2. Visible light is the light that we can see, and thus is the only light detectable by the human eye.Was that supposed to be profound? It isn't. You should change your screen name to Captain Obvious.
2. Visible light is the light that we can see, and thus is the only light detectable by the human eye.Was that supposed to be profound? It isn't. You should change your screen name to Captain Obvious. Finally it has become visible light to me, which I can see, when inductive and deductive reasoning flies over people heads: http://i594.photobucket.com/albums/tt24/valdobiade/Exploding-head.gif
jufa said, Finally it has become visible light to me, which I can see, when inductive and deductive reasoning flies over people heads: http://i594.photobucket.com/albums/tt24/valdobiade/Exploding-head.gifApparently this guy did not see the silence or heard the light of that laser beam. You fail to see that there is no true silence in the universe. We can still see the light and hear sound of the BB. After sincere contemplation by wise and informed scientific theorists with knowledge of reality, a few plausible explanations and models of the beginning and structure of the universe have emerged. You will never see the silence, because there will never be silence, except when riding the Pilot Wave. But you can tune in to the prevailing sights and sounds, and loose yourself in the *symphony of life*.
Apparently this guy did not see the silence or heard the light of that laser beam. You fail to see that there is no true silence in the universe. We can still see the light and hear sound of the BB. After sincere contemplation by wise and informed scientific theorists with knowledge of reality, a few plausible explanations and models of the beginning and structure of the universe have emerged. You will never see the silence, because there will never be silence, except when riding the Pilot Wave. But you can tune in to the prevailing sights and sounds, and loose yourself in the *symphony of life*.You get an 'f' for saying the same thing I stated in different words to try to make others believe you are hip:
All sounds happen in silence, always transiting over that infinite space by vibrating wavelengths. In any moment, any place, there’s the possibility of being silent, not as “killing sound", but actually as an attitude towards what’s already living and happening in the auditory realm, in the vibratory layer of everything; the quiet presence of listening in a world full of sound. All the universe is in harmony.Hear is what the people are doing after I brought this to their attention
In my response, I was trying to approach the subject from jufa’s mental perspective and his use of the term “vision" as an “enlightened form of understanding".Is this a clue? Or a regal slip?
In my response, I was trying to approach the subject from jufa’s mental perspective and his use of the term “vision" as an “enlightened form of understanding".Is this a clue? Or a regal slip? No, just my impression and empathic response to his arguments.
em·path·ic [emˈpaTHik] ADJECTIVE showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another: "an attentive, empathic listener"
jufa said, All sounds happen in silence, always transiting over that infinite space by vibrating wavelengths. In any moment, any place, there’s the possibility of being silent, not as “killing sound", but actually as an attitude towards what’s already living and happening in the auditory realm, in the vibratory layer of everything; the quiet presence of listening in a world full of sound. All the universe is in harmony.And IMO, this where you are wrong. Where there is dynamic wave functions, there are no silent spots, except to our perception. All events are a result of change in environment and our human responses are very complicated, by the very brain which you seek to tame. Check this out, https://www.ted.com/talks/robert_sapolsky_the_biology_of_our_best_and_worst_selves?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=image__2017-05-09 If I may offer my own perspective; *understanding* and *empathy* are functions of the *mirror neural system" which is limited in its cognitive and associative functions within the brain. When one can see from many different perspectives, one gains a deeper *understanding* and emotional association with the potentials contained within the structure under observation. That's how gods were born.
He lost me at
2. Visible light is the light that we can see, and thus is the only light detectable by the human eye.
He lost me atThat is beyond a circular definition, it is a figure eight definition.2. Visible light is the light that we can see, and thus is the only light detectable by the human eye.
He lost me atThat is beyond a circular definition, it is a figure eight definition. Is that right Darron or this https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-j_F05xXYbJc/VqG1kwPPNaI/AAAAAAABED8/aWOr1iuofJIP9p4BDuh2Y71Fxs1Qq8LSgCJkC/s1000-w360-fcrop64=1,000037ffffffc7ff/hypno_spiral_6_by_lucas222222-d7uazem.gif2. Visible light is the light that we can see, and thus is the only light detectable by the human eye.
He lost me atThat is beyond a circular definition, it is a figure eight definition. Is that right Darron or this With that optical illusion you have just proved the brain's limitations of translating visual patterns and definitely has nothing to do with *sound* or *silence*. If I put a disc in my player, but do not turn it on, can I see the silence? For that matter, one might also ask if you can hear colors? Some people can smell colors, but that is a function of association with say, flowers in the MNN of the brain. Seeing the color red, might trigger the scent of a rose. The point, jufa, is that *seeing* is a shorthand (incorrect) term for having *insight*, which is synonymous with "understanding. An*idiot savant* can calculate enormous numbers, but if you ask how he/she does it, the answer is always, "I don't know, it just happens". Thus the ability to do something does not necessarily mean "understanding" and the terms visionary or seer do not apply. In fact, the opposite is true. It's one of the mathematical problems with languages which are learned skills, not some mystical ability. Many species have the ability to communicate vocally and an eagle has 100 x the acuity of human sight. Can an eagle "see" silence? IMO, the problem with mysticism is that no proof of any kind is required and that's why the correct term *belief* is used for2. Visible light is the light that we can see, and thus is the only light detectable by the human eye.
: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing; her belief in GodOr the belief that one can "see silence" (absence of sound) or "hear black" (absence of colors).
Please ‘prove’ to me, and all who sees what you state is an optical illusion all men ,women, and boys and girls see and declare this to be an optical illusion. Declare to me the proof I have, and every other living soul has concluded the exact same determining factors, as you have, from the same vision as you have experimentally. You see “Write4U”, and you Lausten, I have already showed you what happen when something is over your head,
and I showed you this again to let you know color, and all visions are of conceived consciousness 1st, before they are manifested in the human mind. Everything comes out of the invisible before tangible manifestation in the material world.
Visible light is the light that we can see, and thus is the only light detectable by the human eye.tell one they see effect invisible and immaterially in their minds before it is seen and acknowledged by the naked eye.
If you can prove anything to anyone beyond relativism,m you have transcended human dualism. Nothing in this world can be proven by anyone for the simple reality there are two things exact in the sentient world which can be proved. If this is not some, prove to the readers I the spiral as an ‘optical illusion’ rather than a black hold absorbing light into it.
jufa said, tell one they see effect invisible and immaterially in their minds before it is seen and acknowledged by the naked eye.What does that have to do with seeing *sound*?
Please define what you would accept as “proof”. That’s going to be tough since you say proof is impossible.
If I thought it was worth my time, I’d use a mathematical proof, showing that the image is two dimensional, despite the perception that it has depth.
You asked the wrong question. What doesn't it have to do with sound, when the entire known universe to man is filled with the Sound of Silence in Consciousness. This is how music is composed and placed on for others to see and hear the Sound of the invisible DUH - DUH - DUHjufa said, tell one they see effect invisible and immaterially in their minds before it is seen and acknowledged by the naked eye.What does that have to do with seeing *sound*?
jufa said, "tell one they see effect invisible and immaterially in their minds before it is seen and acknowledged by the naked eye".That statement is not even wrong. The eye is the receptor of visible wave lengths, before they are processed and acknowledged by the mind. The same as the ear which is the receptor of audible wave lengths before they are processed and acknowledged by the mind.
W4U said, What does that have to do with seeing *sound*?
jufa said, DUH - DUH - DUHNow that does give a clear *insight* into the Silence of your Consciousness..
for others to see and hear the Sound of the invisible DUH - DUH - DUH You need to stop look at the back of your head when you look in the mirror https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Dq405WirBrU/UUXtu2ReetI/AAAAAAAAALo/3DEBJYK3umI/w497-h373/Magritte-233x300.jpg
Let me explain why I say that; a) what our mind sees or hears or feels or smells is only a bio-chemical translation of specific information received by dedicated receptors for each purpose, such as eyes (the most important practical receptor), ears, nose, palate, skin nerves. b) this information translated into biochemical signals, transmitted to and is stored in the mirror neural system of the brain, where it is compared to known images or patterns and then holographically represented in the brain. This why optical illusions work so well, they are designed to fool the MNS into associating what is observed with erroneous stored information leading to a false experience. something that is not really there. http://www.rifters.com/crawl/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/120-MirrorNeurons.jpg c) as each MNS varies in accordance with prior experience and emotional response action, no brain functions exactly the same in each individual and is responsible for the inconsistencies in the perceived information, such as color. Some people are color blind, due to an inhibited neural growth pattern or defective receptor. It is believed that autism indicates a severe MNS impairment, which makes them unable to "mirror" normal behavior of other individuals. d) a well developed MNS is responsible for Empathy, the ability to enter another's reality and actually share their emotional responses. Thus your use of that mirror pic was very timely. e) While it is true that particles pervade our body and brains, our brains are limited by the range of reception and the abiity of the bio-chemical transmission to code the information for use by the MNS, after which it is retranslated into physical or emotional responses as experienced by the individual. A muon will pass through our body without us (or it) ever experiencing it. It's a sub-atomic particle and it's wave length is measured in nanometers and to a muon our body is relatively as big as we are to the universe."Write4U" The eye is the receptor of visible wave lengths, before they are processed and acknowledged by the mind. The same as the ear which is the receptor of audible wave lengths before they are processed and acknowledged by the mind.You need to stop lying to yourself and to others, for it is a scientific fact all perception or vision begin in the human consciousness. Perception of the light spectrum is perceived differently by each individual, this is why one cannot tell another what the colors red, green, yellow, orange, etc looks like and prove such. Perception is consciousness. You my friend, need to stop using deceitfulness in attempting to establish a point which does not exist such as your totally deceiving quotes:W4U said, What does that have to do with seeing *sound*?. . . You said jufa said, DUH - DUH - DUHWhen the truth was the following answer to said question: You asked the wrong question. What doesn’t it have to do with sound, when the entire known universe to man is filled with the Sound of Silence in Consciousness. This is how music is composed and placed on [parchment] for others to see and hear the Sound of the invisible DUH - DUH - DUH
Reality isn’t really about reality but our interpretation of it.
Kant said we can never know about anything outside of our ability to perceive it - much like a camera that is designed to record black and white images can never record colored ones.
We structure the world in our own fashion, so reality is self-imposed.
:roll: Don't know which is more irritating my goofball computer that insists on turning i's into I's when I'm not looking. or CFI's silly Spam Nazi that won't allow me back in to fix it.I'll bet you haven't turned off auto correct. As for the Spam Nazi, there is apparently no remedy. We're stuck with it. Lois