Pity those sad unfortunate misunderstood billionaires - What's up with them?

Here’s an excellent example of the Billionaire state of mind.
Thought of the moment;

The question isn’t who’s going to let me, it’s who’s going to stop me.

“Tech Billionaires’ Shocking Plot to Go Rogue in Rural America”

More Perfect Union
Sep 4, 2024
Tech billionaires are waging a hostile takeover of rural Northern California. They want to build their own private city in Solano County, and they’re crushing farmers with lawsuits to do it. Local activists delayed them last month, but the fight has just begun.

More Perfect Union’s mission is to build power for working people. Here’s what that means:

We report on the real struggles and challenges of the working class from a working-class perspective, and we attempt to connect those problems to potential solutions.

We report on the abuses and wrongdoing of corporate power, and we seek to hold accountable the ultra-rich who have too much power over America’s political and economic systems.

Apparently the key idea is creating a new form of ownership and governance.

I don’t pretend to know much about it, only so many nightmares a person can keep up on, still might make for an interesting topic and it certainly impacts our future.

More background,

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Interesting concepts. So many questions. Bitcoin seems a bad investment unless you’re a good scammer. It’s a huge energy suck with its server farms. Taxation is always interesting once things get physical. You can have anything virtually, but once it turns real it usually doesn’t succeed for long. I could see an Elon Musk having the ability to push some of this, but he’s really not smart enough to succeed in the long term.
And… no matter what you build, somebody will eventually destroy it. The likely destruction would come from its own members.

Why did you write billionaires and not oligarchs??

What difference would that make?

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Amrrica have oligarchs?

And whats wrong with that? scientists like james hansen are saying we MUST do certain actions now which is missing in the politics of CC.

Science science science !!!

What’s wrong is you don’t present it as science. You link articles for the purpose of telling members here there is something wrong with them. That’s not science.

Its gone from supporting the wrong people to something wrong with them. Its your hang up

This is still trolling. There is a slim chance you don’t know you are trolling, but it still is. It’s unlikely that you don’t understand what I’m telling you. It’s very likely you are twisting my words and pretending to not understand.

No one said you shouldn’t support Hansen. Someone said that generally your articles are not well sourced. You twisted that into a personal attack on you, it wasn’t.

You however, with the direct use of insults, attack people consistently.

Get this figured out, quickly. We generally use a three strikes and you’re out rule.

Oh, and you are arguing with moderators. If you have an issue with how we moderate, open a thread in Issues and Complaints. This is in the FAQ.

Attacking, Blaming, and Criticizing: How To Respond To Other Peoples’ Bad Behavior (psychcentral.com)

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Making stuff up. Discuss the topic or ignore me

Moderators don’t have the option to ignore. I’m not going to go through your posts and make a list of all of the times you have used insults.

Just one would suffice





just, weird


your schtick

using the word “airhead”, then getting upset someone else used it

Idiotic take not the person, claptrap as in fake news, sunshine - say no more, spat you out not taken as an insult by that person

Airhead - not angry - dont care

Schitik -





: a usually comic or repetitious performance or routine : BIT


: one’s special trait, interest, or activity : BAG




unrepentant (adjective)

  1. showing no regret for one’s wrongdoings:

Definition from the CFI administrative page:


A suspended user can’t log in.

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He’s a mod. He can’t ignore and you are about to be banned. This statement doesn’t help either. In fact, you may find yourself banned within the next few hours at this rate, maybe within the hour.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, lets take a look,

Sad part is we “must” do nothing. This AGW driven extreme destructive weather will simply continue on its trajectory. We treehugger were ridiculed right and left, still are, but it’s real and it’s happening.

“… Now, imagine being in a sauna wherein the temperature and humidity just keep climbing and climbing. Very quickly the experience will stop being relaxing and become deeply unpleasant.
You’ll manage to lose some heat to begin with by sweating, but ultimately a threshold will be reached beyond which sweating is no longer physically possible. You try the door and it’s locked. There’s no escape – and you have just hours to live.”

It’s a nightmare vision, but such a conspiracy of heat and humidity is increasingly being encountered in the hottest parts of our world. It’s slated to become ever more common as global heating continues to build in the decades ahead, threatening the lives of hundreds of millions of people."

There would need to be collective societal desire, sense of need and urgency.

But it doesn’t seem that any of our institutions, academia with its philosophical systems (most still under the shadow of its religious origins) and debates did nothing to help our thinking along.

Politicians, business leaders, religious leaders likewise never helped us confront our self-destructive habits. Yeah, the same weaknesses humanity has always known (feared) would destroy us all in the end - and that countless fables have been written about.

We didn’t bother to challenge ourselves enough to gain a bit of wisdom. Wisdom that enabled Earth’s biosphere, and the web of other creatures, into our sphere of personal priorities, or we’d suffocate on our own excesses.

Sure we can point at a lot of wise and wonderful thinkers and writers who tried to warn us and to suggest pathways to detour our march toward our own oblivion.

Instead it’s a story of self-absorbed and self-serving from top to bottom as
Rousseau so ably explains.
(I was inspired by Prof. Johnathan Bi to purchase an audiobook of Rousseau’s, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality and get to know it myself.)

Instead, our disconnect from the natural world has never been ably confronted, thus we see the mess we’ve created for ourselves, and for the most part we don’t even have the dignity to show any repentance.

Human nature run amok, we became gods, never adding any wisdom to our growing power, now the party is over, but the haves refuse to recognize the problem until it slams into their lives. That’s the natural man, no wiser than the other natural creatures that Earth gave birth to.

That cuts deep for folks who’ve grown up believing in human learning and the exceptionalism of our thought processes, but it was all in our heads.

While the future, that is physical reality, was in our hands - as opposed to our imaginative human mindscape.

Thus we have the likes of dante555, and myself, and others who sometimes want to pull our hairs out at the utter self destructive stupidity and blind sidedness of so, so, so many. It’s emotional and writing is a one way to work the personal issue of keeping oneself in balance as we dance through our day by days.

Physics-based early warning signal shows that AMOC is on tipping course

SCIENCE ADVANCES - 9 Feb 2024 - Vol 10, Issue 6
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adk1189


One of the most prominent climate tipping elements is the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), which can potentially collapse because of the input of fresh water in the North Atlantic. Although AMOC collapses have been induced in complex global climate models by strong freshwater forcing, the processes of an AMOC tipping event have so far not been investigated.

Here, we show results of the first tipping event in the Community Earth System Model, including the large climate impacts of the collapse.
Using these results, we develop a physics-based and observable early warning signal of AMOC tipping: the minimum of the AMOC-induced freshwater transport at the southern boundary of the Atlantic.

Reanalysis products indicate that the present-day AMOC is on route to tipping. The early warning signal is a useful alternative to classical statistical ones, which, when applied to our simulated tipping event, turn out to be sensitive to the analyzed time interval before tipping.

Though the basic AMOC mechanism “was understood” and we learned it collapsed some 15 millennia ago as the last major ice age was melting away. Still it seemed utter science fiction that our warming could induce such an event, that is before the turn of the century. Then some ‘radicals’ started calling it out and writing about it, and roundly dismissed, not anymore.

There is a person on here who says there is no need to panic as we have a 40 year window to transition to renewables

That is an incorrect statement. You need to think about what you read before you come to hasty and ill-considered statements. You just like to find fault even when there isn’t.

I said we have 40 years worth of oil left and most likely we will need about 40 years to transition from oil to “green” energy sources worldwide.

We better be prepared when the oil refineries shut down and gas pumps run dry.
If you still have a gasoline driven car by then, you’ll be stalled next to the freeway.

Everyone under the age of 30 today will experience the “end of oil”! Do you understand the implications?