Was trump thinking of assassinating U.S. Ambassador Yovanovitch?

Oh excuse me, am I blaming trump for his passionate self-serving loyalists’ activities, that he’s pretty much green lighted with all his all over the map insane ME FIRST talk.

Or perhaps you’ll appreciate an analogy : ‘Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?


But, then I’m the guy that blames all America for trump’s rise to power and dictatorship. Which pissed off Democrats to no end, but so it is.

Tim said: Then he (Trump) said, “They (Seoul) have to move… They have to move!”
Sree said: Do you really think Trump meant to say Seoul has to be literally moved?

TimB said: Yes. What else could he have meant when he said “They have to move… They have to move!”?

Please, go ahead and make up your “alternate fact” about what he said. I hope it is creative. T rump is not creative, but maybe you can be in enabling his imbecility.

Tim: Please, go ahead and make up your “alternate fact” about what he said. I hope it is creative. T rump is not creative, but maybe you can be in enabling his imbecility.
You are quoting from Peter Bergen's story of what happened in the Oval Office. Peter Bergen is a CNN journalist. I don't know what actually happened in the Oval Office and neither do you and Peter Bergen. Chances are, a lot of journalists from CNN will have their tongues pulled out in the first layer of Taoism's East Hell: The Chamber of Tongue Ripping.


Idk Peter Bergen. I do know Donald John T rump, and I know that he is a liar beyond compare. I tend to believe that most people tend to be honest. I am okay with assuming that Peter Bergen is being truthful. I would be a fool, believe me, if I believed anything T rump says at face value. Now people who have to carry out what the POTUS says, face a conundrum. They must assume that he is telling the truth, despite knowing that at any given moment, he is not.

CNN is a johnny-come-lately to partisan news commentary. FOX is the king of partisan propaganda news and has been for a long time.

It’s not funny how honesty has become a partisan issue.

Wasn’t that something that was supposed to be a USA democratic given, that is, that honesty is critically important to a functioning civil society.

Lying and corruption are considered positive values on the right, these days.

Apparently, these values have become critical to their remaining in power and in their continuing exploitation of others and of the Earth itself.


Tim: Lying and corruption are considered positive values on the right, these days.
Damn right. The only think we can bank on these days is a bottle of good whiskey. It never varies.

Goes down like water for some.

Results are still the same, pink elephants and puke. Guess that’s what it takes to love trump.

Thanks for the insight.

U.S. Beverage Alcohol Spending Hits $253.8 Billion in 2018, +5.1% versus 2017



Yet, another growth industry, just like weapons of mass destruction. :frowning:


Maybe T rump is depending on sedating the American people with more alcohol than ever, so that they can tolerate his coming dictatorship.


In my experience, single malt Scotch is not near as pukish as other whiskeys. T rump may work against himself if he puts tariffs on Scotch.