You are a slave

I’ve been staying out of some of the other conversations about knowing your self and what’s real as much as I can. This is an expression of that internalized oppression. Christ is mentioned here, but it could be lizard aliens or misunderstood Buddhism, or quantum physics or whatever. It’s always a misinterpretation of something. It also doesn’t work on anyone who understands their own free will and it’s limits and has even the slightest since of what is innate and what is cultural.

There are people who are really good at this sort of discussion, and they can even help people who are “slaves” to something that happened in their life, like abuse as a child. Then there are people who are really bad at it, and don’t know when to give up. They are trying to convince themselves of something, so they keep trying to convert someone who knows what they are trying to do, so they keep saying, “you’re a slave” and “you just don’t get it” and “you’re blind to reality”.

Lausten, the Bible is a book of teaching stories. Christianity is a relationship between the Bible and its reader. You are quite right in your criticism of people who think they can either help with that relationship or destroy it.

ROFLMAO! Sree, you should talk to my mother if you think Xianity is a relationship between the Bible and it’s reader. She’d tell you it is not and then tell you, it is a relationship with God. Then you’d get an earful of her version of Xianity. The definition of Xianity is whatever the human choses to give it.

Mriana, the definition of ANYTHING (including secular humanism) is whatever you chose to give it. Each of us is God unto himself, herself or LGBTQself.

That didn’t make sense, Sree, especially since many Xians claim a relationship with God/Jesus and not the Bible. Also, humanism defines itself within the manifesto. As for a “god unto himself…” Many Xians believe that God must increase and they must decrease. Obviously you don’t know Xianity or have a church of “Me, Myself, and I”, because the Xian cult doesn’t see things as you just said it. Again, I don’t think you have even an understanding of your own religion and definitely don’t have an understanding of humanism.

I don’t think it is wholesome to follow a manifesto. Don’t you think it is better to follow our hearts?

A manifesto is a public declaration of beliefs, ethics, values, motives, intentions, and views of a group or individuals. It’s not much different than Xians citing the Nicene Creed, except for humanists, there is no god in their manifesto and it’s not something that members have to recite every week either. Unlike the Creed, it’s not something set in stone. It’s an evolving document that changes with the times. So, in a sense, those who are humanists are following their hearts and living life to the fullest. That said, I seriously doubt you read any of the links or if you did, you didn’t read much or understand them.

Following one’s heart means to live spontaneously without a script. No Manifesto, no Bible - just be free to act without evil.

You obviously didn’t read the links I posted, because if you did, you would know the Humanist Manifesto doesn’t tell people what to do like a religion does. It doesn’t talk about lust or evil or anything like that. As I said, the fact you say these things and ask the question you did, shows you didn’t read the links I posted. Also, if you had read the links, you wouldn’t be associating the manifesto with the Bible. Keep going without reading even one of the three links. You ignorance will continue to show.

I don’t think it is wholesome to follow a manifesto. Don’t you think it is better to follow our hearts?
I don't think it's healthy to use a blood pump to make rational decisions. I also don't think anyone is born with an innate sense of how to govern billions of people, or how to share a planet with a couple hundred thousand years of cultures already living on it.
You are quite right in your criticism of people who think they can either help with that relationship or destroy it.
You know I'm talking about you, right?

This is an interesting concept in Christianity. God makes you “free” by helping you to stop doing anything you want and instead do only what he wants you to do. And this is “freeing” you from sin, which they see as slavery. So somehow, in their minds, doing whatever you want is slavery while doing whatever you’re told is freedom, and they make this claim without irony, without batting an eye, completely oblivious to what they’re actually saying.

Lausten: I don’t think it’s healthy to use a blood pump to make rational decisions.
You are giving secularism a bad name. There is more to life than science alone.

Sree, you give love a bad name.


ROFLMAO! Playing that game now huh?

Now here’s a song that relates to the topic. It’s an old Negro (slave) song. What’s bad is, the very deity that was force upon them was the very deity in which enslaving them was justified, yet they were singing to the deity, requesting freedom. Doesn’t make any sense at all.

Sree said; Following one’s heart means to live spontaneously without a script. No Manifesto, no Bible – just be free to act without evil.
I agree wholeheartedly with that. And that does not mean life has no meaning at all. Life has meaning witout the need for any religion.

Frankly, I don’t give a damn what people believe in, as long as they don’t come knocking on my door and tell me I need this or that, like a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman.

Why do I get Jehovah’s witnesses knocking on my door and telling me I need Jehovah in my life or I won’t be one of the 140,000 people (out of 7 billion) who will go to heaven? They believe proselytizing is a good thing, I believe they are invading my life uninvited. How dare they come on my property and tell me I need something they are selling, or else! This is worse than the two tailors who sold the invisible clothes to the emperor.

For me looking up at the rest of the universe on a clear winter evening is sufficient to show me my insignificance and good fortune to be alive and possessing the ability to look up and feel insignificant compared to the grand implacable majesty of the universe itself.

I have no need to feel I deserve special treatment from a big sky daddy.

On the contrary, I believe religion corrupts objective approach to morality. And yes, I do feel the need for moral standards and behavior.As an intelligent organism capable of great destruction, I place a personal responsibility on myself to consider and respect the rights of others who are in the same position as I am. “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you”

Some believe that religions provide poor guides to moral behavior. Various commentators, such as Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion), Sam Harris (The End of Faith) and Christopher Hitchens (God Is Not Great) are among those who have asserted this view.
Write4U: For me looking up at the rest of the universe on a clear winter evening is sufficient to show me my insignificance and good fortune to be alive and possessing the ability to look up and feel insignificant compared to the grand implacable majesty of the universe itself.

I have no need to feel I deserve special treatment from a big sky daddy.

On the contrary, I believe religion corrupts objective approach to morality.

On a clear winter evening, just look… don’t wreck the magic of it all with the silliness of scientific knowledge to compare the grand with the insignificant, the big with the small, the here and there, the then and the now. Do you know what love is? Are you a lady’s man? Do you know how to woo a woman? When she looks at you across the table, just gaze at her eyes, lose yourself in the magic, and STFU.

Sree said; "don’t wreck the magic of it all with the silliness of scientific knowledge to compare the grand with the insignificant, the big with the small, the here and there, the then and the now."
Ahhh yes, just like a virus. Just live !

C’mon Sree, that’s advocating for ignorance. Knowledge enhances objective analysis of natural phenomena and appreciation of “beauty”, “love”, and most importantly “empathy”.

It’s called “perspective”, an aestethical term that allows us to explain why we are emotionally responsive to “shape”, “color”, “symmetry”, “balance”, and pleasing mixtures of all and that knowledge allows us to create art, so that we can share observations of certain patterns that may not be accessible to others.

And Nature is the teacher of these (mathematical) patterns. Natura Artis Magistra.

Three Dimensional Forms are Like Sentences.

If drawing is like writing, lines are like the A, B, C, and Shapes are like words, then three dimensional forms are like Sentences.

To really be able to communicate in the clearest natural way, you need to learn three dimensional drawing forms.

There are four forms that, in combination, make up all three dimensional drawing:



Sree said; Do you know what love is? Are you a lady’s man? Do you know how to woo a woman? When she looks at you across the table, just gaze at her eyes, lose yourself in the magic, and STFU.
The single celled paramecium knows what love is. When they're mating it's the only time they are motionless in extasy.
Conjugation of paramesiums