SILENCE IS HERE - by Julius Fann, Jr

[img]Long before anyone one took pen in hand, pressed typewriter or computer keys
journaling cries of victory in defeat, defeat in victory
came the silent swoosh of death to the living flesh.
Swooshing, footsteps of death reaching a breath
Only ears of those whose time to fulfill the prophecy
Swooshing, footsteps heard, stomp, stomp, the bell of silence ringing
“A time to die” is its greeting heard.
“Hello, hello, is any one there?”
“Hello, hello, is any one there?”
“Hello, hello, is any one there?”
“Try as you may to ignore, you cannot.
I am a personal belief you have accepted.”
“Hello! Hello!
Silence is coming.
“Hello, hello, is any one there?”
“Hello, hello, is any one there?”
“Hello, hello, is any one there?”
“Silence is here. Hello! Hello!”
“Yes, I am here.”
“Why art thou wroth? And why is thy countenance fallen? It thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.”
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