The point of life/living

I just like to share news on interesting scientific subjects. MT is my current subject and the more I learn about these little engines, the more intrigued I become.

Their functions seem almost limitless, now that we have observed that they can even process information at quantum levels.

I think we are discussing two different things.
One, why I share this stuff.
Two, why we have an unquenchable thirst for learning and understanding.

It comes down to conditioning and experiences, babies, kids and supervising them has been a sporadic constant all my life. They’ve helped form who I am. With the past five years providing one incredible finale’ that’s taken my understanding/appreciation to a whole new level.

I’ve been responding to him for months. What’s with all the questions? You keep acting like you haven’t read anything I’ve written before yesterday?

He says, “that’s not true” in almost every thread. The best he does is say, “that might be true” but it’s now how it works in his life.

Not exactly. This is in rats not humans, and like it mentioned before other animals aren’t like this. So it’s more like just picking the animals that supports your viewpoint.

I do call into question any article that includes IQ as a measurement since the metric has been found to be pseudoscience lately and not really measure intelligence in any capacity.

It’s not really accurate to test something on rats and draw conclusions with humans, especially since we are more complex than rats. Also there is a lot of maybes and suspects, which means they don’t really know.

Some days I really do think I’m a binary automaton because my thinking is pretty either/or, even my interactions with people are like that. If I do X then they will do Y and if they don’t then I don’t really know what to do.

That’s why I don’t really talk with people, I don’t know what to say or how. I just copy stuff from TV.

I’m not even sure I understand my own emotions half the time, let alone what to do with them. I don’t know why I’m stuck on what Gary said despite everyone saying otherwise. I don’t really know or understand myself. All I can do is repeat what other people say who sound like they know what they’re talking about.

My entire personality is pretty much a copy and paste of what I think people want to hear based on TV and other media.

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Maybe that’s on you. Maybe you personalize things I say instead of seeing them as my thoughts, that are independent of yours.

Every conversation is an interaction, a dance, each partner having a hand in the direction it takes, I know, you know that.
The problem isn’t you, or I,
the problem is my vocal critique of modern popular philosophy (I use those specific words, to underscore I haven’t a clue what the intellectual heavy weights, inside academia’s ivory towers, have to say about anything. I know what comes to me via public layperson sources.). Oh and what seven decades of engaged living has taught me.

For me, this is about two different world views, not about two different people.


Engaged living honestly just sounds like nonsense to me. It’s like that “awareness” stuff on the psychology today article about the lady going on about guidance from the universe.

But then, what do you know?
In my experience it has to do with attitude, waking up and engaging the day, being present to the people and work and the moments of your life. Finding joy and satisfaction in small acts of kindness and that sort of stuff that exists within the community of men and women.

It requires a little empathy for starters, and from what you’ve written here, you don’t have that, some connections missing or something. That’s sad. I can only speak from within my circle of my own experiences and knowledge.

I hear you, but I can’t relate, that’s also sad to me.

You think you got it all figured out, and that it’s all nothingness, empty, nihilistic, yet you go on living.
Certainly no thanks to your state of mine, and internal voices that keep telling you everything is meaningless, life is worthless, and that you don’t exist, etc . . .

I look on and wonder, why won’t you recognize that your biological body is something real in and of itself, and it is running much of the show. That is why you keep going. I found quite a bit of value in that understanding.

But that’s me. Seems to me your mind has found its comfort zone, possibly right where it needs to be. I haven’t a clue, but I do know quite often, the devil we know, is better than the devil we don’t know, so there’s that.

Best wishes,

Like I said, nonsense. Stuff like that hasn’t worked out for me because we don’t just choose to do stuff like that. Even when I did I never really felt that different.

Never said I had no empathy, I just don’t really care. Doesn’t mean I can’t understand why.


If the software let me put a ? only, I would do that.


I don’t know what to tell you, that’s just how it is with me. I understand but that doesn’t mean I really care.

It has nothing to do with “understanding”. That falls under sympathy, not empathy.
Empathy is the ability to “feel” the emotions of another. And apparently you are incapable of that.

p.s. Tell me, what causes you to breathe without any conscious participation.

No I can do that too, but like I said I just don’t care about it. Empathy is still guessing though because you’re just assuming at the end of the day.

Your redefinition of the English language makes it difficult to the point of impossible to communicate. Empathy is not guessing and includes caring.

When are you going to read cited definitions?
You seem to be egocentric, incapable of empathy.

Read what empathy is and learn something interesting to discuss.

Read what egocentricity is and learn another interesting subject to discuss.

Then read what egocentrism is

Egocentrism is a cognitive bias that refers to someone’s inability to understand that another person’s view or opinion may be different than their own123. It is the inability to differentiate between self and other, and to accurately assume or understand any perspective other than one’s own3. In the developmental theory of Jean Piaget, egocentrism is a feature of the preoperational child2.

You may find some valuable truths in these concepts.

It doesn’t include caring. The definition is to understand and share the feelings of another. It says nothing about caring about them, you added that one.

And it is guessing. You’re basing it on your own experiences and then assuming how they feel. But that’s all it is, a guess.

Like when my mom died and I had people assuming it was a bad thing and I was so sad but in reality I was just fine. They guessed and made assumptions about my feelings based on cultural expectations, that’s what empathy is

Again you’re in the wrong. I have empathy I just don’t care about them. Empathy has nothing to do with caring, just understanding.

Your definitions also miss the point, as usual

And here you are displaying your egocentrism! Read, don’t skim!

Again, no. Like I said, the definition of empathy doesn’t include caring about the person. I checked.

Try again.

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Ability to care (relate) is a requirement of the empathic mind.

But empaths can also learn how to center themselves so that they don’t feel too much or become overloaded. The first step is to acknowledge that you are an empath. Here are the top 10 traits of an empath, from The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People. See if you can relate: