Want to know what a lot of us are upset about up here, take a look. It’s like something out of Tolkien’s Mordor.
That’s tragic. In this day and age we still insist on burning something knowing full well it’s only about making more money for corporations at the expense of our environment and future climate disasters as a legacy. I hope that pipeline never sees the light of day.
Me too, the tar sands projects are highly destructive at the production end, upgrading the bitumen uses electricity produced by coal and the diluted bitumen is more viscous, acidic and abrasive than conventional crude. Making the chances of pipeline failure much more likely.
When emergency responders rushed to Marshall, Mich. on July 26, 2010, they found that the Kalamazoo River had been blackened by more than one million gallons of oil. They didn't discover until more than a week later that the ruptured pipeline had been carrying diluted bitumen, also known as dilbit, from Canada's tar sands region. Cleaning it up would challenge them in ways they had never imagined. Instead of taking a couple of months, as they originally expected, nearly two years later the job still isn't complete. Dilbit is harder to remove from waterways than the typical light crude oil—often called conventional crude—that has historically been used as an energy source. While most conventional oils float on water, much of the dilbit sank beneath the surface. Submerged oil is significantly harder to clean up than floating oil: A large amount of oil remains in the riverbed near Marshall, and the cleanup is expected to continue through the end of 2012.At the refinery end the higher content of contaminants in the heavy crude means it takes more energy to convert into saleable products and the machinery wears out faster requiring more resources to replace.
Its in the interest of the US to block the Keystone pipeline, because without that pipeline, its not economical for Canada to export the oil to anywhere but the US, which means that they have to accept what we’re willing to pay for the oil. When the pipeline is finished, Canada will be able to sell the oil on the open market (i.e. China’s going to buy it) for current market rates, so gas prices in the US will continue to climb. God bless America and the giant corporations that control her!
Want to know what a lot of us are upset about up here, take a look. It's like something out of Tolkien's Mordor. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/29/photos-keystone_n_5404159.html?utm_hp_ref=canada&ir=CanadaI'm assuming you and everyone who is upset is riding a bicycle everywhere Fuzzy. I would recommend you throw away and stop buying everything that's made of plastic too. That's just for starters.
Its in the interest of the US to block the Keystone pipeline, because without that pipeline, its not economical for Canada to export the oil to anywhere but the US, which means that they have to accept what we're willing to pay for the oil. When the pipeline is finished, Canada will be able to sell the oil on the open market (i.e. China's going to buy it) for current market rates, so gas prices in the US will continue to climb. God bless America and the giant corporations that control her!How does the Keystone pipeline help Canada to sell to other countries than the US? It runs from Alberta, Canada, to refineries in the United States in Steele City, Nebraska; Wood River and Patoka, Illinois; and the Gulf Coast of Texas. In addition to the synthetic crude oil and diluted bitumen from Canada, it also carries light crude oil from the Williston Basin region in Montana and North Dakota. Lois
Its in the interest of the US to block the Keystone pipeline, because without that pipeline, its not economical for Canada to export the oil to anywhere but the US, which means that they have to accept what we're willing to pay for the oil. When the pipeline is finished, Canada will be able to sell the oil on the open market (i.e. China's going to buy it) for current market rates, so gas prices in the US will continue to climb. God bless America and the giant corporations that control her!How does the Keystone pipeline help Canada to sell to other countries than the US? It runs from Alberta, Canada, to refineries in the United States in Steele City, Nebraska; Wood River and Patoka, Illinois; and the Gulf Coast of Texas. In addition to the synthetic crude oil and diluted bitumen from Canada, it also carries light crude oil from the Williston Basin region in Montana and North Dakota. LoisBecause right now, there's no economical way to get the oil from Canada to an ocean port. If the Keystone pipeline is built, Canada will have a route to a sea port for the oil.
Its in the interest of the US to block the Keystone pipeline, because without that pipeline, its not economical for Canada to export the oil to anywhere but the US, which means that they have to accept what we're willing to pay for the oil. When the pipeline is finished, Canada will be able to sell the oil on the open market (i.e. China's going to buy it) for current market rates, so gas prices in the US will continue to climb. God bless America and the giant corporations that control her!How does the Keystone pipeline help Canada to sell to other countries than the US? It runs from Alberta, Canada, to refineries in the United States in Steele City, Nebraska; Wood River and Patoka, Illinois; and the Gulf Coast of Texas. In addition to the synthetic crude oil and diluted bitumen from Canada, it also carries light crude oil from the Williston Basin region in Montana and North Dakota. LoisBecause right now, there's no economical way to get the oil from Canada to an ocean port. If the Keystone pipeline is built, Canada will have a route to a sea port for the oil. And the United States will stand by with their fingers up their bums while Canadisn oil flows right past them to the open market? Lois
How can we stop them? Its their oil. Us blocking the sale would be interfering with the free market, and we can’t have that. Don’t forget that oil companies are some of the largest donors to politicians.
How can we stop them? Its their oil. Us blocking the sale would be interfering with the free market, and we can't have that. Don't forget that oil companies are some of the largest donors to politicians.Do you really think we could not stop the flow of oil running through our country? Somebody would do it, no matter how many politicians have been paid off. Lois
How can we stop them? Its their oil. Us blocking the sale would be interfering with the free market, and we can't have that. Don't forget that oil companies are some of the largest donors to politicians.Do you really think we could not stop the flow of oil running through our country? Somebody would do it, no matter how many politicians have been paid off. LoisWhy? The people who could stop it would be the ones profiting from the increased revenues by selling the oil on the open market. Its not the Federal government building the pipeline, but oil companies.
Why? The people who could stop it would be the ones profiting from the increased revenues by selling the oil on the open market. Its not the Federal government building the pipeline, but oil companies.To very large degree it's the Chinese government behind this with the full cooperation of the Canadian government who has allowed the sale of a large share of the tar sands development to a Chinese nationally owned company. And our batcrap crazy PM went on a rant about the evils of communism recently. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/stephen-harper-attacks-vladimir-putin-and-evil-communism-1.2660700
Prime Minister Stephen Harper launched into a full-throated attack on the evils of communism at a fundraiser on Friday for a monument to its victims. In a lengthy key-note speech to the dinner, Harper took aim at Russian President Vladimir Putin and past adherents to communism
Want to know what a lot of us are upset about up here, take a look. It's like something out of Tolkien's Mordor. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/29/photos-keystone_n_5404159.html?utm_hp_ref=canada&ir=CanadaI'm assuming you and everyone who is upset is riding a bicycle everywhere Fuzzy. I would recommend you throw away and stop buying everything that's made of plastic too. That's just for starters.I hope you realize putting all that carbon into the atmosphere is going to guarantee our society's destruction. in decades not centuries. But, that's just going to be starters. But, yea I'm afraid you are right, it's a little late in the game for easy changes of course, the slippery sliddy has us in it's grip. We had plenty of warnings in the 70s, 80s - it's no secret to any intellectually honest person that our planet couldn't - can't sustain limitless greed and growth… that's why they call it cancer… and sometimes it is terminal.
Its in the interest of the US to block the Keystone pipeline, because without that pipeline, its not economical for Canada to export the oil to anywhere but the US, which means that they have to accept what we're willing to pay for the oil. When the pipeline is finished, Canada will be able to sell the oil on the open market (i.e. China's going to buy it) for current market rates, so gas prices in the US will continue to climb. God bless America and the giant corporations that control her!I predict that Keystone will be built, as US interests are secondary to the interests of the economically elite, when it comes to actual policies. Then, if the pipeline leaks, and pollutes the Ogallala Aquifer, the economically elite, of the not-so-distant future, can gather even more wealth by building water pipelines from Canada.
Want to know what a lot of us are upset about up here, take a look. It's like something out of Tolkien's Mordor.Obscene profit to rule them all. Obscene profit to find them. Obscene profit to bring them all, And in the Darkness... bind them, In the Land of Poorly Regulated Capitalism, Where the shadows lie.
I hope you realize putting all that carbon into the atmosphere is going to guarantee our society's destruction. in decades not centuries. But, that's just going to be starters.Do you drive a car too CC?
I don’t.
I hope you realize putting all that carbon into the atmosphere is going to guarantee our society's destruction. in decades not centuries. But, that's just going to be starters.Do you drive a car too CC? And what does that have to do with facing geophysical realities? Please do explain.
Please do explain.You need me to explain what the automobile has meant for geophysical realities? Aside from other ecological realities....? I was asking if you drive a car because if you do you are contributing to the geophysical "realities". Plus other myriad ecological realities. That's just the car facet of the equation.
Obscene profit to rule them all. Obscene profit to find them. Obscene profit to bring them all, And in the Darkness… bind them, In the Land of Poorly Regulated Capitalism, Where the shadows lie.I blame it all on those money grubbing dwarves. Cap't Jack