Hey comrades,
I’m gonna not take the intro too seriously, still setting up my website to brief interested skeptics in what I’m working on.
Late 20’s, campaign strategist and trained cultural anthropologist. My job for the past 5 years involved deconstructing neo-liberal mental models in order to develop progressive framing strategies for national campaigns. A few months ago I broke through to, “beginner’s mind” as I was working on an experimental project where I was publishing my exact iterations on social media, even if it was embarrassing or concerning for others to read.
So I started doing research on meditation on pubMed, found all the pseudo science and p-value hacking around Transcendental Meditation and other vapid, “mindfulness” studies. If you’re interested, this is a good article describing how to question methodological efficacy in meditation studies:
Here’s more dump on how modern advertisers are branding neuroscience-based manipulation as, “meditation” and “mindfulness.” They call this, “consciousness hacking” to coopt existing technologies in the mental healthcare revolution to practice setting consumers up for suggestion.
TRIPP VR “meditation” is in formal partnership with Facebook and Google!
Tripp raises $4 million for mood-altering virtual reality experiences | VentureBeat
Dr. Carmen Simon talks at SF Consciousness Hacking. She does a bad job of concealing narcissistic sociopathy, just outright bragging going on here:
Neuroscience of Being Memorable-- Workshop w/ Dr. Carmen Simon | Tonight we'll gather to discover strategies for transforming yourself and your message into something worth noticing and remembering. We'll learn about... | By Consciousness Hacking SF Bay Area | Facebook
Carmen’s firm: http://memzy.com/
Aneel Chima, Ph.D., is the associate director of the Division of Health and Human Performance at the Stanford University School of Medicine where co-founded and leads the Wellness Education Program (WellnessEd) and the Initiative on Flourishing Innovation (I-FLI) and where he also heads the Stanford Leadership Institute and the Leadership Innovations Program.
Technology and the Future of Human Flourishing (w/ Dr. A Chima) | Technology and the Future of Human Flourishing (w/ Dr. A Chima) What is technology? How do humans flourish? What is the relationship between... | By Consciousness Hacking SF Bay Area | Facebook
In the business world, Aneel is cofounder and managing partner of AT THE CORE, specializes in facilitating actualization through enhancing the emotional, social, and neurophysiological drivers of optimal team and leadership performance.
Look forward to the dialogue, I’m still getting organized. Thanks fo reading!