The Problem With Mental Illness.

This is something very good I have read in some time.

I had written an article on mental illnesses too and I am so relieved that someone else also believes that mental illnesses are just spreading at the rate of a typical pandemic would do. It is quite scary. I have met so many people who are restless, sad, and lonely, The wither take medicines for insomnia or would be on medicines to treat their anxiety disorder and depression. We have forgotten what it really takes to be happy and love unconditionally. I feel people really need to stop worrying about everything that is not in their control. If it is, then change it. To keep your brain healthy and peaceful, go the extra mile and make real efforts. I have started spending more time in nature and started eating less. I also came across this and use this in controlled doses Top 20 Experts Opinion on Medical Marijuana and its Benefits

Please start taking your happiness and mental peace seriously and do whatever it takes to be happy! :slight_smile:

Somehow the above two have slipped through my radar, but this thread is bringing out the “marijuana cures everything” posts. I’m not going to argue the bad logic, just put everyone on notice that if making links to drug sites is the only thing you do, I’ll shut you down. This thread is probably going to be shut down soon. There are some long term members here who are presenting valid points. Engage with those, or accounts will be blocked as well.

I have nothing against the use of drugs. Your body, your choice as far as I’m concerned. But I have no interest in an extended discussion about drugs, tracking down facts to refute every ridiculous claim that “20 experts in ‘the industry’” is in any way comparable to empirical, peer reviewed medical research and I certainly can’t stomach a bunch of selfish twits who care more about promoting their drug of choice than about the actual health of the people they are pretending to try to “help” by possibly directing them away from professional medical help and toward some unproven snake oil. There is no productive conversation to be had here. Just a bunch of wild claims and links to propaganda resources.

If this becomes one of those threads where people just keep linking to pot sites, I’ll lock the thread. I’m too lazy to put this in blue text. I blame drugs.
But, how was the music sounding that evening. ;-)
But, how was the music sounding that evening. -- CC
Not good. I just looked back at the date of that post. It was about a week after my first purchase of legal stuff. I did the classic thing that "first timers" do. It was my first time with a chocolate bar, not my first experience ever. You're supposed to take a nibble, like 5mg and wait about 45 minutes to see how it effects you. Then you can take a little more. Also, it's not desert, have a light meal and some munchies available. I went out for a big dinner then chowed 40mg afterwards. It was already late so we went to bed. I woke up a few hours later and could barely walk because everything was spinning. I asked some people online and apparently this is a rare experience but it can happen.

It’s also easy to focus on mental problems when your basic needs are covered. Talk to anyone older who went through a more difficult life, they barely ever talk about their emotions.

That’s a reasonable point drift. Some say it’s the reason that powerful people make laws and policies that keep people under stress. It has also been shown that if you talk to people who seem angry and advocate for oppression of others, actually are very caring and sensitive people, but when no one hears that side of them, they stop expressing it.