Where’s Climate Change?

More than 99.9% of studies agree that Humans caused climate change. In the last 30 years there have been 130,000 climate change research papers. Between 2012 and 2020 alone there were approximately 88,125 articles written on climate change written in English.

One cannot help but notice that what was missing in this election and in the media was Climate Change. What is going on?

Yeah, that’s easy to explain, the billionaires were in charge of this election along with the news - and the public doesn’t want to hear it.

For those that dare to look at physical reality, here’s what is going on:


But then if you refuse to care about it, or learn about it, or read about it, you might be able to pretend nothing is going on out there.

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It has been missing in every election ever. We think we’re smart, but we’re destroying our environment like all the dumb animals in the world.

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It was a small issue in this election. Big bad Trump himself was on the minds of those who usually bring up climate change.

The dumb animals generally help the environment. It is only us “smart” creatures who destroy nature.

Hey! We agree on something. Excellent.

In orderto bring gas prices down, Trump has just declared an increase in oil production.
His words; "Drill baby Drill!

If you have a problem with that. In CA gas is around $5/gal. Just give $10 if that will make you feel better.

Interesting that you should cite CA as an example of needing lower gas prices thereby encouraging higher oil consumption and increased global warming that will result in the calamity that just destroyed a good part of CA.

What is the cost (how many gallons of gas could you buy) of this natural calamity caused by global warming from exponential increase in oil consuption.

The estimated damage from the CA fires is between $52 billion and $57 billion23. Another estimate suggests a range of $135 billion to $150 billion1

And you want increased oil production to bring down the cost of driving your car to the super-market?

Gee m., and I thought this was about where’s climate change,
bait and switch baby.

Confusion and inaction is the game plan.

Carry on.

When Mike stays on topic for three posts in a row, I do a little happy dance

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Climate Change can be found in Tundra areas, permafrost melting along with its cascading consequences,

Nov 30, 2024 - GeologyHub
There is an ongoing disaster in north America which is not only ongoing but getting worse. And despite its geologic origin, it has been largely ignored by the public. This video discusses the sudden changing of many remote streams and rivers from a clear blue to a toxic orange color. This is not due to acid mine drainage or illegal dumping of waste, but instead something worse.

Tipping points are being tipped before our eyes, . . .

How to make it all go away?

Close your eyes.
Oh but that’s in one’s head,
there is still Earth’s physical reality unfolding at its own pace,
and what we are doing is not conducive to society or mammals and most other animal kingdoms, et al.

But most simply refuse grasp as much. :cry:

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Climate Change can be found everywhere on earth. Climate Change is taking place 24 hours a day, seven days a week on earth. It used to be called weather. Climate Change was probably created by a bat at some meat market somewhere or by some crazy political activists to scare the public. I wouldn’t worry about Climate Change until it is synchronized to a defined definition that can by used worldwide with a scientific meaning used both politically and scientifically.

Better start worrying. Cuz that’s been done.

The politics of Ostrich ?

Scientists, specialists in their one demesnes, agree about climate change, definition, reality, causes and effects.

Some scientists negate it, and politicians and capitalists also, because they want to protect profits and ways of living.

And, in any case, as long as we agree that climate change is a reality, we should worry.

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In the past 35 years Climate Change has been a subject of discussion. Yet today there are articles that confuse Global Warming and Climate Change. Our government departments. Example, for DHS term meaning you need to the DHS Lexicon.

Black’s Law Dictionary use to be the standard.

Black’s Law Dictionary defines climate change as a long-term change in the climate that is caused by human activity or natural processes.


Climate change is a significant change in the climate that lasts for decades or longer.

It can be caused by human activity, such as burning fossil fuels, or natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions.

Climate change can include changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and the risk of severe weather.

Climate change can also include sea-level rise, ice mass loss, and shifts in plant blooming.


Human activity:

Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas

Clearing land and cutting down forests


Oil and gas operations

Natural processes:

Changes in the sun’s activity

Large volcanic eruptions

AI - “Black’s Law Dictionary defines climate change as a long-term change in the climate that is caused by human activity or natural processes.”

It is simple. “human activity or natural processes” are Climate Change.

AI - Black’s Law Dictionary stays current with changing legal meanings by regularly publishing new editions, with a team of editors actively monitoring legal developments, researching new terms emerging in case law and legal scholarship, and incorporating them into the dictionary as needed, often with citations to relevant court decisions to support the definitions; this ensures the dictionary reflects the most up-to-date legal terminology.

In using the term “Climate Change” with CC’s North America’s Ongoing, Ignored Disaster. We know for a fact that permafrost has been melting in America since the last glacial period 11,000 years ago. And the legal term “natural processes” in the definition says that was legally “Climate Change”.

Talk about political!
Climate Change has been a reality for the last million years according to the legal definition. And you want to now agree that we should worry? I think there is a political reason for the definition.

It is Climate Change that is NOT a million years, that is the danger.
The most recent rapid Climate Change has a name" Anthropocene (manmade).

In fact the change has been so rapid, they don’t call it Anthropocene anymore, but has been renamed “Golden Spike” which is actuallly worse because many species are not given the time to adapt (evolve) to the rapidly changing environment.

The faster the change, the worse for all species. Hence a threatening extinction!

Thus the other term “6th Extinction period” is correct as it does not identify with a particular length, but just as a threat.

This is what a professional liar sounds like.
Turning chump change into show stoppers.


That’s why the formal title for what is happening this age is Anthropogenic Global Warming, driven climate changes.

The MAGA mind says:

But liars refuse to recognize the real world nuances.


Statements like that are beyond contemptible, they are malicious lies and crazy-making that demonstrate a complete disregard for evidence and honesty and worse. The words demonstrate a profound tragic self-destructive disregard for Earth physical reality and our life support systems.

Oh but no one is supposed to get upset about it. That wouldn’t be groovy.

I agree to a point.
But where is the science?
First define the problem.
Then establish a datum point or base line.
Then build data from there.

This has not been done. You can’t define the problem when you keep changing the name and definition you give the problem for political reasons. You can’t have Climate Change and weather meaning the same thing. Weather has always operated in cycles. So, what is your base line? Don’t give me CO2 as a base line. In thirty years of models. You can’t get three to match. And they have all run hot from the beginning. What do you want? Another thirty years of models running hot. And years of lying about where the CO2 heat is hiding? CO2 should have the earth’s tempeture up 20 degrees by the consensus scientists. There should be no snow anywhere on earth today. So, at what point are people suppose to keep forgetting old predictions for new predictions.
The second point is. Is higher CO2 been better or worst for earth (not just humans)?
The third point is. Yes the earth is going to change. It has always been changing. You say that humans are making it change faster. And that is correct. So, why don’t we use science to get the facts. In the last 20-years the people have been telling the science to use items like sun cycles and clouds. Today the science is busy studying sun cycles and clouds. It is all political. Net zero cannot be proven workable. Yet, that was the path we are on.

If you are on a forum with citizens challenge and don’t know where the science is, you are willfully ignorant. But even that is not “the problem” “these days”. The problem is, the methods, the principles, and the processes of science are not understood well enough by enough people.

I’ve been on this forum for a while, and had too many conversations about what science is. It’s not a political problem, it’s everywhere.

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