Got more junk mail from Capital One today. Day after day. What about if there was a website or something for a campaign to send Capital One junk mail? So like a hundred thousand people all flooding Capital One’s PO Box day after day? Thoughts?
Sign me up. Junk mail, Junk phone calls, Junk email, junk faxes… etc. I would love to get even with all of them.
We frequently get junk faxes at work and as the costs come directly out of my pocket for all these advertisement flyers that are being printed with my paper and ink I decided to get even. I tried the legal method ( its illegal to send unsolicited faxes and there are stiff fines but in our area the case can not be brought in small claims court so for this and other technical reasons I couldn’t sue) and when that didn’t work I came up with another solution. I had a 100 pages of black paper which I scanned in to create a 100 page black document ( uses up lots of ink on the other end). Then I faxed that with a cover letter requesting the sender no longer send faxes to my number. I am not sure how this was received on the other end but it felt good to get even.
Ooh I like that idea. One thing I read about junk mail is when it includes a postage paid return envelope, stuff it full of heavy paper or cardboard and mail it. Of course my OP would help…sending onesy twosey probably doesn’t make a big difference but if 100,000 people used it and the company had to pay the extra postage maybe they’d take notice.
Sign me up. Junk mail, Junk phone calls, Junk email, junk faxes.. etc. I would love to get even with all of them. We frequently get junk faxes at work and as the costs come directly out of my pocket for all these advertisement flyers that are being printed with my paper and ink I decided to get even. I tried the legal method ( its illegal to send unsolicited faxes and there are stiff fines but in our area the case can not be brought in small claims court so for this and other technical reasons I couldn't sue) and when that didn't work I came up with another solution. I had a 100 pages of black paper which I scanned in to create a 100 page black document ( uses up lots of ink on the other end). Then I faxed that with a cover letter requesting the sender no longer send faxes to my number. I am not sure how this was received on the other end but it felt good to get even.Sounds like a good idea. Do you actually receive many legitimate faxes? Many offices now get what they used to get by fax over the internet. Would it be possible to have whoever sends you faxes that you want to receive call the office first so you could turn off the fax machine most of the day and especially at night? I know a lawyer who did this and it worked for him. He now gets only the faxes he needs. Lois
I did find this free service that appears to be pretty good:
Thanks for the suggestions. i came to the same conclusion a few months back and switched our incoming faxes to a similar service so it has largely eliminated the junk fax problem. Now we just have to work on the snail mail, email, and phone calls.
At least with the phone calls you can yell at the person on the other end of the phone. Maybe they mark you as a curmudgeon and the next person thinks twice about cold calling your number to sell you a condo or donate to some charity you never heard of which just happens to have a mailing address in the Bahamas.
I know this would have adverse effects on the post office employees; however, I’ve wondered if one could simply take their stack of junk mail and write “return to sender” on the envelop ???
Also, a pet peeve of mine is that my bank (Bank of America) whined and whined to ge me and as many customers as possible to convert to online statements several years back to save paper (and help the environment); however, they have no problem sending daily ads for new credit cards and other services that go directly in the trash as soon as I determine it’s unimportant solicitation. I understand the business aspect and need for solicitation, but they could easily do it online as they do every other customer interaction now.