Questions about COVID-19 vaccine?

There is a virtual Q&A with the NEA on January 12. They have a list of doctors answering questions.


Here’s an update. It’s still here and the war against Covid ain’t close to being over. Time to step up and get to understand the medical science. Here’s a simple summary

MSNBC. The Washington Post is reporting on the details of an internal CDC document it obtained that warns the Covid Delta variant spreads as easily as chickenpox and causes more several illness than previous variants. We discuss that and more with Dr. Vin Gupta, Shannon Pettypiece, and Julie Pace.


COVID Data Tracker

Interpretive Summary for July 30, 2021

Don’t Run Down the Shot Clock

COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are once again increasing in nearly all states, fueled by the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant, which is much more contagious than past versions of the virus. The highest spread of cases and severe outcomes is happening in places with low vaccination rates. Although COVID-19 vaccination is the most effective prevention measure, vaccination ratesacross the United States have varied.

COVID-19 vaccines are very effective, but no vaccine is perfect. In some instances, fully vaccinated people will get COVID-19 and may be contagious. These are called “vaccine breakthrough cases.” A new CDC study finds that B.1.617.2 (Delta) can lead to breakthrough infections. This means that while vaccinated people are much less likely to get sick, it will still happen in some cases. As the number of people who are vaccinated goes up, the number of breakthrough cases is also expected to increase, even as the vaccines remain highly effective.
United States Levels of Community Transmission by County as of July 27, 2021

Vaccines help protect people from getting COVID-19 or from getting severely ill from it. Unvaccinated people should get vaccinated and continue masking. CDC also recommends that fully vaccinated people wear masks in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission. With the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant rapidly spreading throughout the country, this is more urgent than ever. To find a vaccine provider near you, visit or your state or local public health department website. If you or someone you know is hesitant about COVID-19 vaccination, CDC has information and answers to frequently asked questions to help them inform their decision.

Note to readers: On July 27, 2021, CDC announced updated Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention Strategies. Among strategies to prevent COVID-19, CDC recommends all unvaccinated people wear masks in public indoor settings. Based on emerging evidence of the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant, CDC also recommends that fully vaccinated people wear masks in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission. To see the level of community transmission in your county, visit COVID Data Tracker.


If people do not get vaccinated the virus will not only become endemic, but our vaccines could be useless. The key is everyone getting vaccinated against COVID-19. We need at least 80%, but even then it it could still evolve. Right now, the Delta variant could even infect fully vaccinated people, but at this point, the majority who do get it have mild symptoms. It won’t stay like this if it continues to evolve.

More on vaccines, masking, social distancing, etc and vaccine resistance variants:

I have been sent this link;

[ The COVID-19 Dossier incriminates Pfizer even more than you might have realized]

I have tried to check the contents.

  • Yes a federal judge has ordered the release of ten of thousands pages about Pfizer vaccine.

  • Yes it seems that Pfizer has cheated about his trials and so

But it seem to me that, beyond that, it is pure speculation and lies.

Among them, the idea that vaccinated people can transmit the virus seems to me rather stupid.

Any reference ?

Citizens seems like a right wing news site. It doesn’t even link to the more popular social sites and, if I recall, Parlor is the dotard’s new social site. Even so, I need to see the actual report on concerning this vaccine, because I don’t believe there is 100% fact to this story. There might be a slight bit of truth in it, but not enough to take it seriously without more info. That said, I’m glad my family got Moderna.

A little item of interest.

Moderna’s COVID vaccine was constructed by GPT3 in just 72 hours and after extensive testing, no changes needed to be made to the formula. It reached the market exactly as designed by the AI.

72 hrs!!!

“It’s Star Trek time!” It really didn’t hit the public in 72 hours though. The mRNA vaccines have been in the making and tested long before the scientists made the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Now the actual vaccine itself MIGHT have hit the public in 72, but it’s been tested on humans before the general population ever got it. Anything that says it was put out to the public in 72 hours is not giving the actual truth about the vaccine or even mRNAs.

No, the vaccine did not reach the market in 72 hours, GPT3 created the vaccine formula in 72 hours. It took another year to test for effectiveness and safety.

Normally designing a vaccine takes months and then needs to be tested and tweaked for effectiveness and safety.
GPT3 designed the current Moderna vaccine in 72 hours and after testing was found to need no alteration of any kind.
It was perfect given all the known parameters.

And that is where AI can augment human research and development immensely. Once some facts are qualified and quantified, the GPT can create it and write its own code how it did it. Remarkable!

Exactly and that’s what I was poorly attempting to say above.

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I’m not sure yet how important it is for children and babies to get the vaccine, or if it’s more harmful than helpful:

Is AHRP a reliable source?

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I’d say it is not a reliable source. I can tell it is merely propaganda for anti-vaxxers or to create new anti-vaxxers, which would be a bad thing concerning COVID. Everyone needs to get vaccinated.

OK here is a good example of a huge lie:

Blockquote Government officials and a complicit mass media have continued to deceive the public by repeatedly declaring in unison – as in a religious ritual – Covid vaccines are “safe and effective.” They chant “safe and effective” while they are concealing the mounting data and ignore hard evidence of serious, irreversible harm – including preventable deaths — following these injectables.

No, this is an attempt for anti-vaxxers to get to people. The truth is, COVID-19 has killed over a million people in the U.S. and a millions around the world, not the vaccine. If one survives a case of severe COVID and is released from the hospital, they do have irreversible damage to some or many major organs. They took what is true about COVID-19 and created a lie about the vaccine.

Blockquote The doctors found that COVID infection itself is not linked to a significant increase in cardiovascular complications.

Again, they twisted the facts and blame the vaccine when it is COVID that does this crap.

Blockquote Doctors who deviate from the “do no harm” principle are subverting medicine from its healing profession.

Not recommending the vaccine is doing harm to people and again, reversal of facts.

I can go through the all the propaganda the website has and the result is still that it is pure propaganda, misinformation, and downright lies. Please get vaccinated or you could die when you get COVID-19 or end up with long lasting, if not lifelong health issues.

I checked out their site a little more to see what they had to say about other vaccines. I found a link about polio vaccine

which included a link to this NPR article:

For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself.

As for the stuff in my first post, I thought I read somewhere on the AHRP website that the amount of healthy babies dying from covid was extremely low, or 0 (I haven’t been able to find it today), so I checked out those two YouTube videos above which seemed to confirm it (at least on the surface).

But this thing from the CDC shows

(Table excerpt from Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years)

So it got me wondering if millions of children and babies should get a vaccine. I suppose the answer would be yes if one believes the vaccine is 100% free of risk and side effects.

I just don’t have 100% confidence in the FDA being free of corruption or most Pharma companies.

Yes, all children should get the vaccine unless they have some sort of illness preventing them from getting it. The risk of side effects from the vaccine is low, especially when compared to the risks of getting COVID-19.

Even Harvard has their quacks.

I’m sure PubMed recommends vaccination. Now please stop with this BS.

I’d be fine if a mod wanted to give me a warning if he or she felt my discussion points were inappropriate, but please avoid bullying language like this in the future, @mriana

You are not the mod. I am. Do you want it to be an official warning? I can do that.

Please stop with the propaganda.

OK Upon further investigation of the recent oral Polio vaccine, I will concede concerning what I said about propaganda. I had both the oral (live) and shot (dead) forms of the shot as a kid and that one was fine. It was also after the first Polio vaccine, albeit botched, that was given years earlier. That said, this most recent one appears, according to scientists, to the culprit of the most recent Polio outbreak. However, this is not true with all Polio vaccines.

Now, in a surprising twist in the decades-long effort to eradicate the virus, authorities in Jerusalem, New York and London have discovered evidence that polio is spreading there.

The original source of the virus? The oral vaccine itself.

Scientists have long known about this extremely rare phenomenon. That is why some countries have switched to other polio vaccines.

This only applies to the Polio vaccine, in which I will remove the warning concerning propaganda, BUT the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective of keeping people out the hospital and possibly dying from it. Vaccinated people have a far less chance of death from COVID-19 and a less chance of being hospitalized. The table shown above does not state it is from the CDC and doesn’t say if the deaths, if any, were from COVID-19, which it probably was, or the vaccine, which it probably was not. It’s just a table about COVID-19, so the warning stands for that, because it is not clear and factual information.

I didn’t make that clear. The link directly underneath the table leads directly to a page on the CDC website, from where I got the table. The page title is

Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years

I’ll edit the post to make it more clear.

Thank you. That would be nice.