Thanks for sharing those insect lessons Write!
While I can understand Frankrizzo frustration & hopelessness & even anger at our human parade of failures, that’s as far as my sympathy goes. Earth will survive, life will adapt again. Lordie only knows how many millennia that will take, but Earth’s history is pretty clear, it can and will recover.
Though, even Earth ages, and I doubt she can even return to the heights of the spectacular past few hundred thousands of years, and yes including that bizarre cherry on top, the unbelievable, in its own way spectacular, past ten thousand years. It’s been a heck of a run.
And on a spiritual psychological level for me, at this point what matters is being witness, becoming as aware as I can of the good and bad that unfolded, being a witness on a spiritual level, that leads to becoming aware of being the eye’s of the world.
Forget the video’s about consciousness being out there in the void,
if anything, it’s a matter of we humans who are one’s now sending out our conscious experience to the universe. Only through my (our/everyone’s / individual & collective) experience can God or the Universe know itself. Now that’s my sort of religion,
What’s it good for, well it feels good for me and that’s all it is.
Beyond that, there’s that stupendous Physical Reality (matter, natural laws, biology, time) that put on this Evolutionary Pageant, that created the creature that my mind has inhabited for these few decades.
And then I die, and it is good.
Appreciating the Physical Reality ~ Human Mindscape divide
It’s the cornerstone to seeing past all the stories we people tell ourselves.
That’s not to dismiss the stories! It’s about understanding their limitations. Having an understanding for what side of the divide one is on, in any particular instance.
“Past”? Past to what?
To the physical material world, biology, physiology, evolution, that world that science has been studying and laying out for us. Having the imagine to appreciate those connections and how one is part of it. Having the passion to feel it.