Tracking "the most ominous president ever" ~ as the horrors unfold

President Obama passed the personality test, but failed where it really counted. We are heading into an age where a there is a lot of repair and fixing needing to be done to just about every system in our county. If it can be fixed, then in eight years we could be back on track for programs like Climate Change. Trump did not create the mess, you did. It would help if you would take responsibility for your actions and stop feeding the nation’s problems. Trump is not Jesus, so you might think about overlooking a few human faults and help the man get the job done.
How did I create our tumbling infrastructure? I didn't vote for the Republicans who kept cutting taxes and failed to pay for maintenance on our systems. Trump is a liar, a con man and suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. These are far more serious than "a few human faults." You are being deliberately blind to the damage this man can will do unless we prevent him from implementing his policies to take money away from the poor and middle class and give it to the wealthy. Deliberate ignorance is the worst kind.
President Obama passed the personality test, but failed where it really counted. We are heading into an age where a there is a lot of repair and fixing needing to be done to just about every system in our county. If it can be fixed, then in eight years we could be back on track for programs like Climate Change. Trump did not create the mess, you did. It would help if you would take responsibility for your actions and stop feeding the nation’s problems. Trump is not Jesus, so you might think about overlooking a few human faults and help the man get the job done.
How did I create our tumbling infrastructure? I didn't vote for the Republicans who kept cutting taxes and failed to pay for maintenance on our systems. Trump is a liar, a con man and suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. These are far more serious than "a few human faults." You are being deliberately blind to the damage this man can will do unless we prevent him from implementing his policies to take money away from the poor and middle class and give it to the wealthy. Deliberate ignorance is the worst kind. Darron, get your ducks in a row. I know you’re not Republican. But isn’t the party of the rich now the Democrats? Didn’t we just have one of the largest tax increases in history under a Democratic president? Didn’t wealth inequality increase under President Obama? Isn’t welfare dependency increasing as the rich get richer under Obama? Talk about voter fraud. It is against the law to buy votes. Wasn’t the forgiveness of 40 million student loans totaling over a trillion dollars just a form of buying votes? I guess not for those would sell our country for a loan payment. And you got the nerve to call your president a con man. May I ask what you are planning on doing for the next eight years? Are you going to keep spinning the facts, belittling people, name calling and playing stupid games like the “posting reference war games"? I guess only time will tell.
Darron, get your ducks in a row. I know you’re not Republican. But isn’t the party of the rich now the Democrats?
No. This is just another example of your deliberate ignorance. Trump claims he is a billionaire. We don't know because he refuses to release his tax returns.
Didn’t we just have one of the largest tax increases in history under a Democratic president?
Didn’t wealth inequality increase under President Obama? Isn’t welfare dependency increasing as the rich get richer under Obama?
Do you have some citations for that?
Talk about voter fraud.
It is against the law to buy votes. Wasn’t the forgiveness of 40 million student loans totaling over a trillion dollars just a form of buying votes?
If you want to spin it that way. I say it is a way to not saddle young adults with tens of thousands of dollars in debt when they graduate. How much did college cost when you attended?
And you got the nerve to call your president a con man.
I call 'em as I see 'em.
May I ask what you are planning on doing for the next eight years?
For the next four years I plan to keep spreading the truth about what Trump and his party are doing to our country.
Are you going to keep spinning the facts...
I'm not the one using "alternative facts" and spreading lies about how many people attended Trump's inauguration.
...belittling people...
Good thing Trump doesn't do that, eh? Oh wait, he mocked a disabled reporter. calling
Yeah, I do sometimes stoop that low, but I kinda like the term Trumpanzees.
...and playing stupid games like the “posting reference war games"?
What then hell are you talking about?
I guess only time will tell.
And only time will tell if you say anything intelligent.

Just when you think things could not get worse with this administration…
Rick Perry Is on the Board of the Company Building the Dakota Access Pipeline]
That’s right folks, Trump’s pick for head of the DOE is not only stupid, he is on the board of directors of the company building the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Could these people be any more brazen in their lust for money and contempt for Democracy?

Darron, get your ducks in a row. I know you’re not Republican. But isn’t the party of the rich now the Democrats?
No. This is just another example of your deliberate ignorance. Trump claims he is a billionaire. We don't know because he refuses to release his tax returns. That’s not all you don’t know. You wouldn’t be able to understand his tax returns anyway. He could give you his shoe size and all you would do is screw it up and call him a liar. I don’t blame our President one bit. Where were you at when your left spin machine called his wife a prostitute? Hell, where are you today on that issue? Your First Lady has been call a prostitute by your left spin and you do nothing! You can go to hell and wait for his tax releases.
Didn’t we just have one of the largest tax increases in history under a Democratic president?
We really don’t have all the facts of how much taxes have been raised by Obama. The main tax increase is Obamacare. It keeps going up and up. It’s a tax that changes year to year and state to state. Not only that the deductibles keep rising.
Didn’t wealth inequality increase under President Obama? Isn’t welfare dependency increasing as the rich get richer under Obama?
Do you have some citations for that?
Really, were you out of the country for the last eight years?
It is against the law to buy votes. Wasn’t the forgiveness of 40 million student loans totaling over a trillion dollars just a form of buying votes?
If you want to spin it that way. I say it is a way to not saddle young adults with tens of thousands of dollars in debt when they graduate. How much did college cost when you attended?
Baby, that’s not spin. That’s how you’re big boys in charge were buying the vote. College, mostly at night. Low costs and worked fulltime. Then paid 17K per year when I went fulltime. Raising a family was also costly. Back then the country was not over regulated. One weeks work would pay all the bills. Next week was used for clothes, food and everything else. Two weeks’ paychecks went into savings every month. Paid cash for college.
And you got the nerve to call your president a con man.
I call 'em as I see 'em.
OK, I respect that. You’re entitled to your opinion.
Are you going to keep spinning the facts...
I'm not the one using "alternative facts" and spreading lies about how many people attended Trump's inauguration.
Boy, that’s the issues the world is interested in!
...belittling people...
Good thing Trump doesn't do that, eh? Oh wait, he mocked a disabled reporter.
Don’t try and take the moral high ground. You’re no better because you are using this to justify your own statements. You were not bothered by Hilary’s deplorable statements which covered a lot more than just one person, including a lot of disabled people.
...and playing stupid games like the “posting reference war games"?
What then hell are you talking about?
I’m talking about posting a bunch of references from the web. Then attacking the postings that you ask for. There is so much misinformation and spin on the web today that mass postings becomes distracting from the subject matter.
Are you going to keep spinning the facts...
I'm not the one using "alternative facts" and spreading lies about how many people attended Trump's inauguration.
Boy, that’s the issues the world is interested in! That was just on recent example, Mike.
...belittling people...
Good thing Trump doesn't do that, eh? Oh wait, he mocked a disabled reporter.
Don’t try and take the moral high ground. You’re no better because you are using this to justify your own statements. You were not bothered by Hilary’s deplorable statements which covered a lot more than just one person, including a lot of disabled people. Hillary was not mocking anyone. Yes, she shouldn't have said that, but let's face reality; Trump went out of his way to appeal to racists and those people are deplorable.
...and playing stupid games like the “posting reference war games"?
What then hell are you talking about?
I’m talking about posting a bunch of references from the web. Then attacking the postings that you ask for. There is so much misinformation and spin on the web today that mass postings becomes distracting from the subject matter. Most of us refer to that as "link wars," Humpty. I'm beginning to understand why Trump appeals to you. You have a lot in common with him, including the ability to rationalize whatever lies fit your narrative. You evade any questions you can't spin to your liking, latch onto lies to justify your beliefs, ignore the contradictions in your own opinions, and are adept at gaslighting while having a tenuous grip on reality.
Is this immature name calling just for presidents? Or should we bestow everyone posting on CFI fabricated names. It would be nice to see some quality of decency and truthfulness by the posters. Correct title would be “Mr. President" or the Honorable Donald Trump. Only you can decide what level of decency is appropriate for your level of education.
The guy wants to destroy our government and mold it into a vendor and protector for his own self-glorification and to serve the corporate oligarch plans. With Profits Under God. - that makes Mr. Trump a Traitor. And considering how easy he is with his attacks on everyone else - get used to concerned patriots calling the pig anything but president. "Commissioner of The Corporation of Amerika" Is that respectful enough for you? >:( Oh and why should I listen to FAUX NEWS except to be reminded how unhinged from reality FOX's agenda driven "news" making machine is. My spare hours are too rare and precious for that sort of trash. Besides one small dose goes long way. If you think they've come up with an interesting serious story, it's your duty to share, if it means that much to you. Back to FOX and their audience - the comfort level with total fantasy, such as imagining this idiot Muslim ban is going to do anything to make our country safer, is astounding. Unfortunately, in the real multi-culture world, it's going to have quite the contrary results. It will be making our world less civil and we will do more damage to our own economic and social structure than anything else. Oh we'll also clear the table for China's rise to true international power, should they so choose. Societies are held together by the fabric of faith and trust and. (faith in the system, not god!) Bannon and Trump want to destroy all that, burn it down and see what comes of the ashes, and fools like you are more than happy to go along with it. After all Trump promised you he would make Amerika great again and that's good enough for gullible simpletons. I don't buy it because apparently I know a bit more about malicious predators that you do.
Is this immature name calling just for presidents? Or should we bestow everyone posting on CFI fabricated names. It would be nice to see some quality of decency and truthfulness by the posters. Correct title would be “Mr. President" or the Honorable Donald Trump. Only you can decide what level of decency is appropriate for your level of education.
The guy wants to destroy our government and mold it into a vendor and protector for his own self-glorification and to serve the corporate oligarch plans. With Profits Under God. - that makes Mr. Trump a Traitor. And considering how easy he is with his attacks on everyone else - get used to concerned patriots calling the pig anything but president. "Commissioner of The Corporation of Amerika" Is that respectful enough for you? >:( Oh and why should I listen to FAUX NEWS except to be reminded how unhinged from reality FOX's agenda driven "news" making machine is. My spare hours are too rare and precious for that sort of trash. Besides one small dose goes long way. If you think they've come up with an interesting serious story, it's your duty to share, if it means that much to you. Back to FOX and their audience - the comfort level with total fantasy, such as imagining this idiot Muslim ban is going to do anything to make our country safer, is astounding. Unfortunately, in the real multi-culture world, it's going to have quite the contrary results. It will be making our world less civil and we will do more damage to our own economic and social structure than anything else. Oh we'll also clear the table for China's rise to true international power, should they so choose. Societies are held together by the fabric of faith and trust and. (faith in the system, not god!) Bannon and Trump want to destroy all that, burn it down and see what comes of the ashes, and fools like you are more than happy to go along with it. After all Trump promised you he would make Amerika great again and that's good enough for gullible simpletons. I don't buy it because apparently I know a bit more about malicious predators that you do. My god are you in La La Land. If this is what you call your government and you think the government should keep operating the way it has for the last two decades, you really need help. Our government is on the road to destruction. When the government drives off the cliff, there will be no government jobs or university jobs. No retirement. How will you buy a hundred dollar Big Mac? Maybe you could get a job in as sweat shop sewing underwear to be exported to China. So far all I hear is a bunch of socialist crybabies with no logic. You do the same with Climate Change. You want taxes, taxes and more taxes as your method of fixing all the problems. You have no logical answers to fix any of the problems. And the rich are the people you are following. What is Gore and the Clintons worth today? Who did the big money and the rich back in the election? So, stop your lying. You had your time in office and running the country. And what were the results? The rich got richer and the poor get poorer. You rip-off peoples medical retirement and replace it with a plan where they end up in the poor house. You talk about societies held together by faith and trust. That is true. But there is more to that. Your socialist societies don’t have that good of a track record. You are wanting to turn this country into a socialist country and any faith and trust will be lost if you get your way. So far you have created the most unemployment that most people living today has experienced. You have screwed up any chance of moving quickly on climate change. China if they are not, should be paying you for helping them get America into a weaker position in the eyes of the world. If you have two cents worth of knowledge about what is going on, you would know that we are going to have high inflation. The Central Banks have said that Trump getting into office could delay the high inflation by up to two years. But it is coming, thanks to your socialists’ acts and your globalization. Trump knows he has no time to spare if he can undue a lot of your actions of the last eight years, then maybe when the inflation hits, it will not be so bad that as it trickles across the world it will not completely destroy any hopes of fixing climate change.

Well, he told you off, didn’t he CC? How dare you not fall in lockstep with everything our government does. Only traitors exercise their Constitutional right to protest our government’s fascist behavior.

Well, he told you off, didn't he CC? How dare you not fall in lockstep with everything our government does. Only traitors exercise their Constitutional right to protest ur government's fascist behavior.
Fall into goose step, you mean.
Well, he told you off, didn't he CC? How dare you not fall in lockstep with everything our government does. Only traitors exercise their Constitutional right to protest ur government's fascist behavior.
Darron, I give CC more credit than that. The points we are talking about is the evolution of liberals. Liberals evolved into progressive liberals. Progressive liberals were grew out of the colleges. We just had eight years of leadership by the progressive liberals. What we see happening was the progressive liberals melting into socialism. Today you have a lot of people thinking twice about which colleges to send their children to and thinking that the government funding for colleges and universities needs to be scaled back. I don’t want to be a socialist, and that could be what a progressive liberal is today. The public is catching on to what has been going on and they don’t like it. So, as the smoke is starting to clear from the disaster. How is the platforms going to be rebuilt? CC clearly wants socialism. The rest think that causing as much trouble for Trump is the answer. The next election will hit about the time high inflation is causing all kinds of trouble and that will all be blamed on Trump. Or will it? Progressive liberals may just be view by that time as dumb-ass radicals if they don’t change their methods and stay on the same path. And that is what we are debating. I want to move away from socialism and CC want to move more into socialism.
Well, he told you off, didn't he CC? How dare you not fall in lockstep with everything our government does. Only traitors exercise their Constitutional right to protest ur government's fascist behavior.
Fall into goose srep, you mean. Yep. Mike would have been a Nazi sympathizer in 1930s Germany.
I want to move away from socialism and CC want to move more into socialism.
I'm with CC. We're all better off when we provide our citizens proper educations, health care, food, shelter and clothing. I'm still waiting for you to explain how our nation's crumbling infrastructure is my fault.
My god are you in La La Land. If this is what you call your government and you think the government should keep operating the way it has for the last two decades, you really need help.
The most hideous thing that has happened to our government is that the Republicans have gone absolutist and have made it their mission to oppose and destroy anything and everything a Democratic Administration have been trying to do. Republican gerrymandering election district has been an undemocratic monstrosity. Disconnecting from rational appreciation of scientific finding they find inconvenient to their avaricious intentions. Please Mike why not make a little bullet point list to enlightening me? Or will it just be firing off more empty turd bombs?
You do the same with Climate Change. You want taxes, taxes and more taxes as your method of fixing all the problems. You have no logical answers to fix any of the problems.
. It's much more insane to ignore real science about an existential crisis. We never did the first thing to address the problem, because Republican demons from hell decided their short term greed was more important. Also you are right you won't hear me talking about solutions- because it's absolutely meaningless if most people are dishonest about assessing the science Why do you find no outrage at the thousands of instances of Republicans deliberately and very calculatedly lying about simply verifiable observable facts? And what the fuck is with making profitability the arbiter of what true or not - which is exactly what the empty headed God/Ego of the GOP's owners and members have decided upon. If you don't think it's the rich folks who put Trump into power you are the fool. Not everything about this past election was reported on. The run up of fabricated malicious stories painting Hillary as a total demon, rather than just a political jerk, that was a massive calculated fabricated smear campaign - that see and her people were too stupid to see it coming and confront it head on, well that is America's and hopefully the end of the Clinton political dynasty, they've done our country plenty enough damages. Yeah, it's all the Democrats fault that the poor got poorer and the rich richer, is that what happens to the mind that's mainlining FOX NEW. No wonder I stay away.
Your socialist societies don’t have that good of a track record. You are wanting to turn this country into a socialist country and any faith and trust will be lost if you get your way.
You're narratives reveals why we truly are lost as a country. Lord of Flies here we come.
So far you have created the most unemployment that most people living today has experienced. You have screwed up any chance of moving quickly on climate change.
Don't I wish I had such influence but ten years of serious writing over the internet, and other than a few 'atta boys' from some impressive people, it's amounted to absolutely nothing. From all the things you claim I am, it's obvious you haven't read or understood a good damn thing I've ever written.

attribution: Elizabeth Griffin
Bret Stephens, WSJ: "Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia." 'Slandered his country'

My god are you in La La Land. If this is what you call your government and you think the government should keep operating the way it has for the last two decades, you really need help.
The most hideous thing that has happened to our government is that the Republicans have gone absolutist and have made it their mission to oppose and destroy anything and everything a Democratic Administration have been trying to do. Republican gerrymandering election district has been an undemocratic monstrosity. Disconnecting from rational appreciation of scientific finding they find inconvenient to their avaricious intentions. Please Mike why not make a little bullet point list to enlightening me? Or will it just be firing off more empty turd bombs?
You do the same with Climate Change. You want taxes, taxes and more taxes as your method of fixing all the problems. You have no logical answers to fix any of the problems.
. It's much more insane to ignore real science about an existential crisis. We never did the first thing to address the problem, because Republican demons from hell decided their short term greed was more important. Also you are right you won't hear me talking about solutions- because it's absolutely meaningless if most people are dishonest about assessing the science Why do you find no outrage at the thousands of instances of Republicans deliberately and very calculatedly lying about simply verifiable observable facts? And what the fuck is with making profitability the arbiter of what true or not - which is exactly what the empty headed God/Ego of the GOP's owners and members have decided upon. If you don't think it's the rich folks who put Trump into power you are the fool. Not everything about this past election was reported on. The run up of fabricated malicious stories painting Hillary as a total demon, rather than just a political jerk, that was a massive calculated fabricated smear campaign - that see and her people were too stupid to see it coming and confront it head on, well that is America's and hopefully the end of the Clinton political dynasty, they've done our country plenty enough damages. Yeah, it's all the Democrats fault that the poor got poorer and the rich richer, is that what happens to the mind that's mainlining FOX NEW. No wonder I stay away.
Your socialist societies don’t have that good of a track record. You are wanting to turn this country into a socialist country and any faith and trust will be lost if you get your way.
You're narratives reveals why we truly are lost as a country. Lord of Flies here we come.
So far you have created the most unemployment that most people living today has experienced. You have screwed up any chance of moving quickly on climate change.
Don't I wish I had such influence but ten years of serious writing over the internet, and other than a few 'atta boys' from some impressive people, it's amounted to absolutely nothing. From all the things you claim I am, it's obvious you haven't read or understood a good damn thing I've ever written. Does that tell you anything?
My god are you in La La Land. If this is what you call your government and you think the government should keep operating the way it has for the last two decades, you really need help.
The most hideous thing that has happened to our government is that the Republicans have gone absolutist and have made it their mission to oppose and destroy anything and everything a Democratic Administration have been trying to do. Republican gerrymandering election district has been an undemocratic monstrosity. Disconnecting from rational appreciation of scientific finding they find inconvenient to their avaricious intentions. Please Mike why not make a little bullet point list to enlightening me? Or will it just be firing off more empty turd bombs?
You do the same with Climate Change. You want taxes, taxes and more taxes as your method of fixing all the problems. You have no logical answers to fix any of the problems.
. It's much more insane to ignore real science about an existential crisis. We never did the first thing to address the problem, because Republican demons from hell decided their short term greed was more important. Also you are right you won't hear me talking about solutions- because it's absolutely meaningless if most people are dishonest about assessing the science Why do you find no outrage at the thousands of instances of Republicans deliberately and very calculatedly lying about simply verifiable observable facts? And what the fuck is with making profitability the arbiter of what true or not - which is exactly what the empty headed God/Ego of the GOP's owners and members have decided upon. If you don't think it's the rich folks who put Trump into power you are the fool. Not everything about this past election was reported on. The run up of fabricated malicious stories painting Hillary as a total demon, rather than just a political jerk, that was a massive calculated fabricated smear campaign - that see and her people were too stupid to see it coming and confront it head on, well that is America's and hopefully the end of the Clinton political dynasty, they've done our country plenty enough damages. Yeah, it's all the Democrats fault that the poor got poorer and the rich richer, is that what happens to the mind that's mainlining FOX NEW. No wonder I stay away.
Your socialist societies don’t have that good of a track record. You are wanting to turn this country into a socialist country and any faith and trust will be lost if you get your way.
You're narratives reveals why we truly are lost as a country. Lord of Flies here we come.
So far you have created the most unemployment that most people living today has experienced. You have screwed up any chance of moving quickly on climate change.
Don't I wish I had such influence but ten years of serious writing over the internet, and other than a few 'atta boys' from some impressive people, it's amounted to absolutely nothing. From all the things you claim I am, it's obvious you haven't read or understood a good damn thing I've ever written. Nothing wrong with your writing skills. You are a fanatic wordsmith. But in your crusade you failed to realize that the democratic leadership became intellectively self-indulgently stupid, over internationalist and drifted too far into globalization and socialism. Top that off with the greed of government tax dollars and the fraud of vote buying with the government loan forgiveness being promised. But those are not the issues of interest for democrats. It seems democrats are more interested in Trump’s hair color.

It’s not about the hair color. Plugging your ears to all you don’t want “to be present to” doesn’t change that. It only keeps you uninformed.

The Secret Service is adapting to the Trump Administration.
Secret Service Adds Emotional Protection Division to Safeguard Trump’s Psyche]
You know things are bad when the the president’s protectors have to guard his sanity, what little he has anyway.