Star Trek - The Orville

Continuing the discussion from The Day the Music Burned:

@mriana Have you seen a show called The Orville yet? It’s patterned quite closely after Star Trek.

I’ve watched up to Season 1, ep 7 so far. I think they did a surprising job at melding (no pun intended) comedy with actually decent plots. It’s quite a bit different, imo, in the fact that it’s not really a parody or spoof, but they do inject comedy in some places you normally wouldn’t expect it. But 5 or 10 minutes of pure drama/action will pass before some comedy happens. Which works ok, because they can still have a mostly serious-Trek-like episode.

Anyway, imo, it’s more like Trek than Discovery (which I quit watching halfway through season 2 or 3.

One of the head writers is Seth McFarlane, so the humor resembles Family Guy a bit, but it’s not so overdone like the jokes in Family Guy.

Yes, it’s more Star Trek than Discovery is.

I obviously agree, but I’ll say it again. :slight_smile: I really love The Orville.

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I read an article where Seth McFarlane said its not meant to be a parody he said he was such a star trek fan he had to do it.
I like the new Star Trek they did it as it has always been done. I didn’t like star trek with Scot Bacula it just felt all wrong the command structure mainly. The recent one with the girl was just too much . But they have gone back to the original script.

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I was really enjoying it until Season 3 started. The show drags in so many spots I stopped watching after S03E05.

I just recently found I have this in Paramount+. Season 3 is a new direction, but I really like it. They cover issues in a way very few sides shows do. There’s a trans kid, the morality story behind the robots, time travel paradox ethics, all interesting.

The trans kid, a Moclin child, was actually born a girl and her parents, one born female and the other born male, but both now male due to culture insisting all should be male, was forced by one father to be male due to their culture. She forced to be male before she could decide for herself or forced to be male shortly after birth. Later, the kid found out she was actually born a girl and wanted to live her life as a girl, but the parent born female, as the daughter was until forced changed as a baby, was against the daughter changing back to female, while the father born male and stayed male due to the culture, was for it. It nearly tore the family apart because the father allowed the daughter to change back to what she originally was at birth. The kid never got a chance to decide for herself, but rather was changed to male shortly after birth, without any say in it and almost didn’t get a say in it later in life. The father (one born male) was always for his daughter and even during an earlier episode, he fought for his daughter to say a girl and not be altered until she could say, even dragged out a woman who spent her life hiding in the hills because their species would not accept her as a woman born female. Everyone in the society was genetically altered at birth if they were born female, without any say in the matter. Moclans are all male, regardless of what they were born as at birth. It is an all male society, forced to be male, from birth on, if not even before. I really cannot stand the Moclans, because they don’t allow the child to decide for themselves.

Where do Moclan babies come from?

They told us in the series, but I forgot. Lausten’s article may have the answer, but…

No, they are not a single gender species. We later also find out that some are born female and are forced, in infancy, shortly after birth, to have a surgery that makes them male.

Yes, that article does answer write4u’s question and does state some are born female:

They reproduce by laying eggs, the gestation period requires the parent to sit on it until it hatches, which is exactly 21 days.

While they are declared as a single gender species, a female Moclan is born, on rare occasions, every 75 years.

On the rare occasions when a Moclan is born a female, the parents will order a sex change operation to convert the gender to male. While seemingly unethical to human prejudices, it is seen perfectly justifiable to the Moclans and view the conversion as necessary, believing that being female is a handicap.

We also find that this is changing and females and some parents are fighting back against this one the Moclan world, some were even living in hiding. That said, the female colony of Moclan is now under the protection of whatever Orville’s Federation is. The article does not mention this episode where we meet the females, with their families, fighting to stay as they are.

mriana , you are qualified to be our ambassador to the world of Star Trek.

You are the CFI expert who knows the cultures and customs of all the interstellar races our brave Trekkies encounter during their voyages to “where no man has gone before”…

p.s. Does Moclan stand for “Male only Clan”?

I haven’t seen or heard it yet, but it is possible.

Oh and thank you. I’m just you typical nerd when it comes to Star Trek, Orville, and B5.