Sympathy For The Liberal

Much more sane and intelligent people are having trouble with the concept of self defense.
It all depends on who started the cycle of violence first. If there were no lawbreakers, we wouldn't need law enforcers to defend the lawful.

All the America haters … and all the Capitalist haters … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet you and introduce himself … if only you answer his plea: What’s my name?

All the America haters … and all the Capitalist haters … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet you and introduce himself … then take your vote. That’s the nature of his Game.

It all depends on who started the cycle of violence first. -- Sree
Well, you get that part. But I don't see you applying it correctly to the current situation.

All the America haters … and all the Capitalist haters …


Interesting language, ancient Romans would frequently call Jews “god haters” because they steadfastly refused to acknowledge any of the Roman gods.

It’s Donald Trump and his mindless followers who seem to hate America and its democratic traditions. It’s Donald Trump and his followers who have no faith or appreciation for free and fair elections. It’s Donald Trump along with his followers who find nothing wrong with separating children from their parents and putting them in cages. Critics of Trump are not the ones who hate.

I can’t look into someone’s mind and say what they hate or not but I firmly believe those supporting Trump certainly have no love for this country.

edited by sree from a TimB post, so as to reply to it: "You change that and the violent ones have no more motivation for violence."

sree’s reply: “This sounds like a threat. It won’t work against folks who tamed the west.”

And to that I say, NO WAY. It IS NOT a threat. It is a prediction of what could be. A description of a problem and a solution.

That it scares you SO MUCH, suggests that you have no confidence at all that your guy could successfully deal with a real problem like that. SO SCARED that you come up with the delusion that someone is threatening you, Because that is what you CAN DO. You CAN project every bad thing that you do as being the fault of your opponents. You CAN LIE and try to instill a herd mentality among tRump groupees. You CAN enhance DIVISION among Americans. You CAN make things worse.



All the America haters … and all the Capitalist haters … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name?
This must be important to you, I think, since you keep on asking. So let me think...

Analyzing the clues within the question, itself, I have ascertained:

  1. The answer is someone whose gender is MALE.
  2. He is someone that is a candidate of some election.
  3. He is someone that klinko believes that ALL America Haters will, for sure, Vote for.
  4. And he is someone that klinko believes that ALL Capitalist Haters will, for sure, Vote for.
  5. And like any politician, he would like to meet you and introduce himself and get your Vote.
Now one would think that, given the title of the thread, klinko is suggesting that the answer to his subpar riddle, would be "Joe Biden".

However, this is inconsistent with clue #3, above. BECAUSE people who hate America (like the Russians hate America) would NEVER Vote for Joe Biden.

AND who is MORE a basic capitalist than WORKING CLASS JOE BIDEN??? SO who are all the “Capitalist Haters”? The “extreme liberal” AOC? Last I noticed, she still works for a living, pays taxes, buys stuff. She still appears to me to me to be a pretty solid capitalist. But any way she is MORE liberal than Joe Biden.

We know, that the answer is not AOC, though, because of clue #1.

There’s Bernie, but he is not in the most important election, now.

That leaves the tRump.

Ok, that’s my guess, the Satan that the OP references is : the tRump!

Is that right?



All the police defunders … and all the police dismantlers … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet you and introduce himself … then take your vote. That’s the nature of his Game.

Well you’re still being coy and obtuse. Joe still can’t be the answer, because Joe has repeatedly come out against “defunding” the police and has very rigorously distinguished demonstrators and protestors from arsonists, looters and property destroyers.

If only there was a clue that said "ALL the REPUGLIARS will certainly vote for…

then we would know for sure that the answer is the tRump.

The tRump, promoter of death by COVID, ally of white supremacists, divider of our Union, and destroyer of democracy’s institutions’ protective balance of power, denier of climate change, enemy of science, seeker of his own private Autocracy, has a game whose Nature all know by now. The Nature of his game is to LIE and to gather the LIE BELIEVERS to be his patsies, and to corrupt his enablers and cronies to also become unparalleled LIARS.

That must be it. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! The tRump is the Satan Character! I win! I win!

That was fun, even though the riddle was crappy and the answer was the “least incorrect”, at least it serves to highlight the evils of the tRump.

And it was kind of klinko to show sympathy for the liberals who suffer the honesty of seeing the tRump for the monster that he is.

Well you’re still being coy and obtuse. Joe still can’t be the answer, because Joe has repeatedly come out against “defunding” the police and has very rigorously distinguished demonstrators and protestors from arsonists, looters and property destroyers.

If only there was a clue that said “ALL the REPUGLIARS will certainly vote for…

then we would know for sure that the answer is the tRump.

The tRump, promoter of death by COVID, ally of white supremacists, divider of our Union, and destroyer of democracy’s institutions’ protective balance of power, denier of climate change, enemy of science, seeker of his own private Autocracy, has a game whose Nature all know by now. The Nature of his game is to LIE and to gather the LIE BELIEVERS to be his patsies, and to corrupt his enablers and cronies to also become unparalleled LIARS.

That must be it. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! The tRump is the Satan Character! I win! I win!

That was fun, even though the riddle was crappy and the answer was the “least incorrect”, at least it serves to highlight the evils of the tRump.

And it was kind of klinko to show sympathy for the liberals who suffer the honesty of seeing the tRump for the monster that he is.

Woo … Wooooo …

Don’t seem to be able to Edit the OP so here is the full version:

You are a person of Wealth and Taste. For you … every Cop is a Criminal … and all the Sinners Saints. I’d like to have some Sympathy, but what Puzzles me … is the nature of your Game.

All the window breakers … and all the building burners … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the police defunders … and all the police dismantlers … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the statue topplers … and all the history rewriters … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the America haters … and all the Capitalist haters … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the race-baiters … and all the riot sympathizers … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the police assassins … and the death to police chanters … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

But to me it’s still a puzzling Game … and if I meet you … I’ll have some courtesy … some sympathy … and some taste. I’ll be polite as possible and ask … What is the nature of your Game?

Who will All the LIARS vote for?

Who will all the sociopaths vote for? The people who won’t do the simplest thing to control the contagion of the pandemic, who will they vote for? Who will all the corrupt white collar criminals vote for? Who will most of the poor ignorant and uneducated white people vote for? Who will the wealthy stock market manipulators vote for? Who will the right groups who want a race war, vote for? You know, the ones who have their people get looting and property destruction going during lawful protests, so they can blame it on anti-fascists?

Who will the cops who murder the unarmed vote for? Who will the cops who LIE to protect their murdering peers, on the incident report when there is a bad shoot, vote for?

Who decided to put up legions of confederate statues during the Jim Crow era in order to create a dishonest narrative of our history of racial persecution? During a heyday of the KKK? Who will their people vote for? Who keeps the true history of the persecution of blacks from being taught in school? Who will they vote for? Who will the white supremacists of today vote for? Who will the neo fascists vote for?

Who will vote for the a-hole who dispersed peaceful protestors with gas and rubber bullets, so that he would not be intimidated by them when he got his picture taken in front of a church, while holding a Bible upside down?

Will you vote for that a-hole, klinko? How about voting for this Scammer in Chief? How about voting for his SUPREME LIARSHIP? How about the persecutor and separator of legal asylum seeking families? Who will vote for that creep? Who will vote for tRump the TROLL who politically divides the nation everyday of his administration? Who will vote for the man(?) who has made our country a laughing stock in the world? Who will vote for the monster who has brought on the deaths of over 200,000 Americans?

Wooo! Wooooo!

The RepugLIARS are a sad silly lot. Dems/liberals have the reputation of being pussies. But the RepugLIARs make them look like the pinnacle of humanity in comparison. The RepugLIARs are SO dangerously sad and silly. We all know who they and klinko will vote for.

Wooo! Wooooo!




If you want to continue your game, then you should at least get your implications straight.

Joe Biden has spoken firmly against any kind of unlawful actions during protests and demonstrations. That is true. Your implication to the contrary is a LIE.

Joe Biden has spoken firmly against “defunding” the police. So quit lying about that.

Joe Biden is a supporter of Capitalism and he TRULY loves America. (The tRump only loves himself.) If you say that Joe Biden is not a Capitalist and that he does not love America, YOU ARE A LIAR.

When you suggest that liberals want cops to be assassinated, you are LYING. But that’s what tRumpists (aka RepugLIARs) do. They LIE and LIE and LIE, just like their puppeteer.


If you want to continue your game, then you should at least get your implications straight.

Joe Biden has spoken firmly against any kind of unlawful actions during protests and demonstrations. That is true. Your implication to the contrary is a LIE.

Joe Biden has spoken firmly against “defunding” the police. So quit lying about that.

Joe Biden is a supporter of Capitalism and he TRULY loves America. (The tRump only loves himself.) If you say that Joe Biden is not a Capitalist and that he does not love America, YOU ARE A LIAR.

When you suggest that liberals want cops to be assassinated, you are LYING. But that’s what tRumpists (aka RepugLIARs) do. They LIE and LIE and LIE, just like their puppeteer.

You are unable to Defend the Indefensible … so you scramble to throw up some words. You’re so predictable and you’re so confused … you think it’s about the candidate … but it’s really just about you. It’s about why you enable them and about why you accept them. This still puzzles me … I’d like to have some sympathy … so tell me Liberal … What is the nature of your Game?


Steveklinko is under the spell.

No incoming information accepted. Learning is the enemy. Compassion is for loooosers. Thinking is verboten.

Heil Trumpf


It’s about why you enable them (Dem candidates?) and about why you accept them. This still puzzles me … I’d like to have some sympathy … so tell me Liberal … What is the nature of your Game?
Joe Biden, say his name. I say the name of your cult leader, the tRump, all the time.

I accept and support Joe, because he will be a good and decent and competent, and empathic, and uniting, science based, leader for our country. Oh and I HATE LIES, hence the current administration MUST GO. That’s the nature of my game.

What is the nature of your game, klinko? Beyond trolling, that is?

Wooo Woooo! klinko, you are so predictable, I predict that you will continue with your lame postings.


Joe Biden, say his name. I say the name of your cult leader, the tRump, all the time.

I accept and support Joe, because he will be a good and decent and competent, and empathic, and uniting, science based, leader for our country. Oh and I HATE LIES, hence the current administration MUST GO. That’s the nature of my game.

What is the nature of your game, klinko? Beyond trolling, that is?

Wooo Woooo! klinko, you are so predictable, I predict that you will continue with your lame postings.

You are unable to Defend the Indefensible … so you continue your scramble to throw up some words. You’re so predictable and you’re so confused … you think it’s about the candidate … but it’s really just about you. It’s about why you enable them and about why you accept them. This still puzzles me … I’d like to have some sympathy … so tell me Liberal … What is the nature of your Game?

You are a person of Wealth and Taste. For you … every Cop is a Criminal … and all the Sinners Saints. I’d like to have some Sympathy, but what Puzzles me … is the nature of your Game.

All the window breakers … and all the building burners … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the police defunders … and all the police dismantlers … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the statue topplers … and all the history rewriters … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the America haters … and all the Capitalist haters … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the race-baiters … and all the riot sympathizers … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

All the police assassins … and the death to police chanters … will certainly vote for … can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself … then take their votes. That’s the nature of your Game … you have enabled them … and you have accepted them.

But to me it’s still a puzzling Game … and if I meet you … I’ll have some courtesy … some sympathy … and some taste. I’ll be polite as possible and ask … What is the nature of your Game?



What is you major malfunction? You keep posting the same vague opaque hogwash over and over.

Oh I know. Your typical RepugLIAR tactic of repeating LIES over and over and over and over, leads to some dumbasses eventually believing those LIES.

So you must just be trolling. A troll and a LIAR. Pick up YOUR game, troll. Just reposting the same crap over and over is sadly lazy even for a troll.

Say Joe Biden’s name, troll. Can you not speak the name of a decent leader?


BTW, my prediction that you would continue with the same lame postings, was spot on.


What is you major malfunction? You keep posting the same vague opaque hogwash over and over.

Oh I know. Your typical RepugLIAR tactic of repeating LIES over and over and over and over, leads to some dumbasses eventually believing those LIES.

So you must just be trolling. A troll and a LIAR. Pick up YOUR game, troll. Just reposting the same crap over and over is sadly lazy even for a troll.

Say Joe Biden’s name, troll. Can you not speak the name of a decent leader?

You as a Liberal should be Horrified and Defensive … when you are presented with what you have become. Why do you Enable them … and why do you Accept them? Is it simply to get Votes … or does the Depravity of the Game go deeper than that? I’d like to have some Sympathy for you … but what continues to Puzzle me … is the nature of your Game.