2000 Mules Movie

Mikeyohe has often demonstrated that he has no regard for honesty and that “Truth” is a cynical notion for him to play with in what is necessary to get your own way, regardless of actual facts on the ground.

Mike, you lie with a fluid ease that your hero the great trumpster would appreciate.

But lies seems all the neoRepublicans are left with.

Back to your 2000 Mules - here’s some background on that piece of malicious garbage, though I can see you mikeyohe embracing such a thing - it’s right there within your honesty free bubble of me, me, me.

A conservative “election integrity” group called True The Vote has made multiple misleading or false claims about its work, NPR has found, including the suggestion that they helped solve the murder of an eight-year-old girl in Atlanta.

The claims appear in a new pro-Trump film called “2,000 Mules,” which purports to have “smoking gun” evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election in the form of digital device location tracking data. …


The 90-minute film “2000 Mules” sees D’Souza team up with True the Vote, a Texas-based nonprofit that describes itself as protecting election integrity (www.truethevote.org/about/), to investigate alleged voter fraud in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

All five of the listed states were swing states in 2020 that ultimately backed Joe Biden for president - and were later central to baseless speculations of fraud.

Reuters has covered this topic extensively (here) and (here), as well as in fact checks (here), (here) and (here).

  • The 2020 presidential election was secure and evidence from state and federal officials and courts shows no indication of widespread fraud. While authorities identified isolated cases of voter fraud, these instances were in such small numbers it would not have changed the election’s outcome.
  • A documentary by Dinesh D’Souza, a far-right commentator, furthers the myth that something sinister occurred with mail ballots during the 2020 election. D’Souza told Fox News that “mules” delivered 400,000 illegal votes. Experts say the evidence D’Souza points to is inherently flawed.
  • Many states have laws allowing people to return completed mail ballots on behalf of others, such as family members. Ballot drop boxes are more secure than standard mail boxes. …


Even if there were a ballot harvesting scheme, it wouldn’t invalidate legitimate ballots just because they were turned in by unauthorized individuals. Verified ballots of registered voters still count, regardless of how they were delivered.

Election investigators have reviewed several videos included in “2000 Mules” and found no illegal behavior, including a video that showed a Gwinnett County man inserting ballots into a drop box, according to the secretary of state’s office. …

The case presented by True the Vote’s Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht to those Wisconsin legislators was not convincing, as I wrote last month. D’Souza responded, inviting me to watch his film and then debate him. I readily agreed to discuss the film with him from a position of skepticism. …