Trump our Russian Obligate President, Commander in Chief, or Supreme Traitor

But what’s any of that got to do with that court case?

Question was on the title. What’s your answer?

Well if you asking if I think trump is a traitor to American - I would say hell yes. He hated our government to begin with because the freeloader pig didn’t like paying his fair share in taxes, and it simply got worse from there.
Day after the election I said that this administration is going to be worse than we imagine, and it has.

His behavior with the COVIC crisis was absolutely treasonous as well as literally murderous.
His various attacks on our way of government is beyond the pale.
His attack on our election, ditto:

I was interested in if you think he is a Russian agent. BTW trump was very good and loyal servant to the American oligarchs. No traitor

The dotard was a traitor and a murderer, but then what do you care? You lap up everything he says, especially concerning COVID-19.

Again putting words in my mouth. You have a bad habit

Russian stooge!
American Traitor

Those oligarchs with their decades long hostile take over strategy against our democratic US government, are also traitors to America.

Russian stooge ?? Interesting

I can agree that Trump just breaks all the rules that are designed to curb American Capitalism and Politics. (the system of Checks and Balances).

He is the sickness that infects many people, just as he knew he was infected with Covid and never took measures to protect the people close to him. (Trump infected some 140 secret service agents with Covid).

Where this demon walks flowers wilt and things begin to die.

I am not sure that he is the sickness, i would rather say that he is a symptom.

If people were sane in a sane country, he would never have been elected, QAnon would never have prospered and so. Now, it is true that the disease has worsened during his mandate and that he systematically contributed to that.

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Do you have anything to say? What do you read? What philosophy of governance do you prefer?

You don’t have to answer these questions, but responding to something other than titles would be nice.

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That nailed it !

Please don’t tell me that thought is new to you.
You should do your own homework, why not google: “Was trump a Russian stooge?”
You’ll find reams worth of evidence and information.

‘The perfect target’: Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 years – ex-KGB spy

David Smith in Washington
Fri 29 Jan 2021 03.00 EST

Donald Trump was cultivated as a Russian asset over 40 years and proved so willing to parrot anti-western propaganda that there were celebrations in Moscow, a former KGB spy has told the Guardian.

Yuri Shvets, posted to Washington by the Soviet Union in the 1980s, compares the former US president to “the Cambridge five”, the British spy ring that passed secrets to Moscow during the second world war and early cold war.

Now 67, Shvets is a key source for American Kompromat, a new book by journalist Craig Unger, whose previous works include House of Trump, House of Putin. The book also explores the former president’s relationship with the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein.

The KGB ‘played the game as if they were immensely impressed by his personality’, Yuri Shvets, a key source for a new book, tells the Guardian. …

That’s from 2021, here’s the obvious being discussed in 2016

Is Trump a Russian Stooge?

The Donald and Vlad might not be holding hands, but they’re clearly friends with benefits.

By Julia Ioffe

JULY 25, 2016, 6:28 PM

That blinding flash of light you saw this weekend? That was the byproduct of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, the American media’s two greatest obsessions, fusing into a single intoxicating storyline after the Democratic National Committee’s internal emails were hacked and made public with the apparent assistance of Russian hackers, and to the apparent glee of the Republican nominee. The conventional wisdom, after sifting through all the evidence, has reached a verdict, and it’s that Trump is Putin’s stooge, a veritable plant through which Putin plans to take over the United States.

Okay, I exaggerate. But not by much. …

A Russian stooge but not an Russian agent? Is that the distinction here?? Blindly manipulated by Russia as opposed to actively acting in the best interests of Russia. ??

Take responsibility for the s@@@t your political system spat out and spewed onto the world. It is laughable the amount of focus outside actors are given as an explanation for the state of affairs but not on the internal rot and decay within the American democratic political system

I think the rot and decay gets plenty of focus. Kruschev said he would take over without firing a shot. Probably not exactly his vision, but his legacy holds up pretty well.

Do you have anything to add? Something other than telling us all to wake up?

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I am hearing from you the USSR wanted to take over USA , but in reality the opposite happened with Yeltsin the American stooge in power.

I don’t see any analytical discussion or acknowledgment of this decay within the mainstream American political discourse

Well, hang out for a while, read some other posts. That’s good forum etiquette. We have non-Americans here. We get MAGA patriots visiting, but they aren’t regulars, well, except that one guy. Political leanings are not a requirement. You are not required to comment positively or negatively about this or any other country.

What we ask for is evidenced based comments that have data behind them that is public. If you want to state your feelings, say, “I feel…” (that’s not a requirement, just a suggestion).

And, I didn’t say the USSR wanted to take over the USA, I quoted Kruschev, ask him, except he’s dead, so you can’t. In my opinion, the world is moving toward socialism, with the help of democracy, and the authoritarians are trying to grab for power because they don’t want to share. Political borders don’t mean much to the rich and powerful.

You didn’t mean USSR? Really ? He would take over all On his own ?? What a man !
I am not impressed with the
Blaming of Russia for what is happening in America on this site. Seems to be the only go to explanation

The cold war was a war between capitalism and soviet system for world domination. Capitalism won with the crash of USSR.

Victorious and believing without competition he became savage. The Fordian/ Keynesian compromise was deemed no more necessary.

Remember that , in 1992, M Fukuyama published a book about the end of history and ideologies, with the victory of liberal democracy, meaning liberal capitalism.

What has followed has shown he was a fool.

The sate of USA and of the world comes mainly from the capitalists appetite, for limitless money and power, but not only.

[The End of History and the Last Man - Wikipedia]