Article in today’s (May 1) Huff Post US. Seems the National Rifle association is suffering from falling membership and falling income. Do I care? Not even a little bit. Should the NRA disappear overnight, imo it would make little if any difference to the US’ loopy gun culture.
Perhaps over time ,as the more extreme gun owners die off and after some sensible gun control laws are passed. However, I doubt there will be significant change to US gun laws anytime soon.
The reason I don’t care is that the US gun problem is a US problem, which does not effect my country.
Australia had a mass shooting in April 1996, at Pt Arthur Tasmania. A mentally limited young man killed 35 people and wounded 23.
As a direct result of the shooting, our government passed strong gun control laws, and had a massive buy-back and amnesty for any guns people wanted to surrender Since that time it has been very difficult to legally own a hand gun in Australia, let alone rifles of any kind. A whole range of bladed and martial arts weapons and bows are also banned.
Since 1996, there have been NO mass shootings in Australia. Firearms are now rarely used in armed robberies. These days, weapons include ;screw drivers, knives, hammers, the odd samurai sword, and on a couple of occasions, a syringe allegedly containing HIV. One reason is the cost of firearms on the black market. EG the rifle used in the recent New Zealand shootings costs around $30K on the Australian black market.
I like guns . Handled several kinds of rifles and machine guns in the army. Rated marksman with 7.62 SLR. The Australian army has very strict gun safety rules, EG off the range ,the breeches from weapons are kept in a locked box in the armory. BUT, civilians with firearms scar the bejasus out of me. That’s because, as a group, they are so fracking STOOPID!