Why I [Eddy Pengelly] Investigated Glyph N5

Transcript of youtube video _YvzqMywF24

Queensland researcher Ronald Pegg noticed an oddity with a particular Egyptian glyph, that also appears with a dot in other places.
He proposed that this glyph, N5 said to represent the Sun, is in fact, a depiction of a data disk.
South Australian researcher Eddy Pengelly investigated this claim and immediately found five issues:

  1. The Sun has never had a hole in it, so to what was this glyph referring.
  2. Incorrect copying. The first three columns have 19 errors. Seven in column one ; with 2 extras being added … Six in column two … and six in column three … thus the traditional translation is based upon 21 miscopied glyphs.
  3. Other scholars do not agree with given translations: Dr E.A. Wallis Budge | Raymond Faulkner | Ernest Moyer | Neil Parker.
  4. From column one as an example, here fourteen glyphs have been used to say ‘the eastern horizon of heaven’, but five of those have been miscopied, and two have been added. When the grammar book is checked we find that these four glyphs by themselves say ‘eastern horizon of heaven’.
    So the obvious question is, to what was this group of miscopied and therefore not yet translated glyphs referring.
  5. When the original glyphs are checked, we find that they these two (and several others) are not listed.

    Link to video: https://youtu.be/_YvzqMywF24
    All these issues gave justification to further investigate Pegg’s claim and to ask the next question - ‘Was there Computer Technology in Ancient Egypt ?’

I investigated this topic in 2005, and yes, there was computer technology seen in ancient Egypt.
Video gives highlights of findings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64F5Shs582U


Direct link to preprint Paper: Egyptian Academic Paper - Read and Examine | The Pegg Project®

Yeah babe, now we talking.

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:black_cat: :cat2: :black_cat: :cat2: :black_cat: :cat2: :black_cat: :cat2: :black_cat: :cat2:

I’m sorry I just don’t know where else to go with this.

I’d love to find out, how it is you’ve become so passionate about this topic?

Why does it fascinate?

And especially, how you filter the information you seek out - what criteria do you follow for, what you assume, and what you reject?

Why is it that they were using the Abacus calculator if they had access to a modern day computer? How would you run the computer? Do you see the technical complication that accompany any introduction of equipment that requires electricity into a time when there was no electrical power?

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The Paper does not suggest that the Egyptians had computer technology of their own nor does it suggest that the computer taken back was in general use.
The paper concludes that it was ‘the scribe Ani’ who saw and reported upon seeing the specific mid 1990s computer technology.
Quote from the abstract: “These positive results demonstrate that late twentieth century computer technology and a particular 1995 data disk were seen by the ancient person who wrote the Papyrus of Ani.”

Exactly how did Ani describe the `1995 data disk? What exactly are the “positive results” and what data on the disk was pertinent to the science of that day, or today for that matter.

You have to be joking, right ? My post’s subject title states exactly what you ask !
or you missed my original post. It is entitled “Why I Investigated Glyph N5”.
I then state five reasons why this topic of Egyptian Glyph N5 fascinated me.
Futher, I linked to a video that presents those five points, with associated pictures.

You must have missed my second post that provided a link to a video that presents exactly how Ani depicted mid 1990s computer technology (and data disk). It is a pictorial summary of some of the paper’s findings (ie. positive results).
That link again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64F5Shs582U
The video answers my question - “Do Egyptian Glyphs Depict Computer Technology ?”
Copy of transcript…
Egypt 1240 BCE The Papyrus of Ani plates 1& 2.
Plate 1. It says that, the sitting man’s disk is a real object .
The disk, its, flat underside, shines .
The disk, its, protruding ledge, is a disk shaped saddle, in the side, of the base box.
So, starting with the disk, the protruding drive tray, and the CPU box, it continues with the black screen of the monitor, the transparent half of a jewel case, and that the rays of the black bowl hold, the shiny disk in the black bowl.
In the black square, fastened by hand to the backbone and ribs, the disk, is picked out.
The black rays hold, the scroll.
A two-button mouse & cable, called the ‘writing tool of the seated man’, is fully described; and drawn ‘the writing tool is THIS’ . . with this writing tool of the sitting man, being compared to a scarab beetle, with its legs pulled in.
This evidence derives the conclusion that the Egyptian scribe who produced this papyrus saw computer technology similar to what we had in the early 1990s.
These words by themselves do not convey what has been found - that is why the video was produced.

Why haven’t others confirmed this work? If the glyphs say this, then anyone who can read glyphs can confirm it.

None of that answers this:

The video is unconvincing. Lots of claims, a few of just-so stories, but nothing that actually discuss evidence. 2 minutes in the Dogon People, skies were clear and dark, and we’re left to take your opinion, it’s not like you did any detail analysis of their stories or their origin.

and so on . . .

Oh and Eddy,
Another give is that
you attack the question,
rather than taking advantage of the opportunity
to patiently respond
and explain your passion
to others.

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I was curious about the image and found this.

This item (EA10470,2) is now in the British Museum, London, England.

Nov 16, 2014 Book of the Dead of Ani - EgyptologyLessons

Hello, This is the Plate 1 - Reading Plate 1 Word for Word. You can download the “divided” and “undivided” Text of Plate 1 (JPG Fomat) and also the [English Translations also JPG format]: Translation of All the Plates: https://sacred-texts.com/egy/ebod/ Undivided Text Images to help you practice dividing the texts: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f45t0lxmwj… This version of the Book of the Dead is the most famous and elaborately depicted in drawing and colour. The Book of the Dead (or “Going Forth by Day”) has 37 beautifully drawn plates/vignettes, which we will be reading word for word.

By following along the ready of the hieroglyphics, who will begin to build a vocabulary of words and a grammar structure. And also, as you memorize or begin to recognize words, you will inevitably begin to recall the words in other text, stele, statues, amulets, etc. If you like this video, please subscribe to my channel, click like and leave a comment or question. I am more then happy to engagement any requests to translate any text you may have, or create a close to grammatically accurate text of you’re choosing. Enjoy and have fun learning

It comes from a pretty amazing record, how much other supporting imagery can you find in the Papyrus of Ani ?

Facsimile Finder - Manuscript Facsimile Editions

But those scrolls clearly show not cd but reel to reel tape recorders. Must be a traveler from another future time ?

Well, there is that.

Devil is in the details.

I have studied ancient history, recently.

One warning our teachers gave us is to be very careful when studying ancient documents as too often one finds what he is looking for.

they gave us many examples and i will add one :

Motel of the Mysteries, written in 1979 after the 1976–1979 exhibition of the Tutankhamun relics in the U.S., concerns the discovery by future archaeologists of an American motel and their ingenious interpretation of the building and its contents as a funerary and temple complex.

[David Macaulay - Wikipedia]

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I was curious, but didn’t have time for the book.
YouTube makes cheating so easy.


Ironically, I visited the exhibit at the Chicago Museum of science and Industry.
It was well done with a long dark corridor to mimic the trip down into the tomb.
Tutankhamun’s Mask totally gobsmacked me, I snuck out of the line twice, to return to it, until a nice guard pointed me back into the flow of visitors. Very cool and memorable experience.

Yes, as I understand it, the language at that time represented many ideas with symbolic “pictures” (1000?) in addition to letters.
Around disk might represent a number of round objects if read in context of the hieroglyph.

Egyptian hieroglyphs

Formal writing system used by ancient Egyptians

Egyptian hieroglyphs

Egyptian hieroglyphs were the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt for writing the Egyptian language. Hieroglyphs combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements, with some 1,000 distinct characters. Cursive hieroglyphs were used for religious literature on papyrus and wood. The later hieratic and demotic Egyptian scripts were derived from hieroglyphic writing, as was the Proto-Sinaitic script that later evolved into… Wikipedia

My wife and I saw the entire traveling Egyptian exhibit in Seattle. We got separated in the dark and after I had viewed all the exhibits I went to the exit to wait for my wife to come out.
1/2 hour and 2 cups of coffee later she reappeared. She got lost in Egypt 2000 years ago.
Talking about time travel.

To me, five solid factual details (as stated) that go against the traditional Egyptian translation of the Papyrus of Ani - is fascinating, and demands to be investigated.
I am passionate when it comes to investigating many things - especially when we are told to take other people’s words at face value - and incredibly when you find that the cited authority’s translation is not agreed upon by other scholars !

The Dogon are NOT mentioned in this post or the above videos.
You are confusing this separate new topic of glyph N5 from the Papyrus of Ani with an earlier different post on a different topic.
This post is not about time travel - it simply relates to a study of 128 glyphs from columns 1-3 from the POA, starting by investigating glyph N5.
It is as if you have not viewed both videos.
The first video includes visual evidence that there are 21 miscopied glyphs, and reveals where many glyphs have not been included in the traditional translation.
This video is indeed a purposeful discussion of actual evidence.
The second video gives a reading of the glyphs as they comprehensively describe certain identifiable computer parts.

If you want to refute glyphs, why are you on a general skepticism forum? I can’t evaluate that or understand your evidence. You’re really just saying they are wrong anyway, without telling how you know it. When confronted with knowledge in a field I don’t study, I have to evaluate the experts. I look at how they are referenced, are they peer reviewed. You have none of that

I question the logic behind the story. Is there not a law against introducing modern technology to primitive cultures?

Would time travelers be so blatantly ignorant of these old axioms, as to introduce this highly advanced technology into a primitive culture and according to Chaos theory may alter the future they came from?