You can keep posting quotes mined from wherever you want. They are all essentially correct.
One would think that after screaming the sky is falling a couple of time that you guys would be embarrassed to the point of stopping the spread of fake propaganda. Instead the regressive far left starts spreading the BS to the school children. That is really, really sad.
We can only predict these dates to degree of accuracy, but they are still saying the same thing, “if you we don’t act, the cities we built will not function, people who had nothing to do with creating the problem will suffer, technology will not keep up with the rate of change.”
Again, you are living in a political world. The technology of building on the beach and swamp land is not new. The warning has been there before most of the building ever took place. What you are saying is that an increased rate of water rise by Climate Change is causing the problem. That is not shown by any facts. The water has been rising for thousands of years now. No, big surprise. The facts are showing that the water rise has gone through a time period of very little rise and is just getting back to its average normal rise. And that is without any Climate Change. Yes, that is right, there is no Climate Change water rise being measured yet today. It is all political.
The technology is simple. It is called U-Haul. If you think we are going to change Mother Nature to the point of changing the amounts of sun light reaching the earth. No, we do not and are not even working on that technology.
Maybe not to the detailed degree you require, but you keep moving the goalposts to fit your narrative.
My point on Climate Change has been the same and not changed since Al Gore movement started. Science need to establish datum points to have real science. In the next few months you will be hearing about the Gold Standards being established. Same thing, datum points. Then the technology will start moving. I expect nothing will be done until after the 2020 elections. Scientific technology will not help the democratic goals and they will want a slow exit and time to flip the blame. Expect CO2 to start leaving the radar screen.
Al Gore got a couple things right. 800,000 years of Ice Core data that has become the base line used today until the scientists can work out better indicators. Al Gore just got caught trying to fake what the Ice Cores really showed. A common factor that I see is a bunch of Nasa and science teacher types keep referring to the Ice Core data that shows the CO2 following the heat. It has not been the CO2 levels rise and then the temperature follows. It has been the earth temperature and Ice Core cycles follows the sun cycles and the CO2 follows the heat, a perfect match until the industrial age started adding more CO2 to the air. CC’s group is claiming the CO2 is heated by the sun and the heat follows. But CC’s group has not been able to sell that viewpoint to the groups like the Nasa guys or the old science teachers, the military, the insurance companies, other countries not under America’s purse strings.
I am not a scientist. I am just one guy with a viewpoint of Climate Change that is not politically driven. That makes me an outcast on this website. I do think we need a nationwide Climate Change debate. And that is not happening so far because of the political forces.
My point is, I am not moving the goalposts. What you are having trouble with is your own coming to Jesus with Climate Change. Otherwise show me where I have changed any goalposts.
Have the goalposts changed on Climate Change in Europe? Yes, I think they are being changed right now as we are talking.