Are you kidding. A test of honor and integrity for the RepugLIARS? Can a 2 year old pass college entrance exams and SAT’s? No.
They can shove thru the nomination of a conservative Justice and make the SCOTUS 6-3 in favor of getting rid of Obamacare and the pre-existing conditions health coverage. 6-3 will now be able to get rid of Roe V Wade. 6-3 can further gut Civil Rights protections for various groups who tend to be scorned by RepugLIARS. 6-3 can maintain voter suppression tactics. 6-3 WILL maintain the travesty of Money = Speech and Corporations = People. 6-3 can decide contested Presidential elections. (I wonder who will abuse their power to insure that we have a contested election?)
It would be out of their disordered character to show integrity and honor and thus give RBG her final wish.
...will the Democratic grassroots with a bit of wise leadership be able to stand up to that Uber-Rich White Men’s machine of domination?
Maybe Mass groups of people in the streets? I don't see how that's enough to stop the RepugLIARS. This has all been predictable since before the tRump became POTUS.
So they will shove thru a nomination, because they can. The question is will it be before or after the election? It may be politically advantageous for them to wait until after the election. Even if the tRump loses, i.e. if there is a free and fair election, he will, but the RepugLIARS can still shove thru an nomination approval, after the election as an F-You to the American people who showed their will by electing Biden and new Dem Senators. So of course they will.
The problem is, the tRump LIKES getting to rub salt in the wounds the RepugLIARS have already created. And he CAN in this instance. The RepugLIARs have a majority in the Senate. That is a superpower that the Dems do not have.
I put the odds of the RepugLIARs stacking the Court with a 6-3 Conservative majority at a 95% likelihood.
A Majority in the SCOTUS, AND in the Senate, AND owning the Executive Branch of govt as well?
How the hell do you fight that? It may be best to recognize the reality that we will again be abused by the tRump minority. I think that we must focus all efforts on taking the Presidency AND the Senate.
The RepugLIARS will have infused the federal courts with their Corruption. But if the Dems win big in the coming election, then they will finally be able to pass laws. At that point, they MUST NOT BE SHY about righting the wrongs that have been done by the tRump and his enablers.
We never had much of a shot at preventing this SCOTUS disaster, but I was beginning to think that RBG could save us by surviving until January. She tried. She could not.
I think that the Supreme Court is lost to us. But if we win BIG in the coming election, some wrongs can be righted.
If the RepugLIARS screw the Dems AGAIN, (and they surely will because they can) the Dems will have no choice but to right that wrong, when they get the power of the Senate majority and the Presidency.