Dan Rather 6 hrs · https://www.facebook.com/theDanRather/posts/10157556681905716 Almost every campaign stump speech ever made is usually forgotten even before it is finished. But today I sense something happened that will echo throughout history. First Lady Michelle Obama took the podium in New Hampshire with a message so visceral, so emotional, and so powerful that it will stand as a moment of clarity in an election full of such moral muddiness. Obama's theme was not about policy, or even politics. It was about shining the spotlight of justice on the looming specter of Donald Trump (a name she never mentioned) and his long history of misogyny, sexism, bragging of sexual assault, and now the litany of allegations. We have never had a first lady like Michelle Obama, in spirit or biography. An African-American woman of such accomplishment speaking with a quivering voice of how women have been treated as property and its effect on our nation's character held the crowd in the hall, and I believe millions more at home, in rapt attention. It should be noted that the legacy of slavery, under which we still struggle, included the added burden of institutionalized sexual violence. To have the African-American wife of the first African-American president bear witness to potentially the first woman president added to the significance of the moment. To speak of Michelle Obama's own political skills - as potent as they are - would be to diminish the import of today's event. I share the video in full because all citizens of the United States may be interested in hearing the message first hand. Regardless if you agree or disagree with what the First Lady has to say, I believe you cannot deny that this speech marks a singular chapter in our national story. In many ways it serves as a bookend to her husband's famous speech on race in his campaign 8 years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ45VLgbe_E
Watched it last night on Youtube. Awesome!
The Obamas are both incredible speakers.
Watched it last night on Youtube. Awesome! The Obamas are both incredible speakers.Now that you mention it.
Dan Rather 6 hrs · https://www.facebook.com/theDanRather/posts/10157556681905716 Regardless if you agree or disagree with what the First Lady has to say, I believe you cannot deny that this speech marks a singular chapter in our national story. In many ways it serves as a bookend to her husband's famous speech on race in his campaign 8 years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ45VLgbe_E
Famous Full Obama Speech on Race Relations - A More Perfect Union 2008 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsrGQzKmMCs This is Barack Obama's famous speech on race relations and the history of slavery in the United States. The speech was given March 18, 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the Constitution Center. The speech begins "We the people", and deals not just with racial history and relations, but how Americans can work together.
She nailed that speech. It came from her heart.
She nailed that speech. It came from her heart.I wonder if she might be the second First Lady who is elected President of the United States. LL
She nailed that speech. It came from her heart.I wonder if she might be the second First Lady who is elected President of the United States. LL Michelle in 2020!
She nailed that speech. It came from her heart.I wonder if she might be the second First Lady who is elected President of the United States. LL Michelle in 2020! Maybe Lois meant Melania. Her speeches are exactly as good as Michelle's.