CFI didn't do its homework

I don’t get the Free Inquiry magazine from CFI. Not that I don’t recommend it, I’ve seen some very good articles there that you can’t get anywhere else. But this one just copied and pasted from 15 years ago, ignoring the excellent work being done lately and wasting time on the bad Jesus mythology work of past decades.

Five Challenges to Christ Myth Theorists | Free Inquiry (

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They seem to do that a lot lately. I’m not sure why.

I lived in East Amherst, NY very close to the CFI headquarters. They have a really nice facility with a very unique library. When I was there, it was quite active and hosted lots of programs. My wife and I were unbaptised there! I really hope they are doing well financially as we need their efforts to thwart so much insanity today.

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I don’t know about their finances. At the local level, I think they do really well. But their national articles cover so much ground, occasionally they miss the mark


Why doesnt it address other issues within the humanist charter? Why always religion , the safe space for CFI?

What charter are you talking about? Give us a link or something so we have a clue as to what you are referring to, because it isn’t the humanist manifesto, which covers more than just religion.

Here you are.
The humanist charter believes that every single human on earth is entitled to at least 5 of the most basic human rights and people should unite to achieve these.

Do you agree with these 5 rights ? Why doesnt CFI write about these

  1. From what I saw, that was not CFI, but
  2. I was blocked because I removed my Twit account when what’s his face too over. So, I can’t see it. Therefore
  3. That isn’t a good source to share if not everyone is a member. It was a worthless reference.
  4. I’m not going to rejoin that site just because you want to use it as a source.
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I’m not CFI. I don’t work for them. I don’t make CFI decisions. Why are you asking this forum?

I am not on X sorry

Can you give us the list ?

Have you read CFI’s Mission Statement?

Let me introduce it to you

Our Mission

The Center for Inquiry strives to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values.

The Center for Inquiry (CFI) is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization dedicated to defending science and critical thinking in examining religion. CFI’s vision is a world in which evidence, science, and compassion—rather than superstition, pseudoscience, or prejudice—guide public policy.

To make a better world, we need to use our heads and our hearts. To confront the challenges that face us as a planetary civilization, we need to use the tools of science and reason guided by compassion and respect for the dignity of every individual.

To move forward, we need to discard old superstitions, prejudices, and magical thinking and embrace facts, evidence, and critical thinking.

It’s about more than whether or not God exists. It’s about more than whether ghosts roam among us, aliens hover above us, or psychics can see within us.

The Center for Inquiry (CFI) strives to foster a society free of the dogmatic influence of religion and pseudoscience; a society inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment, the wonders of science, and the limitless potential of human intelligence and creativity; a society in which beliefs are not granted the same rights as people, where the freedom of expression is enjoyed by all, and all ideas are open to the scrutiny of reason.

Secular government. Free inquiry. Critical thinking. Humanist values.

This is the Center for Inquiry.

Note the 5 values mentioned in the Mission Statement.
Secular society, Reason, Science, Freedom of inquiry, Humanist values.

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“Secular humanists promote values including integrity, benevolence, fairness, and responsibility”

What are you inquiring? Why is it a problem that CFI’s mission doesn’t match a list that you found? Do you have anything to contribute to the thread about one particular article?

Hey troll

I was asked to share the list

I’m not sure what that thread is talking about given that it just throws things out without a source, but this site is related to CFI and Paul Kurtz wrote it:

This is the affirmations he drafted:

Now, on American Humanists… You can find the Humanist Manifesto I, II, and III. Below is a link to III:

So, I don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about concerning the topics addressed.

But you did not share the CFI Mission statement at all.

You shared a link to a website named X -The Humanist Charter that has nothing to do with CFI. Yet you are making a comparison and suggesting that CFI is lacking.

I’d say this is typical of your research style. Unfocused and misleading!
And that makes you the troll.

I am of two minds.

Yes i asked Egghead his list of rights and he cannot be criticized for answering. He is entitled to fairness as everyone here.

“Secular humanists promote values including integrity, benevolence, fairness, and responsibility”

I agree with this statement, and i agree with Egghead list.

But this list is irrelevant to determine if China is a democracy.

Democracy (from Ancient Greek: δημοκρατία, romanized: dēmokratía, dēmos ‘people’ and kratos ‘rule’) is a system of government in which state power is vested in the people or the general population of a state. Under a minimalist definition of democracy, rulers are elected through competitive elections while more expansive definitions link democracy to guarantees of civil liberties and human rights in addition to competitive elections.

I would add that free elections and human rights implies freedom of thought, freedom of speech and free independent Medias.

To change the definition of a word to suit your needs is a typical totalitarian process.

Once more, Egghead has not answered to my demonstration about China. Tacitly, he admits I am right and changes the topic

It is not an attack, it is a fact.

Anyway, USA and CFI are not perfect, but China cannot be used as a standard or a reference of democracy.

Now, it is sure that USA fail to satisfy the basic needs of each of its citizen such as rightly listed by Egg head!

Can CFI criticized for that ? No !

I am not sure that it enters in his fields of action.

Even if it does, can it be criticized for not fighting enough on them ? CFI is not perfect. And with limited means, it cannot permanently fight on every field.

Keep it in the other thread. Will be responding soon. Busy working

No one requested you ask this question:

Why doesnt it address other issues within the humanist charter? Why always religion , the safe space for CFI?