The Problem With Mental Illness.

Race as a term has meaning for you because you don't care about what things really mean, you just want simple definitions. If it really had a biological definition, you could find one and link to it. Now, please tell me where these people, descended from ancestors who haven't migrated for thousands of years, live. Do they have names? Can I email one of them? I think you are confusing myth with reality. It's true that cultures all have their origin stories, and they claim some pure beginning and pure line, but it's not true. The non-mixing you believe is common never lasts for more than a few hundred years, then something scrambles us again. But the myths, sure, those keep happening.]
Reread my post and notice I didn't say anybody is pure. The fact is purity isn't necessary for race - or whatever name you'd rather use for population variation - to exist. Here is someone who may be able to explain race] in a way that's more tolerable to you.
When people segregate into enclaves, it's generally because of language and culture, not race. They originally did so because of people like you who tried to give them a hard time for being "different".
Race and culture are strongly linked, language is less so but it still makes a difference. And self-segregation is an evolved behavior in humans, it happens even under the best social conditions.Yes and no. It's true that there is a connection between race and culture, but there isn't a single "black culture" any more than there's a single "white culture". It depends on where you come from -- Nigeria, Mozambique, Haiti, Chicago? And what of white immigrants from say Poland or Russia? It's their language that separates them from American culture, not the color of their skin.The point is all cultures are different from each other and race is a major reason for that.
And it's true that it's natural for people to self-segregate to some extent, but we also segregate by sex, don't we? Don't men prefer to spend their leisure time in sports bars with other men? Would anyone suggest that a man who wanted to marry a woman was suffering from mental illness?
That's much different, men marrying women is completely normal. People of different races hanging out together is not really normal. Are you an American?
Reread my post and notice I didn't say anybody is pure. The fact is purity isn't necessary for race - or whatever name you'd rather use for population variation - to exist. Here is someone who may be able to explain race] in a way that's more tolerable to you.
I read your posts when you are responding to me, and what is consistent, is you don't define terms. You keep things undefined, so you can pivot however you want. I asked for specific evidence of a race of people, first you said you had heard of one, then you couldn't produce it, so you changed to linking an article that says you aren't a crank. It also says things like, "What does this imply in terms of morals and ethics? Nothing." and "How humans came about is less important than the fact that we are all human." and "Race may be a biological myth, but there is no unanimous consensus." The differences the article talks about are either very old mixing of the different human sub-species or the more recent differences in hair color or lactose intolerance. Last I heard, no mother has complained that their son was marrying a lactose intolerant woman. If this article is the best you can do, you've just proved how weak your statements have been up to now.
When people segregate into enclaves, it's generally because of language and culture, not race. They originally did so because of people like you who tried to give them a hard time for being "different".
Race and culture are strongly linked, language is less so but it still makes a difference. And self-segregation is an evolved behavior in humans, it happens even under the best social conditions.Yes and no. It's true that there is a connection between race and culture, but there isn't a single "black culture" any more than there's a single "white culture". It depends on where you come from -- Nigeria, Mozambique, Haiti, Chicago? And what of white immigrants from say Poland or Russia? It's their language that separates them from American culture, not the color of their skin.The point is all cultures are different from each other and race is a major reason for that.
And it's true that it's natural for people to self-segregate to some extent, but we also segregate by sex, don't we? Don't men prefer to spend their leisure time in sports bars with other men? Would anyone suggest that a man who wanted to marry a woman was suffering from mental illness?
That's much different, men marrying women is completely normal. People of different races hanging out together is not really normal. Are you an American?I am.
Reread my post and notice I didn't say anybody is pure. The fact is purity isn't necessary for race - or whatever name you'd rather use for population variation - to exist. Here is someone who may be able to explain race] in a way that's more tolerable to you.
I read your posts when you are responding to me, and what is consistent, is you don't define terms. You keep things undefined, so you can pivot however you want. Jesus H Christ pay attention, this is how I defined race above:
Races are population groups that evolved in differing ecological niches
I asked for specific evidence of a race of people, first you said you had heard of one, then you couldn't produce it, so you changed to linking an article that says you aren't a crank. It also says things like, "What does this imply in terms of morals and ethics? Nothing." and "How humans came about is less important than the fact that we are all human." and "Race may be a biological myth, but there is no unanimous consensus."
I'm assuming you saw this paragraph and chart in the link:
Assertion: Because most genetic variation occurs within races, two random individuals from different races may be genetically closer than two random individuals from the same race. The image above, from a 2009 paper, is one of the clearest refutations of such assertions. An evolutionary chart, or phylogeny, of human population is not difficult to construct. Multiple different genetic methodologies have converged upon the same general pattern of Africans differentiating from non-Africans, and West Eurasians differentiating from East Eurasians, and so forth. Why? Though on any given gene, one may be more similar to an individual from some distant population than an individual from the same population, when looking at the average across many genes, there is a clear pattern whereby individuals from the same populations tend to share variants in common.
The differences the article talks about are either very old mixing of the different human sub-species or the more recent differences in hair color or lactose intolerance.
Well, there you go. Race.
Last I heard, no mother has complained that their son was marrying a lactose intolerant woman. If this article is the best you can do, you've just proved how weak your statements have been up to now.
Maybe not but mothers are known to complain about the appearance of their sons' girlfriends, and "race" plays a big part in that, obviously.

Do you understand that chart? What is PC1?
besides, you’re cherry picking
If you read the study where the chart came from, it says this

Modern studies of genetic variation, including this one, have supported Darwin's observation, showing that most common variants are shared widely among human populations (Altshuler et al. 2005; Jakobsson et al. 2008). Our data confirm what Darwin believed: We found not a single SNP locus, out of nearly 250,000, at which a fixed difference would distinguish any pair of continental populations. In addition, because population affiliation is not a reliable predictor of an individual's specific genotype or haplotype, a self-identified population is at best loosely correlated with disease phenotypes (Jorde and Wooding 2004; Race, Ethnicity, and Genetics Working Group 2005). Nevertheless, the partial isolation of human populations through time has produced a correlation between geographic ancestry and genetic similarity.

I don’t have anything to add here, but last year I heard an amazing news story that I think does belong in this discussion.

For Centuries, A Small Town Has Embraced Strangers With Mental Illness July 1, 2016 At the center of Geel, a charming Belgian town less than an hour's drive from of Antwerp, is a church dedicated to Dymphna, a saint believed to have the power to cure mental disorders. It's a medieval church with stone arches, spires and a half-built bell tower, and it has inspired an unusual centuries-old practice: For over 700 years, residents of Geel have been accepting people with mental disorders, often very severe mental disorders, into their homes and caring for them. It isn't meant to be a treatment or therapy. The people are not called patients, but guests or boarders. They go to Geel and join households to share a life with people who can watch over them. Today, there are about 250 boarders in Geel. One of them is a Flemish man named Luc Ennekans. He's slim and has green eyes, and he's 51 years old. NPR's Lulu Miller went to Geel and met him and his host family there and reported this story for Invisibilia. Like all of the guests in the town today, Ennekans first went to a public psychiatric hospital in Geel that manages the boarder program. Ennekans saw medical professionals and received treatment and an evaluation. Then he was paired with a household. His hosts, Toni Smit and Arthur Shouten, say that living with Ennekans was rough at the start. ... ... The Belgian government pays 40 euros (less than $45) per boarder per day to support the practice, less than half of which goes to the foster family to cover living expenses. Still, the tradition persists, in large part because Geelians are proud of it. In a 1962 survey of Geel foster families, American psychiatrist Matthew Dumont found that their main reason for accepting boarders was custom. Roosens and Van De Walle describe the program as part of Geel's heritage. It's part of the town's identity. But, they write, that may not be enough to sustain the program. Invisibilia co-host Lulu Miller contributed to this report. For more on experiments in community-based housing and support, see our story on Mr. Kitt, a man who lived on the streets of New York City for decades before finding a home, health and art at Broadway Housing Communities.
The point is all cultures are different from each other and race is a major reason for that.
A reason but not the ONLY reason. For me, the point is that even if cultures are different, there's no reason we can't live together.
That's much different, men marrying women is completely normal. People of different races hanging out together is not really normal.
But not ABnormal enough to be considered a sign of mental illness, as Cultsmasher claims. That was my point. I respect your opinion, but this is one thing we're just going to disagree on. We all have some neanderthal in us. So at one time we mixed with not just a different culture, but a different sub species. We've always mixed, we're just able to travel further and faster now, so we do it more. If we weren't all of the same species, no mater what color, we wouldn't have been able to produce offspring. The same is true of Neanderthals. Modern humans would have no Neanderthal genes if we were of different species. LL Not only are we all part of the same species we are much more closely related to each other than our closest primate relatives. There's more genetic diversity in the mitochondrial DNA in one troop of Bonobos than there is in all of humanity. This is due to the evolutionary bottleneck that almost killed off our ancestors about 75,000 years ago. Every human is descended from the couple of thousand individuals that survived.

Well, I do agree that birds with the same feathers flock together. It is how the ancestry is traced way back. People are happy with their tribes. There is a sense of knowingness and people who fear the unknown have xenophobia so can we categorize phobias as mental illness too? People who look the same, work the same, eat the same, wear the same, have similar cultural values, and trends will have a low level of conflict which finally reduces anxiety and depression too. It is just how we are designed and do somewhat agree with the post. We will always be referred to what ethnicity we belong to rather than just being together at the same place. The United States is a good example that is host to many but immigrants have made their mini-cities there. Too much diversity leads to loss of individual identity. Many people fall into confusion then mental illnesses begin, largely due to facing alienation and being a target to cultural shocks.

I note that you chose to make this point during a historical world-wide momentum to disavow the excuses for NOT maintaining the systemic societal injustices perpetrated on “diverse” peoples.

You promote the belief that racial diversity itself is the cause of societal ills.

If that is true, then what is your suggestion for dealing with this purported cause of alienation and mental illnesses?

Do you suggest that each ethnicity be required to have its own locale, separate from all the others?

What about the examples, such as, has gotten attention recently, that the segregated and highly economically successful community of blacks in, Greenwood, a suburb of Tulsa, OK was brutally destroyed by whites of the time (99 years ago)?

Seems to me that we tried the segregation route and it failed, miserably.

And now, integration is so pervasive, that races are so commonly blended, that there is often no rational way of saying what “race” some people are, other than letting them self identify as whatever.

People of different backgrounds and levels of melanin, can get along just fine, and be quite emotionally healthy. But you seem to be denying that such people exist ubiquitously.

Now I don’t deny that people often do NOT get along with others who have different backgrounds and levels of melanin. But really, is it ONLY because of their backgrounds and melanin levels? Or might it, rather, be that some, in whatever background they came from, learned to HATE or MISTRUST persons who have different cultural histories and different melanin levels?


Our fast-paced lives these days have at the cost of mental illnesses. It’s so unfortunate to see young minds struggling to stay afloat with all that surrounds them. Our greed for more money and better lives has driven peace out of our lives yet we hardly come across anyone who seems fulfilled with their lives. To own the latest everything has made people forget their roots, we have all become robots that are only looking to get the best new trending phone, trending car, trending clothes. Family has become secondary, relaxation has become secondary. When you plan on retiring, you would have lived most of your life by then. The time to live is now. For those struggling with mental illnesses, you need to reflect on your lives and try this guide to get you through Top 23 Positive Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health - MMJ DOCTOR

Really? Your answer to the problem with mental illness is to become a pothead? You know pot isn’t free, right? So you still need a “greed for money” to be able to partake, and it’s not cheap either. My pothead friends used to pack a $5 bowl about 10 times a day. In just a month that’s $1,500. You can get a hell of a nice phone for $1,500 and it lasts you a year or two even if you get the next latest and greatest one when it comes out.

Not to mention the incredibly slimy way you pretended to care about mental illness just so you could plug your own self interests. And the fact that you and this web site are claiming that marijuana, which is untested for anything at all, is a great treatment for any ailment or disease is, as I have pointed out before, just as illegal is it is for any snake oil “alternative medicine”, which is EXACTLY what pot is until medical science says otherwise.

I’m sorry if this was harsh, but I read that entire thing thinking you actually cared about people who weren’t you only to be hit with your own personal agenda at the end and it sickened me. Mental illness IS a real issue and it needs a REAL solution, which you can get form a REAL doctor, not some website with “doctor” in the name making unfounded claims of the benefits of being a damned pothead.

NEW RESEARCH indicates that pot use during pregnancy should be avoided. (Alcohol use during pregnancy is definitely bad, but this is the 1st study that I have seen that suggests pot during pregnancy can lead to neurological issues in childhood for the offspring.

I think melaniataylor makes a valid point and I don’t understand the sharp criticism leveled at the post listed above.

There is presently a new movement in this country among some clinicians in the mental health community who see the use of psychoactive compounds as holding the greatest therapeutic potential for treating a variety of psychological conditions from PTSD, depression, alcoholism, rape trauma and other emotionally disruptive conditions. This new strategy is based on using hallucinogens in a structured, non-threatening setting where trained clinicians guide the patient through a session where he or she is administered the active agent and is encouraged to openly speak about their emotional problems. Similar in many respects to “cognitive” therapy where informing a patient about how and why they’re experiencing their psychic distress thereby giving them the intellectual tools to disentangle their thoughts about why they feel the way they do, hallucinogens have the unique power to enable those who suffer from debilitating conditions like drug addiction or alcoholism to clearly envision their lives as free of theses crippling diseases. At the forefront of this new movement in the treatment of mental ilness is M.A.P.S. (Multi-disciplinary Association for Psychdelic Studies). This organization is a team of trained clinicians and practicing therapists on the front lines of treating mental ilness and they are a well-informed, data driven group of professionals who see the enormous therepeutic potential in this new line of research. They also suggest the use of marijuana as having a role in reducing the psychological stress of those with mental ilness. If anyone wants to learn about this new approach, the story is told in (Hofman’s Potion) which chronicles Canada’s sucessful use of LSD in treating alchoholics in the 1950’s.

If I had noticed this comment before it became a thread, I would have marked it as spam. I was a member of NORML in 1978, and I finally got to buy some legally last week. Not exactly the suffrage movement, but I call it progress. HOWEVER, the OP is slimy, it plays on emotions and offers a drug as a cure to the common ills of human existence. It dances around the medical claims that mm1951 talks about and gives the impression that’s all worked out. I’m sure the claims at the link get even wilder.

If this becomes one of those threads where people just keep linking to pot sites, I’ll lock the thread. I’m too lazy to put this in blue text. I blame drugs.


There is presently a new movement in this country among some clinicians in the mental health community who see the use of psychoactive compounds as holding the greatest therapeutic potential for treating a variety of psychological conditions...

For those struggling with mental illnesses, you need to reflect on your lives and try this guide to get you through…

Do you see it now? You’re talking about research, the OP was talking about cure. Of course, you’re minimizing the fact that the research you’re talking about hasn’t reached the level of medical acceptance yet, so maybe you don’t care about the difference between medically sound advice and voodoo which looks promising, but apparently not promising enough to follow up on it at any point in the last 70 years or so. And it glosses over the fact that Freud once touted cocaine as a wonder drug because it helped him get over his heroine addiction. If you only looked at that one data point we should all be doing cocaine all the time. Of course even in his lifetime he realized he had traded one addiction for another and there has been a lot of research since then which comes to a very different conclusion. And let’s gloss over the fact that your information comes solely from a documentary while the Wikipedia page on Hofmann has this to say:

Hofmann continued to take small doses of LSD throughout much of his life, and always hoped to find a use for it.
If you want to see just how far off the rails a documentary is legally allowed to go then I suggest you watch as much of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed for a real good look at what kind of bullshit you can freely claim in a documentary. I think I lasted about 20 minutes before I just couldn't handle any more egregious lies and woeful misrepresentations of reality. But according to his Wikipedia page Hofmann "hoped" to find a use for LSD, the chemical he discovered and presumably owned the rights to. He never "did" find a use for LSD. And never mind that the research you site is from the 1950s, but LSD was legal clear up until 1966, yet no research continued during the '60s.

THIS is why I was so harsh. I would rather know nothing at all than half the truth. And mental health is an important issue for me. The mentally ill are the forgotten people in our nation today. The Republican push to privatize Medicaid has put countless mentally ill people out on the streets with nothing because the ONLY way you save money on a government run project by privatizing it, thus injecting a third-party to take money out of the system in the middle, is to CUT BENEFITS, which happens every single time. My wife worked with the intellectually disabled for over 20 years and the atrocities these people faced, even into the '80s, is heartbreaking. If you use the mentally ill to push a pro-drug agenda filled with half truths and outright lies it pisses me off. So yeah, I was harsh that some jackass spammed the forum and used the plight of the less fortunate to push his new age agenda. The same was I am harsh when you make me out to be the bogey man to push your new age tweaker agenda.

In response to Widdershins;

You highlighted the above excerpt of what I wrote and grafted on the words of someone else. I never wrote or said anywhere on this forum “For those struggling with mental illness, you need to reflect on your lives and try this guide to get you through…”

Those are not my words yet you place these words with the quote above them which is mine and make no effort at attributing quotes to their proper source. That’s intellectually dishonest. Nothing I said in the above posting is false and I can assure you I have no “new age tweaker agenda” as you call it and what exactly is a “new age tweaker agenda”? I am also not “using the mentally ill to push a pro-drug agenda” as you describe it. Your rant is angry and ridiculous.




Let me fill you in on a little secret. If you quote one thing, and then immediately after it you quote another thing, those two things apparently show up on the form as a single quote. I did not notice this when I posted, but I certainly should be able to assume that you understand the thing I was criticizing well enough to recognize a quote from it when you critiqued my criticism about that thing.

To clarify, because apparently I can’t assume anything is obvious here, I quoted YOU with your uncertain language highlighted AND THEN I quoted the thing I criticized with the OPs certain language highlighted. Things like “new movement”, “some clinicians” and “potential”, which YOU stated (just to be painfully clear) do not lead to “needs”, which THE PERSON I WAS CRITICIZING stated. I was answering your first line.

I attempted put them as two separate quotes, on two separate lines. But the forum software ran them together as one. I kind of assumed you would be able to just recognize a quote from the thing you were defending as a different thing than a quote from yourself. Apparently your understanding of the material you are defending is so poor that you really shouldn’t have been defending it in the first place.

Have a nice day.

I couldn’t agree more with this piece; it actually sums up the root causes. It’s time we learned to be happy again, be content again. I always wondered about this article Top 23 Positive Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health - MMJ DOCTOR that how could marijuana help with mental health but as I continue to myself distressed, I now understand that to be in a positive frame of mind and to avoid mental illnesses, you need to set yourself free and distress yourself once in a while be it with the help of mmj or any other activity