Although you did manage to kill a million of yourselves over the slavery we dominated for 250 years. So that’s on us too really. [As is Rittenhouse and your decadent, de-civilized, degenerate, dead Constitution and legislature.]

Riiiiiiight. Evolution really has come a long way hasn’t it. Or did God make you in his image?

After he’d been shot one. Still, that’s no reason to kill someone. It’s not enough reason to murder someone. There are less lethal ways to do that or at least one shot was more than enough. That said, there is no reason for Rittenhouse to be carrying an AR-15 to begin with. Rittenhouse was wrong from the get go and committed murder, plain and simple. He was and is guilty and should be in prison as we speak. No one should be carrying a lethal weapon period. Deal with it yourself, because your man is a murderer who should be behind bars for a long time to come.

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