Pity those sad unfortunate misunderstood billionaires - What's up with them?

What is their practical timely solution?

Well, I’m glad you noticed that. If you were at a party and saw someone like that, would you seek them out and give them a speech about insects?

Insects and 40 more years left of oil is such a good talking point marriage

Yes, if only to demonstrate the greed and stupidity of humans and their big brains.

It’s evidence based.

We are talking ugly trajectories, the time scales are uncertain, but the trajectories and their significance is very really.

Sounds like you have nothing but emotion and desires behind your assessment, I say this because you ignore engaging the evidence, you simply insist it’s wrong.

Learn about it! First aim then shoot.

I am not the one saying statements from climate scientists warning of tipping point should not be taken seriously. Have another go

And why do you not have a go at it and suggest what to do about this “tipping point”? Pray? Throw a tantrum?
What is your solution? So far you have not said anything that was not already known. Are you now going to play the blame game while you are as guilty as everyone else?

Nobody here is denying AGW. It is just that there are no ready answers to the problem today, other than “as soon as possible”.

You denied that there are approaching tipping points with an arrogant “HOW DO YOU KNOW?” response.

so clearly you dont know what you are talking about

But when I asked, you did not have an answer to the approaching tipping point, so clearly you don’t know what you are talking about either.

The conversation ended with your denialism . No moving forward

Exactly. The difference is that I am not denying anything, but can refer to one reliable indicator aside from the global extinction event from chaotic climate change, and that is the exhaustion of the sequestered fossil fuels that have caused and contributed to AGW by pumping all that once safely sequestered CO2 back into the atmosphere, causing an increase of warming and “butterfly effects” begin to occur more often and with greater energy.

Think, in about 40 years, there will be no more oil available for combustion engines. All carbon-free energy coming from conversion of naturally occurring energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro (and maybe nuclear?).

Unfortunately, the changeover from combustion engines to electrical motors is going to take time, but for which there are no worldwide statistics (other than worldometers

You most certainly did . We cant move forward from that .

It is not my responsibility to carry anything forward. I am responding to your apparent confusion about the laws of “necessity and sufficiency” and the “exponential function”.

I am very clear on your lack of appreciation of AGW papers.

What are you going to do with all those AGW papers? I believe them too, but what are you going to do with that knowledge? That’s what this is all about.
“All knowledge is vain , save when there is work”, Kahlil Gibran

I have already told you that we are in the middle of the sixth extinction event, also known as the Holocene. That is not what the debate is about.

How do we survive what is to come, is the question . The “when” is irrelevant!
The demand is “now”.

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Read them !!! What a question

Tell me who is doing what the papers say? Am I responsible for their execution?
You admit you have read them and have knowledge of what to do, but you have offered no answers or solutions of any kind.


The new batteries being tested will be perfectly suited for solar recharging stations, as well as portable individual solar subsistence energy systems.

I see no purpose in any further discussion on my part.

What are the AGW papers saying on what should be done partner?

Frank you do nothing but disappoint with your petty chest thumping and heel biting.

If you appreciated science, you’d appreciate that the duty of science is to learn about what’s happening - and to educate. Science’s job isn’t to prescribe “solutions” (that belongs to our business, political leaders and the Will of the People.

Oh and incidentally, when ‘science’ has tried to help in that department, such as the IPCC in particular, they (those sad misunderstood billionaires) pull out the big guns and spend millions to fabricate lies and utter bullshit (sort of like Frank’s heel biting) and does it’s best to under cut what science has learned and is trying to share with the rest of humanity.

But the rest of humanity don’t give a poop about fidelity to physical facts and honesty -
they just want cheap gas prices and everything the rich have. So we find our selves is a hopeless conundrum, sort of like trying to get any sense out of frankrizzo.

Sad, but there it is.

Phony is as phony does.

Oh and incidentally, we know the only real solution was to power down.

But as they say, that’s a nonstarter.

Now we gotta learn to live with it.

No matter how ugly it gets.

Because salvation missions to the moon and Mars are not going to cut it.