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The CFI Forum is operated by the Center for Inquiry, a nonprofit educational and advocacy organization. This forum supports the interests of CFI by creating an online community of supporters and interested inquirers into CFI’s areas of concern, which can be generally described as advancing enlightenment values, fostering an evidence-based, scientific outlook, and promoting humanist values.

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I’m considering offering CFI a great opportunity to represent one of the four known belief classes regarding afterlife; this on a learning site that includes all four and gives them equal representation. CFI represents natural cessation (NC) belief. I’m for the natural afterlife belief (NA). We both value reason. Which does it better? There would be no opportunity given for beliefs interaction. The site would simply form a public service with set length belief overviews housing appropriate links. Yes?

This is just the discussion forum. It’s staffed by volunteers, not official paid people of CFI. There are many ways of contacting them
CFI: Center for Inquiry

I realize this. I want to make the suggestion to a wider audience first. I want to gauge their approval of or revulsion for fair competition.