This particular claim here is already falsified. We were not discussing immigration at all. This was taken up by write4u in order to divert or bury the topic at hand. This method is actually documented as ground for suspension:
"A common problem is that someone is passionate about their opinion but is not as well informed as think they are. If the passion continues, but the response to input from other members is not acknowledged, there is no point in further attempts to engage them.
Just as common, but more complicated, is someone who brings up a lot of issues and presents information, but again, not in a way that engages the topics. There is no rule that all posts must stay on the topic of the thread, but one definition of trolling is to respond to comments by bringing in unrelated information. In politics, this is a debate tactic, if you can’t respond to your opponents’ question, bring up something they did that you can attack. For this forum, it’s disruptive, and not conducive to dialog.
The switching of topics is not a simple rule, like no name-calling. The suspension won’t happen immediately, only after the pattern continues. If it appears the new topics are introduced haphazardly, and any comment on the new topic is met with an insult or generalizations of people or more new tangents, then it’s trolling."
These are the words of lausten in an OP on “Why are accounts suspended?”
I must recommend again that these conditions have been met by write4u, and that to unwind the thread to make sense of it will certainly require decoding the burial by this exact topic in the thread “Wardrums in the Ukraine”.
Then again, it occurs here on this thread. And this ‘contributor’ has moderation privileges?
It is little wonder that the usership here is so thin.
Certainly write4u’s methods are not conducive to dialog. I suggest that they might be more conducive without the threat of censorship to back them up, but even this will not alleviate this dodge method which is documented as grounds for suspension.
This then certifies my claim here of being trolled by a moderator. It will take some unwinding at this point to direct you back to where the offense occurred. Still, this is pretty readily found by date as my response here opening this thread was fairly timely, and further he even carries on here with the dodge. We were not ever discussing immigration. It is a fine topic, and I would have quite a few thoughts to share… particularly the pressure that the U.$. foreign policy has caused in Europe of immigrants from the countries that it has pestered; starved; bombed; destroyed. That on our own Southern border we see the same is no wonder, but this is not the point of this thread here, is it? That some moderator might be so offended by this position, which is so readily proven, that they would bother to switch the subject say now, from immigration to Nazis in Ukraine, but now I go back there, and it looks very different.
No: clearly write4u is an inauthentic contributor whose agenda is written by the deep.
He might have come to power by legitimate means here, but no doubt there has been such creep all the way along, and I am just a new application for it.
As the funds dry up maybe the game will be played a little differently, eh?
Well, that could still be a ways off. Still, it seems those times are coming.
Cheers to free speech, and to quality discussion; may it be taking place somewhere…