We all know that I’m fairly disgusted with the juvenile delinquent mentality of most of today’s political and business leaders, on all sides. Spoiled brats, so out of touch with down-to-Earth reality, it’s pathetic. But, that’s not what this post is about.
This is more about the aftermath of what’s barreling down at us.
While many will disagree, (with the help of ignoring facts and dishonesty), the evidence makes very clear that our modern global web, the infrastructure of globalism, the thing that supplies our stores,
the farming infrastructure that feeds our bellies,
the clean water infrastructure - resources that hydrate our bodies and grow our food and produce our energy, etc, etc,
They are all talking hits left and right.
In “my” Colorado River basin, the snow packs, the river run off, the reservoirs, all running horrifically low. We are at the mercy of weather. A few good storms will save us another season, but the trend.
Then, conversely, in California, when the big storms, the atmospheric rivers hit, only to dump on the mountains like never before (remember our atmosphere is holding more water, with every temp increase, torrential rains are our future.).
Raging floods are often more damaging than withering droughts to farm land.
This same story is going on all over. It seem pretty inevitable that cracks and collapse will happen. Image then on top of all the rest the San Diego container port being ravaged by storm and flood, and knocked out of commission, then what?
My point is, doesn’t it seem to you that we are at the threshold of some life changing catastrophes like never before in modern history? Heck never before in any human history because the weather is going to keep getting warmer and stormier.
So most of us die, I’m old and okay with that. When I look at my 30s daughter clinging to dreams while somewhat aware, or the babies just entering this mess, it’s different.
Getting through the coming waves of destruction and horrors, will require luck to begin with, but after that, it will require a pioneering fortitude that no one possesses these days.
Not to worry, conditions have a way of making the ones, with the right stuff, learn damned fast. They just need to be in one of the locations where they’ll be able to learn to live off local resources again. Of course, with some modern marvels and today’s scientific understandings, who knows what possibilities/potentials will be realized.
What will it take for those humans to have the right stuff?
And I reckon what all this has been leading too, the big question:
How much does spiritual solidity and a sense of place in the universe, have to do with a human having the right stuff to make it through the worst of times?