Isis sex slave pamphlet

This doesn’t surprise me in the least. Theism, sex and violence go hand in hand in 90% of religions, in my opinion. Judaism and Christianity are not immune. the bible teaches that slavery is acceptable and that women and female children are to be considered the spoils of war.
"The pamphlet handed out by ISIS militants answers over 27 questions, and approves the enslavement, rape - including of prepubescent girls - and sale of sex slaves.
"Perhaps you were wondering if all the terrible tales of Islamic State sex slavery could be true? After all, they claim to be an ultra-religious group.
"Unfortunately, new evidence reveals the situation is indeed as grim, if not grimmer, than the reports.
“Islamists recently handed out pamphlets in Mosul, Iraq, entitled, ‘Questions and Answers on Taking Captives and Slaves,’ explaining in a clear question- and-answer format the official positions of Islamic State concerning female slavery, according to CNN.”

This seems to me to be just another data point to support my contention that Islam is most uniquely, and powerfully, suited to being interpreted in ways, in our current world, that can promote gross violations of human rights.

This seems to me to be just another data point to support my contention that Islam is most uniquely, and powerfully, suited to being interpreted in ways, in our current world, that can promote gross violations of human rights.
Yes, you're right, but it's not unique. Christianity was in a similar position at one time. There was plenty of misinterpretation of the bible over the millennia--and far too often it didn't need to be MISinterpreted to support violence and other beliefs that are anathema today. Much of the interpretation was unfortunately correct. Christianity was dragged kicking and screaming out of the dark ages by secular forces. Islam is still fully ensconced there. (Meanwhile, fundamentalist Christians would drive Christianity back there in a heartbeat) Lois

What they are not recognizing is that our secularist govt protects them from religious persecution and religiously condoned limitations of rights and privileges. A theocracy probably wouldn't. And should the majority ever become Muslim, their grandchildren or great grandchildren could be living in the Islamic United States of America.
What they are not recognizing is that our secularist govt protects them from religious persecution and religiously condoned limitations of rights and privileges. A theocracy probably wouldn’t. And should the majority ever become Muslim, their grandchildren or great grandchildren could be living in the Islamic United States of America.
That is exactly what the founders were thinking when they included the separation clause. Several Xtian sects had been persecuted in the colonies, e.g. The Quakers in Mass. The first amendment seeks to prevent the central government from establishing a State religion which is precisely what the Dominionists want. Their aim is to establish their version of Xtianity as THE state religion as their version of God demands in Exodus. I had the misfortune of sitting through a dominionist diatribe recently and wanted to shout "sieg heil" afterward. Everything was tied to patriotism, militarism and Jeebus. Cap't Jack
What they are not recognizing is that our secularist govt protects them from religious persecution and religiously condoned limitations of rights and privileges. A theocracy probably wouldn’t. And should the majority ever become Muslim, their grandchildren or great grandchildren could be living in the Islamic United States of America.
That is exactly what the founders were thinking when they included the separation clause. Several Xtian sects had been persecuted in the colonies, e.g. The Quakers in Mass. The first amendment seeks to prevent the central government from establishing a State religion which is precisely what the Dominionists want. Their aim is to establish their version of Xtianity as THE state religion as their version of God demands in Exodus. I had the misfortune of sitting through a dominionist diatribe recently and wanted to shout "sieg heil" afterward. Everything was tied to patriotism, militarism and Jeebus. Cap't Jack
A cross and a gun wrapped in a flag. That should be their symbol. Lois
... A cross and a gun wrapped in a flag. That should be their symbol. Lois
Oops, you shouldn't give them ideas. That's too perfect. They might snatch it right up.