Throughout the last 6 months I have read many of Andrew Weil’s books about integrative medicine. I have found the books to be helpful. High doses of vitamins and sauna visits has helped with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, which I have. I wanted to ask if people recommended any other authors that write about alternative medicine which have been helpful.
Alternative medicine is sometimes not helpful. I have seen naturopaths and homepaths that were not helpful at all.
I have a disability and there is a lot of ableism in the conventional medical system. This leads one to look for answers in other areas. One has to be careful when spending money on alternative medicine because some of it is ineffective and let’s not forget greenwashing- which is products that pretend to be good for the environment that actually are not good at all.
Throughout the last 6 months I have read many of Andrew Weil's books about integrative medicine. I have found the books to be helpful. High doses of vitamins and sauna visits has helped with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, which I have. I wanted to ask if people recommended any other authors that write about alternative medicine which have been helpful. Alternative medicine is sometimes not helpful. I have seen naturopaths and homepaths that were not helpful at all. I have a disability and there is a lot of ableism in the conventional medical system. This leads one to look for answers in other areas. One has to be careful when spending money on alternative medicine because some of it is ineffective and let's not forget greenwashing- which is products that pretend to be good for the environment that actually are not good at all.You might find this helpful. You can sign ip for the free newsletter. Lois
You have my sympathies Midwest. I have a friend with MCS and see the problems it creates for her. She is even reluctant to visit other people’s houses because of the risk it poses to her. I remember not too long ago when MCS was medically diagnosed as “attention seeking”.
The issue of “quackery” is significant. Even the mainstream medical profession has incompetent doctors but the general attitude to alternative medicine creates huge opportunities for malpractice, even in areas recognised as beneficial. Diet and nutrition are very important and are huge and lucrative industries with widespread abuse of information. My father became free of debilitating back pain after acupuncture and my mother was given an analgesic treatment then drove 10 miles to her dentist for a painless, anesthetic-free tooth extraction. The acupuncture practitioner who treated them cautioned that there were many quacks in the field and when he retired he gave them pointers about what to avoid when looking for another practitioner. They never found anyone else they had confidence in. It is hard to believe that my parent’s experiences were just “anecdotal”, but there seems to be little scientific support for acupuncture treatments, despite a significant and ongoing investment by NIH. Perhaps science has been diminished by quacks also.