Thought I would check out this forum

I have been a member of an atheist forum for nearly two years and I thought I would venture out to discover some other forums. I came across CFI through a list of atheist forums via a Google search, and I figured that I would see what this forum has to offer.
I identify as an anti-theist, have for many years now, and I am rather opinionated regarding my views concerning religion.

I have been a member of an atheist forum for nearly two years and I thought I would venture out to discover some other forums. I came across CFI through a list of atheist forums via a Google search, and I figured that I would see what this forum has to offer. I identify as an anti-theist, have for many years now, and I am rather opinionated regarding my views concerning religion.
I don't consider myself to be vigorously anti-theistic, although most theists might consider me to be so. But, if you say on this forum, long enough, I expect you may come across someone who is as anti-theistic as you may be.

Welcome Sionnach. I can relate to being opinionated where religion is concerned. I have to make a concerted effort make sure of the facts when I talk about it or I risk falling into apoplectic fits of rage. Being a nonbeliever raised Mormon can do that to a person.

Welcome. What are your views?
Also, your name looks gaelic, are you Irish or Scottish? If you’re Irish, what do you think of the Catholic Church’s continued popularity there?

I have been a member of an atheist forum for nearly two years and I thought I would venture out to discover some other forums. I came across CFI through a list of atheist forums via a Google search, and I figured that I would see what this forum has to offer. I identify as an anti-theist, have for many years now, and I am rather opinionated regarding my views concerning religion.
Nearly everyone who says he or she is an atheist will be accused of being anti-theist sooner or later. Many theists see everyone as either with them or against them. They don't understand neutral. They don't understand atheism, either. Usually it isn't worth explaining it to them. Lois