Republicans Face Test Of Honor, Integrity (Sept/Oct 2020)

Here we go:


Republicans Face Test Of Honor, Integrity In Handling Of Ginsburg Seat: Sen. Booker | MSNBC

Senator Cory Booker talks with Rachel Maddow about whether Democrats can win a principled political fight with Republicans who have shifted to raw power grab tactics, and what that means for the future of the Supreme Court.

Who will get more excited and forceful?

The totalitarian Trumpster Republicans with their dreams of annihilating all who are different and disagree with them,

or will the Democratic grassroots with a bit of wise leadership be able to stand up to that Uber-Rich White Men’s machine of domination?


Will this be the end of American ideals and morals, and democratic government? It really is that serious.


Are you kidding. A test of honor and integrity for the RepugLIARS? Can a 2 year old pass college entrance exams and SAT’s? No.

They can shove thru the nomination of a conservative Justice and make the SCOTUS 6-3 in favor of getting rid of Obamacare and the pre-existing conditions health coverage. 6-3 will now be able to get rid of Roe V Wade. 6-3 can further gut Civil Rights protections for various groups who tend to be scorned by RepugLIARS. 6-3 can maintain voter suppression tactics. 6-3 WILL maintain the travesty of Money = Speech and Corporations = People. 6-3 can decide contested Presidential elections. (I wonder who will abuse their power to insure that we have a contested election?)

It would be out of their disordered character to show integrity and honor and thus give RBG her final wish.

...will the Democratic grassroots with a bit of wise leadership be able to stand up to that Uber-Rich White Men’s machine of domination?
Maybe Mass groups of people in the streets? I don't see how that's enough to stop the RepugLIARS. This has all been predictable since before the tRump became POTUS.

So they will shove thru a nomination, because they can. The question is will it be before or after the election? It may be politically advantageous for them to wait until after the election. Even if the tRump loses, i.e. if there is a free and fair election, he will, but the RepugLIARS can still shove thru an nomination approval, after the election as an F-You to the American people who showed their will by electing Biden and new Dem Senators. So of course they will.

The problem is, the tRump LIKES getting to rub salt in the wounds the RepugLIARS have already created. And he CAN in this instance. The RepugLIARs have a majority in the Senate. That is a superpower that the Dems do not have.

I put the odds of the RepugLIARs stacking the Court with a 6-3 Conservative majority at a 95% likelihood.

A Majority in the SCOTUS, AND in the Senate, AND owning the Executive Branch of govt as well?

How the hell do you fight that? It may be best to recognize the reality that we will again be abused by the tRump minority. I think that we must focus all efforts on taking the Presidency AND the Senate.

The RepugLIARS will have infused the federal courts with their Corruption. But if the Dems win big in the coming election, then they will finally be able to pass laws. At that point, they MUST NOT BE SHY about righting the wrongs that have been done by the tRump and his enablers.

We never had much of a shot at preventing this SCOTUS disaster, but I was beginning to think that RBG could save us by surviving until January. She tried. She could not.

I think that the Supreme Court is lost to us. But if we win BIG in the coming election, some wrongs can be righted.

If the RepugLIARS screw the Dems AGAIN, (and they surely will because they can) the Dems will have no choice but to right that wrong, when they get the power of the Senate majority and the Presidency.


Dotard keeps bragging how he’s broken records concerning the Supreme Court as the Repugs and he swarm like vultures over RBG’s empty seat. Her didn’t even have time to become cold before they started circling. WTF! It’s insane!

Even Biden is telling them to cool their jets:

The tRump will have appointed 3 SCOTUS justices and over 25% of other federal judges, during his one term in office. His stink will probably be on our Court system for a generation. The only way this travesty does not get even worse, is for the election to result in Joe Biden taking the Presidency, and in the Dems getting a solid majority in the Senate.

Yet this is POSSIBLE. Joe can win and the Dems can take over the Senate. And perhaps RBG’s death will promote that outcome, because now the alternative should be clear to ALL.

If Joe does not take the POTUS position and the Dems do not gain the Senate majority, there will be many social changes that will not be pleasing to most Americans. The ACA and it’s protections for pre-existing conditions is coming before the court right after the election. The healthcare system will be undone for so many millions.

Roe will be undone. Women’s rights will again be eroded.

Protections for consumers and for the environment will be further wiped out.

Civil Rights will be undermined. Voting rights will be undermined.

LBGTQXYZ’s will lose their recent social equity gains.

The tRump will have a supermajority in the SCOTUS to use to interpret the Constitution to say whatever the tRump wants it to say.

IOW our democratic republic will be lost to the whims and inclinations of a clownish incompetent but deadly narcissistic LIAR (our very own, though stupider, version of Putin).

Save us from this fate. VOTE a straight ticket under Biden/Harris 2020.

“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed"
This was RBG's final wish.

The LIAR in Chief, has started disinformation about it, himself.


It’s always funny when one’s enemy accuses them of lacking integrity if they don’t do what makes the enemy happy. Very feminine behavior.


Very feminine behavior.

That’s not only sexist, but it begs the questions, what is wrong with “feminine behaviour” and why do you call it that sexist term?

@thatoneguy It’s always funny when one’s enemy accuses them of lacking integrity if they don’t do what makes the enemy happy.
No, integrity is about FairPlay - respecting others, respect physical facts, being honest, being honor bound to one's ethics.

You ain’t kidding no one around here guy.

What you’ve fallen into is totalitarian thinking where you believe we “liberals” have no right at the table.

White supremacy or utter break down, is all that’s left in your vision. Or?

Or what?

Guy, why doesn’t the truth matter one bit any more?

Why don’t the rules of civil government matter any more?

Are you telling there is something absolutely obscene and ruthless beyond the pale, the Republicans racing to filling Justice Ginsburg’s seat?

ESPECIALLY, after that travesty four years ago.


As for the so feminine remark, it’s just a reminder that derision and dirty tricks is all Republican extremism ever have had in 'em.

Being a vandal is so easy, creating a civil society that was the challenge. We lost.


It’s always funny when one’s enemy accuses them of lacking integrity if they don’t do what makes the enemy happy. Very feminine behavior.
You mean feminist behavior.

Ginsburg should have retired when she underwent surgery a second time for cancer in 2009. She was advised to do so during Obama’s presidency. Democrats, led by Harry Reid, had majority control of the Senate. She was already 77 years old. She refused to go even in her early eighties when Obama was still in the White House and Democrats had control of the Senate. Who could face the test of honor when presented now with such an opportunity to tip the scales of justice against liberal bias?


We suffer another HUGE loss for liberals, at the hands of the pure power play of the RepugLIARS. It does not seem funny to me, that this loss will result in a supermajority of tRump supporting conservative Justices in the Supreme Court, and will bring with it the correlating suffering of Americans, and moreso for the working class.

I suppose the “masculine” thing to do is rub some dirt on it, and come back at the RepugLIARS in the future, and treat them with the same purely destructive power grabs. Meanwhile we become MORE and MORE divided as a nation. But hey, if you want “masculine” behavior, oneguy, then enjoy your victory today and don’t whine when the tables turn.


Ginsburg should have retired when she underwent surgery a second time for cancer in 2009.

Maybe she should have retired during President Obama’s watch, but at the same time Moscow Mitch should not be a hypocrite. When President Obama was in office, Moscow Mitch would not allow him to choose anyone at the end of his term, but now Moscow Mitch wants to ram through a Repug so they can stack the court in their favour and if the dotard loses, the dotard an contest the vote, tying up the courts, and keeping him in office for a little longer, preventing his arrest for his crimes. The dotard, Moscow Mitch, and He Who Is Not Worth His Name are so disgusting and despicable as they continue to commit crimes against humanity. They all need life in prison, but sadly I have a bad feeling there may be only one way to drag them out of office and lock them up. It won’t be pretty. I just hope that only way doesn’t happen though. I really do hope there is a peaceful transfer of power and we do not stay under the rule of a fascist. Yes, the dotard and his cronies are fascist and not at all for democracy.

When President Obama was in office, Moscow Mitch would not allow him to choose anyone at the end of his term,
Democrats lost the Senate to the Republicans when Obama was still in office as a lame duck president in 2015. Lame ducks don't get to choose anything, they get roasted on a spit.
but now Moscow Mitch wants to ram through a Repug so they can stack the court in their favour and if the dotard loses, the dotard an contest the vote, tying up the courts, and keeping him in office for a little longer, preventing his arrest for his crimes.
It's all about politics in accordance with the Constitution. It's unfortunate that you have lost faith in the way the US Government operates. The decent thing to do is to either renounce your citizenship or stay away from politics.


Tonight, Tuesday, Sep, 22nd on PBS, Frontline will air “The Choice” an in-depth look at both presidential candidates. I’ve seen similar past documentaries pertaining to prior candidates and attention to facts and detail is unexceptionably superb. Though Frontline remains scrupulously neutral in its delivery, the producers of this documentary tell the full and unvarnished story of both candidates. I highly recommend viewing this very important presentation that starts at 9 PM. I sincerely wish that every Trump supporter tune in and at least try to leave his partisanship behind for just two hours. I THEREFORE CHALLENGE EVERY TRUMP SUPPORTER TO GIVE A FAIR HEARING TO “THE CHOICE” that airs tonight on PBS.

Fair hearing. Fair to whom? Get real. Even the Supreme Court is stacked with biased judges. It’s either left or right. Your way or my way. It’s either me or you heading for the highway.

That’s not only sexist, but it begs the questions, what is wrong with “feminine behaviour” and why do you call it that sexist term?
Nothing wrong with feminine behavior from a woman, but it's impossible to respect a man who acts that way.
No, integrity is about FairPlay – respecting others, respect physical facts, being honest, being honor bound to one’s ethics.
Integrity just means living up to some sort of code. Unfortunately, codes aren't universal so it's not really a good way to approach things.

Nothing wrong with feminine behavior from a woman, but it’s impossible to respect a man who acts that way.

I shouldn’t have to explain this, it that’s how you answer, then the question is, what is wrong with “feminine behavior” if a man “acts that way”?

As for integrity and codes, Cruz, Rubio and McConnell created the code, that they are now breaking. It lacks integrity because it shows that what they said, the logic they used, was a lie. They didn’t care about the “the American people having a voice”, they cared about getting a conservative judge on the Court. Integrity would have been to say that.

oneguy must think that lies, and hypocrisy are admirable “masculine” behaviors.

Here is what his longed for masculine behaviors will bring on, in this particular fiasco.

The SCOTUS will be infused with a 6-3 supermajority of conservatives because the tRump and the Senate have the sheer masculine power to do so.

Then when the Dems gain the Presidency AND the Senate, the “masculine” thing to do would be to use that raw power to change the SCOTUS # of Justices to eleven.

But no, that is not masculine enough. They should change the number of Justices to FIFTEEN. That would give the newly masculine Dems a 9 to 6 supermajority in the SCOTUS.

Why? Because we will have the raw power. And because feminine behaviors (in oneguy’s strange mind) such as honesty, integrity, and fair play are for pussies.

So be my guest, oneguy, the tRumpers can F us over now. I say, rub some dirt on it. And get ready to F over the current bitches in power, when we win the election BIG TIME.

A nuclear arms race of establishing superiority in the SCOTUS, by whoever has the Presidency and the Senate at the same time will be fundamentally damaging to our democracy.

But our masculinity is threatened, so too bad.


Btw, integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.

oneguy argues AGAINST integrity. No surprise, he also argues FOR DEATH.

He thinks that he is masculine.

Being Pro-DEATH for the sick and elderly and foregoing INTEGRITY, must be masculine characteristics in his distorted thinking.

What else do you want from men, oneguy? Must they constantly fart and spit in public to show how manly they are? Must they lack any empathy or compassion for others? Must they use their power aggressively to get what they want and forego anything as feminine as cooperation?

Stop being a such a bad, disgusting, antisocial joke, oneguy.

Your ideas of manliness are stupid and destructive.