Save the babies - save the babies - save the babies

There is no change coming, the change is here. And whether you are man, woman, child, or adolescent, young or mature adult, you are responsible for the spot you occupy. And that responsibility must be displayed, demonstrated, and inspiring to other in the courage of acknowledging and living the stance " Aint Nobody Gonna Stop Me from Walking, talking, and Living My God Given Right. “Aint no body gonna turn me around. Mothers, fathers, take charge of your children. Teach The Babies” And to all the siblings, neighbors, peers, associates, teachers, and the people on the street. We are our brothers keepers. - Julius Fann, Jr

Save the children]

There is no change coming, the change is here. And whether you are man, woman, child, or adolescent, young or mature adult, you are responsible for the spot you occupy. And that responsibility must be displayed, demonstrated, and inspiring to other in the courage of acknowledging and living the stance " Aint Nobody Gonna Stop Me from Walking, talking, and Living My God Given Right. "Aint no body gonna turn me around. Mothers, fathers, take charge of your children. Teach The Babies" And to all the siblings, neighbors, peers, associates, teachers, and the people on the street. We are our brothers keepers. - Julius Fann, Jr Save the children]
What are you talkng about? This is a discussion group for atheism vs, Christianity or any religion. What does this have to do with either?
There is no change coming, the change is here. And whether you are man, woman, child, or adolescent, young or mature adult, you are responsible for the spot you occupy. And that responsibility must be displayed, demonstrated, and inspiring to other in the courage of acknowledging and living the stance " Aint Nobody Gonna Stop Me from Walking, talking, and Living My God Given Right. "Aint no body gonna turn me around. Mothers, fathers, take charge of your children. Teach The Babies" And to all the siblings, neighbors, peers, associates, teachers, and the people on the street. We are our brothers keepers. - Julius Fann, Jr Save the children]
What are you talkng about? This is a discussion group for atheism vs, Christianity or any religion. What does this have to do with either? Save the Babies, save the Babies! No abortion ever. Yes, until they are born, then they are on their own.

@ jufa,
Your argument is based on the tenet that “Life is sacred”. But that is a purely subjective view.
George Carlin explains this in no uncertain terms (warning, crude language)

In fact, the greater the number of people the less the value of human life becomes. This is clearly evident today, all around the world.

The very ones that lecture others on what to do, go out of their way to treat their kids like crap, often times even kill them in the process. Go on to vote for congressmen and senators who would think of nothing to send a 19 years old to die in a war so the few can make some billions of dollars.
Confronted my then church acquaintances about this and suggested we do something for the vets that come home and commit suicide and I have not gotten a single reply from them. Cowardly useless sacs. Can’t stand such vermin…

I wish I could remember where I read it, but it’s been pointed out that since only a certain percentage of fertilized eggs become viable embryos, and only a certain percentage of those go on to become full-term fetuses even with the best pre-natal care, God seems to be the biggest abortionist around.

The very ones that lecture others on what to do, go out of their way to treat their kids like crap, often times even kill them in the process. Go on to vote for congressmen and senators who would think of nothing to send a 19 years old to die in a war so the few can make some billions of dollars. Confronted my then church acquaintances about this and suggested we do something for the vets that come home and commit suicide and I have not gotten a single reply from them. Cowardly useless sacs. Can't stand such vermin...
Loyalty is equal to commitment Commitment starts and ends with individuals, then spread abroad. Should I, or you not be committed to ourselves, how can we earnestly be committed to our wives, children, job, or church, or doing unto others as we would have others does unto us? Or how can you or I have eyes to see, or wisdom to know "to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God"? Commitment is a straight line which does not deviate from the Principled Substance and Patterned Essence of our Spirit integrity to do what is right concerning all people, places and things, not for our sake, but our Conscience peace and righteousness of mind. The irony of it all is when one begins to look at the mind from a heighten position, they will see the maze you speak about is a construct of their thoughts. And should One just stop attempting to master the maze, and become silent in the silence, not seeking to cure, or gain anything but just allow life to be life, then that which is whole, complete, perfect, and pure, begin to let their Soul breath again.
I wish I could remember where I read it, but it's been pointed out that since only a certain percentage of fertilized eggs become viable embryos, and only a certain percentage of those go on to become full-term fetuses even with the best pre-natal care, God seems to be the biggest abortionist around.
Thank God for that. In my world its called "natural selection", which is a result of many internal and external conditions and seems as unstoppable as the "exponential function" when there is a steady growth of anything. Come to think of it, this might be another expression of a natural wavelike phenomenon.
I wish I could remember where I read it, but it's been pointed out that since only a certain percentage of fertilized eggs become viable embryos, and only a certain percentage of those go on to become full-term fetuses even with the best pre-natal care, God seems to be the biggest abortionist around.
Thank God for that. In my world its called "natural selection", which is a result of many internal and external conditions and seems as unstoppable as the "exponential function" when there is a steady growth of anything. Come to think of it, this might be another expression of a natural wavelike phenomenon. Lots of people say it natural selection, and then lots of people say if its not your time to enter into a parenthesis, it is God's safety net to insure you cannot get out of your zone. (Which fertilized eggs will become healthy human fetuses? Researchers predict with 93% accuracy Date: October 4, 2010 Source: Stanford University Medical Center Summary: Two-thirds of all human embryos fail to develop successfully. Now, in a new study, researchers have shown that they can predict with 93 percent certainty which fertilized eggs will make it to a critical developmental milestone and which will stall and die. The findings are important to the understanding of the fundamentals of human development at the earliest stages, which have largely remained a mystery despite the attention given to human embryonic stem cell research.) - see......
I wish I could remember where I read it, but it's been pointed out that since only a certain percentage of fertilized eggs become viable embryos, and only a certain percentage of those go on to become full-term fetuses even with the best pre-natal care, God seems to be the biggest abortionist around.
Well Spoken!
Loyalty is equal to commitment .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. etc.
Talk is cheap. Now go out there and walk it, til then, don't lecture me. Especially since not a single word you typed cared to address the short post I put up.... As the saying goes: "empty cans rattle the most.".
Loyalty is equal to commitment .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. etc.
Talk is cheap. Now go out there and walk it, til then, don't lecture me. Especially since not a single word you typed cared to address the short post I put up.... As the saying goes: "empty cans rattle the most.". You have sure proved your point here on all counts. .
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Talk is cheap. Now go out there and walk it, til then, don't lecture me. Especially since not a single word you typed cared to address the short post I put up.... As the saying goes: "empty cans rattle the most.". Some things are worth saying Twice.
.............................................. .............................................. .............................................. etc.
Talk is cheap. Now go out there and walk it, til then, don't lecture me. Especially since not a single word you typed cared to address the short post I put up.... As the saying goes: "empty cans rattle the most.". Some things are worth saying Twice. You got that right!!!

Jufa, you’ve been warned before about being in violation of rule 3(h), which is repetitive posting of material without responsive discussion. This is not a forum simply for posting memes or oracular utterances but for meaningful inquiry and debate. Continued violation may lead to banning. Thanks.

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See? you're a nothing but an empty can. You are not interested in life, but only in your own foulness. There are so many ways to help others that are clearly Authentic forms of promoting and celebrating life. but You are too much of a lazy bum to get off your derriere and get down to work. Instead, you chose to go to a website that is not interested in your hypocrisy and phoniness, and proceed to lecture them on "how the babies must be saved.". But on the other hand, you don't think that 19 years old that get sent to war to get killed so some scumbags up there get to make their billions of dollars. You don't believe that these 19 years old ARE BABIES that deserve to live and THEREFORE Must be saved. Con artists of your ilk, I do not waste my time with. So congratulations on being the first to making it to my "Ignore" LIST. Now if you wanna say something to me, you're just gonna have to blabber it to your toilet.....