In the past 35 years Climate Change has been a subject of discussion. Yet today there are articles that confuse Global Warming and Climate Change. Our government departments. Example, for DHS term meaning you need to the DHS Lexicon.
Black’s Law Dictionary use to be the standard.
Black’s Law Dictionary defines climate change as a long-term change in the climate that is caused by human activity or natural processes.
Climate change is a significant change in the climate that lasts for decades or longer.
It can be caused by human activity, such as burning fossil fuels, or natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions.
Climate change can include changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and the risk of severe weather.
Climate change can also include sea-level rise, ice mass loss, and shifts in plant blooming.
Human activity:
Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas
Clearing land and cutting down forests
Oil and gas operations
Natural processes:
Changes in the sun’s activity
Large volcanic eruptions
AI - “Black’s Law Dictionary defines climate change as a long-term change in the climate that is caused by human activity or natural processes.”
It is simple. “human activity or natural processes” are Climate Change.
AI - Black’s Law Dictionary stays current with changing legal meanings by regularly publishing new editions, with a team of editors actively monitoring legal developments, researching new terms emerging in case law and legal scholarship, and incorporating them into the dictionary as needed, often with citations to relevant court decisions to support the definitions; this ensures the dictionary reflects the most up-to-date legal terminology.
In using the term “Climate Change” with CC’s North America’s Ongoing, Ignored Disaster. We know for a fact that permafrost has been melting in America since the last glacial period 11,000 years ago. And the legal term “natural processes” in the definition says that was legally “Climate Change”.
Talk about political!
Climate Change has been a reality for the last million years according to the legal definition. And you want to now agree that we should worry? I think there is a political reason for the definition.