Pity those sad unfortunate misunderstood billionaires - What's up with them?

Well, at least no zombies. We have plenty of those already. Good list, truly.

I’m used to the more sci-fi visions pf lawlessness and biker gangs roaming freely. Maybe people are realizing the lawlessness is coming from the people who support the civilization, and that this current version of civilization is not civilized.

So the end of oil is irrelevant with the way governments are not actioning climate change. Hope you Enjoy the transition on a dead earth

First , the earth won’t be dead. It has been through much worse than humans.
The earth isn’t going anywhere. WE ARE!

Are you running on solar power? If not what are you doing to fix the problem?
Are you driving an EV? Do you have all energy saving utilities in your home?

Are you actively transitioning and no longer contributing to AGW?

What is your solution to the problem? Just wringing your hands and casting blame ain’t gonna help.

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Dead as a doorknob. The transition wont matter

Clearly, you haven’t watched the “Hellstrom Chronicle”.

When all mammals are gone, the world will be ruled by insects. They don’t care about “conditions”. They just adapt. They have been adapting for some 1/2 billion years.

Clearly you dont read AGW papers

Neither do insects and they have been around for a lot longer than humans and survived every extinction event the earth has experienced.

Evolution of insects

The most recent understanding of the evolution of insects is based on studies of the following branches of science: molecular biology, insect morphology, paleontology, insect taxonomy, evolution, embryology, bioinformatics and scientific computing. It is estimated that the class of insects originated on Earth about 480 million years ago, in the Ordovician, at about the same time terrestrial plants appeared.[1]

Insects are thought to have evolved from a group of crustaceans.[2] The first insects were landbound, but about 400 million years ago in the Devonian period one lineage of insects evolved flight, the first animals to do so.[1] The oldest insect fossil has been proposed to be Rhyniognatha hirsti, estimated to be 400 million years old, but the insect identity of the fossil has been contested.[3]

Global climate conditions changed several times during the history of Earth, and along with it the diversity of insects. The Pterygotes (winged insects) underwent a major radiation in the Carboniferous (358 to 299 million years ago) while the Endopterygota (insects that go through different life stages with metamorphosis) underwent another major radiation in the Permian (299 to 252 million years ago).
Evolution of insects - Wikipedia

And then there are the Tardigrades and other Extremophiles which not only survive but require environments that are deadly to humans.

8. Tardigrades Aren’t Picky About Temperature

Polar tardigrades have survived cooling down to minus 196 degrees Celsius (minus 320 Fahrenheit), and research suggests some might be able to withstand temperatures down to minus 272 C (minus 458 F), or just one degree above absolute zero.9 More heat-tolerant species, on the other hand, can survive temperatures as high as 151 C (300 F).10

The insects can enjoy the green economy

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Yes, insects have adapted to nature rather than trying to alter nature to suit our desires.
That is the opening of the Hellstrom Chronicle.

Great. They can enjoy the solar panelled trees

Nonono, insects do not need solar panelled trees. They actually eat solar energy when they dine on natural trees, which are the renewable lungs of the earth.

Ever seen a caterpillar eat leaves and then turn into one of the most beautiful creatures imaginable?

Humans can enjoy the solar panelled trees because they do not pollute the air with CO2, but offer energy for our pleasure.

This is why the administration is offering rebates on the installation and use of solar panels, to encourage switching by individual households.

But we are talking about the entire planet. What do you suggest to stop the pollution of the entire ecosphere of the entire planet before it is too late?

In this global ecosystem, the various forms of energy and matter that constitute a given planet interact on a continual basis.

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Thanks for sharing those insect lessons Write!

While I can understand Frankrizzo frustration & hopelessness & even anger at our human parade of failures, that’s as far as my sympathy goes. Earth will survive, life will adapt again. Lordie only knows how many millennia that will take, but Earth’s history is pretty clear, it can and will recover.

Though, even Earth ages, and I doubt she can even return to the heights of the spectacular past few hundred thousands of years, and yes including that bizarre cherry on top, the unbelievable, in its own way spectacular, past ten thousand years. It’s been a heck of a run.

And on a spiritual psychological level for me, at this point what matters is being witness, becoming as aware as I can of the good and bad that unfolded, being a witness on a spiritual level, that leads to becoming aware of being the eye’s of the world.

Forget the video’s about consciousness being out there in the void,
if anything, it’s a matter of we humans who are one’s now sending out our conscious experience to the universe. Only through my (our/everyone’s / individual & collective) experience can God or the Universe know itself. Now that’s my sort of religion,
What’s it good for, well it feels good for me and that’s all it is.

Beyond that, there’s that stupendous Physical Reality (matter, natural laws, biology, time) that put on this Evolutionary Pageant, that created the creature that my mind has inhabited for these few decades.
And then I die, and it is good.

Appreciating the Physical Reality ~ Human Mindscape divide

It’s the cornerstone to seeing past all the stories we people tell ourselves.
That’s not to dismiss the stories! It’s about understanding their limitations. Having an understanding for what side of the divide one is on, in any particular instance.

“Past”? Past to what?
To the physical material world, biology, physiology, evolution, that world that science has been studying and laying out for us. Having the imagine to appreciate those connections and how one is part of it. Having the passion to feel it.

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Such an uplifting message to the kids of this and next generation.

Such joy with the cheerful cry of - "and there is 40 more years left of oil oil oil !!!"

Yeah, well that’s the tragedy of our age.
Ain’t it?
Why do you gloat? Don’t tell me you think it’s funny?

What do you want to hear - there’s no problem full steam ahead? Humanity has been aware of the developing situation for well over a half century.

Remember I have a deep respect for the difference between our imaginative minds with its self-interested priorities, and the physical reality of Earth, “nature”, while most out there still (for a host of innocent and not so innocent reasons) can’t see past their own interests - and our philosophers have done nothing to help bring people and leaders up to speed on where we stood evolutionarily.

I blame the notion on our monolithic “Gods” along with the self-created notion that “he” put us here for our own pleasure, etc.

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I hear that all we need to focus on is to be ready to transition to renewables by end of FFs in 40 years time and climate change scientists warning of a collapse of earths natural systems is bogus.

No that is a false statement. If you believe that 40 years is too far into the future, offer me a better workable deadline. Do you think you can beat that deadline?

SHOW ME! So far, I have heard nothing from you at all. Not a single workable proposition . All there is is whining about how stupid people are.

But you should lay blame where it belongs, the Billionaires who fly their private jets and sail their mega-yachts, not the people who have no choice but to use air-polluting energy to get to work, for lack of an alternative.

Why is China 10 years ahead of the rest of the world in alternate energy sources? They saw the deadline approaching and are actively engaged in transitioning.
It took them 10 years to replace 25% of their energy with renewables. Guess what,
maybe another 75% in the next 30 years and they are independent, 10 years ahead of the deadline.

Do the maths!

Not good enough partner

Those that shout the warmings from climate scientists of the collapse of earths natural systems such as AMOC are not to taken seriously are just as bad if not worse than climate change deniers

Do you have solution or do you just want to sound important without having any solutions?
I am still waiting for your practical replacement solution. Until then 40 years is all there is left of oil.

And that solves the fossil-fuel pollution problem permanently.

I forwarded to you the green partys policies on this