Saudi Arabia has invested billions of dollars to spread their hard line Wahabi Islamic ideology which of course the true Islam as per quran and sunnah. Today we see the rise of radical Islam all over the world is the by product of Saudi petro dollars. They dreamt to conquer the whole world with either directly people converting to Islam or to creat unstablity in other society with terrorism, so that eventually they come to the umbrela of Islam. Using the liberty and democracy of western world , Saudi has operated this mission successfully though they have restricted any kind of liberty or democracy in their own country. Today’s ISIS or Al Qaeda or Talibans are the bi products of their mission. Creating such radical islamic group , they have made many society and country unstable and when USA or other countries have interfared in those countries militarily , Muslims all over the world has blamed USA or Jews for those conflicts. Which is called conspiracy theory. Saudi Arabia being the most holy country for Islam has kept itself aloof from all such criticism or blame.
Now , oil price has fallen dramatically and Saudi Arabia already facing their budget deficit, this has been a key way to stop radical Islam. I think this is the only way to resist radical Islam. Oil price should fall more so that Saudi Arabia can be a bankrupt country soon and lose all financial power to support their radical islam all over the world.
Saudi Arabia has invested billions of dollars to spread their hard line Wahabi Islamic ideology which of course the true Islam as per quran and sunnah. Today we see the rise of radical Islam all over the world is the by product of Saudi petro dollars. They dreamt to conquer the whole world with either directly people converting to Islam or to creat unstablity in other society with terrorism, so that eventually they come to the umbrela of Islam. Using the liberty and democracy of western world , Saudi has operated this mission successfully though they have restricted any kind of liberty or democracy in their own country. Today's ISIS or Al Qaeda or Talibans are the bi products of their mission. Creating such radical islamic group , they have made many society and country unstable and when USA or other countries have interfared in those countries militarily , Muslims all over the world has blamed USA or Jews for those conflicts. Which is called conspiracy theory. Saudi Arabia being the most holy country for Islam has kept itself aloof from all such criticism or blame. Now , oil price has fallen dramatically and Saudi Arabia already facing their budget deficit, this has been a key way to stop radical Islam. I think this is the only way to resist radical Islam. Oil price should fall more so that Saudi Arabia can be a bankrupt country soon and lose all financial power to support their radical islam all over the world.That would be nice. Too true about Saudi Arabia being one of the biggest enemies the "West" has had, though it took folks too long to appreciate it, because too many powerful Americans crawled up their sweet spot. Yes they did a lot to push Wahabi extremism - But let's not forget the roll the West has played in fueling and fanning the fires of extremism and self-righteous vengeance hatred for us. Had we not so boldly and proudly and loudly proclaimed that it was "USA's interests" that were the most important thing in world - had we paid more than lip-service to the massive inequalities developing - had we been a little more concerned about protecting the biosphere that feeds all of us - things could have looked way different and the Saudi peddled Wahabi-extremism wouldn't have any wind at it's back and would have stalled within the deserts. But, that was then and this is now, hang on folks it may get bumpy ahead.