
Has anyone here had any experience with the “Whitaker Wellness Institute”?

Has anyone here had any experience with the "Whitaker Wellness Institute"? Dave
I never heard of them. But then I'm not into any of that stuff either. A little snooping came up with this: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271137 If you haven't seen this page yet, you'll want to take a look.

I find googling and “debunk” or maybe “skeptic”, usually brings up good answers. RationalWiki is good. CFI’s magazine. Even Wikipedia. Sometimes you get hits on Breitbart or something, so be careful.

Has anyone here had any experience with the "Whitaker Wellness Institute"? Dave
No but a quick look at their site shows that they promote a lot of therapies of dubious value. I might be able to better answer your question if you identified a specific therapy you were wondering about.

NCAHF [National Council Against Health Fraud] warns consumers to beware of self-promoters who attack other medical programs while extolling themselves. Whitaker asks people to trade their trust in the medical establishment for a trust in him. We have only his own self-serving assurances that he is worthy of such singular trust. Self-promotions are biased. In fact, “NCAHF has received complaints from Whitaker’s former patients. You can be sure that you will never read about them in any of his promotional literature. Whitaker misrepresents the views regular medicine. For instance, he claims that “the medical profession” tells “three big(gest) lies”: (1) “disease just happens”; (2) “older people always have medical problems”; (3) “there’s nothing you can do about it.” These are false. Regular medicine neither believes or advances these propositions. NCAHF judges this to be a “straw man” tactic used to make Whitaker seem superior to other medical doctors.”
“Whitaker promotes megavitamins for many inappropriate uses. In fact, Whitaker is a founding member of the Orthomolecular Medical Society, an advocacy group for questionable megavitamin therapy. Whitaker is an promoter of chelation therapy for vascular diseases. Although approved for heavy metal detoxification, chelation therapy is not approved for any other medical problem. Following a hearing by the California Medical Board on chelation therapy abuses, Whitaker was described by the Sacramento Bee (2/5/95) as “one of chelation’s most vocal advocates.” The report said that Whitaker treats 100 patients a year at $3,000 for a course of 30 treatments. He argues that the reason other doctors condemn his use of chelation therapy for circulatory problems is economic. It seems to be lost on Whitaker that other doctors could do the same thing if their primary interest was economics. The $300,000 that Chelation therapy puts into Whitaker’s practice is no small amount considering the low overhead involved. Whitaker is president of the American Preventive Medical Association, an organization of promoters of chelation therapy.”