Moyers article on election

Excellent article

Excellent article
Wow, that about sums it up and uses the correct terms...the Repubs ARE fascists, they DO hate democracy, etc. Article btw is not by Bill Moyers though. Still...excellent.
Wow, that about sums it up and uses the correct terms...the Repubs ARE fascists, they DO hate democracy, etc. Article btw is not by Bill Moyers though. Still...excellent.
Cuthbert, this is not an excellent article. In fact I'll go out on a limb and say that within a year this article along with thousands more just like it will be relegated to a huge rubbish pile that most journalists won't want to discuss. Perhaps in the future a few journalists will revisit articles like this one and write a story about the crazed hysteria and panic baiting that many journalists took part in around the 2016 election cycle. You were correct in pointing out that Moyers didn't write this though. There's no way a "seasoned" journalist like Moyers would stoop to claptrap like that. Anyways, you mark my words. Peace.
Excellent article
Wow, that about sums it up and uses the correct terms...the Repubs ARE fascists, they DO hate democracy, etc. Article btw is not by Bill Moyers though. Still...excellent. Thanks for pointing that out. It's by Neil Gabler on the Moyers website. Lois

“VYAZMA” you got anything but spit wads in ya? :long:
So,… how about really going out on a limb and making some constructive predictions?
Or is slim as far as your thinking process goes?
Oh, incidentally ever visit that “Citizens United” website? Is that “your” vision of AmeriKa?
What'sUpWithThatWatts, et al.: Profiles in Treason - Citizens United

Wow, that about sums it up and uses the correct terms...the Repubs ARE fascists, they DO hate democracy, etc. Article btw is not by Bill Moyers though. Still...excellent.
Cuthbert, this is not an excellent article. In fact I'll go out on a limb and say that within a year this article along with thousands more just like it will be relegated to a huge rubbish pile that most journalists won't want to discuss. Perhaps in the future a few journalists will revisit articles like this one and write a story about the crazed hysteria and panic baiting that many journalists took part in around the 2016 election cycle. You were correct in pointing out that Moyers didn't write this though. There's no way a "seasoned" journalist like Moyers would stoop to claptrap like that. Anyways, you mark my words. Peace. Tend to agree, especially statements like this:
Democracy can’t cope with extremism. Only violence and time can defeat it.
It is specifically designed to cope with extremism. The problem is when the extremists figure how to vote. They won with around 1/4 of the voting population, which doesn't count the disenfranchised. It also doesn't reflect his views since many of those people say they ignored much of what he said or appear to have not been listening. The most amazing coup those voters managed to pull off is to not participate. That is, they shunned the pollsters. Many also were outright saying they were voting for "Not Hillary". It's all a bizarre accident of the system. The worst being that he lost the popular vote, but still claims a mandate. It will be a test of the system. The departments are going to be somewhat leaderless for a while as he tries to get his cabinet posts confirmed. He's going to find out it's not as powerful of a position as he thought it was. BY NEAL GABLER | NOVEMBER 10, 2016 "This generally has been called the “hate election" because everyone professed to hate both candidates. It turned out to be the hate election because, and let’s not mince words, of the hatefulness of the electorate. In the years to come, we will brace for the violence, the anger, the racism, the misogyny, the xenophobia, the nativism, the white sense of grievance that will undoubtedly be unleashed now that we have destroyed the values that have bound us." If there is a single sentence that characterizes the election, it is this: “He says the things I’m thinking." That may be what is so terrifying. Who knew that so many tens of millions of white Americans were thinking unconscionable things about their fellow Americans? Who knew that tens of millions of white men felt so emasculated by women and challenged by minorities? Who knew that after years of seeming progress on race and gender, tens of millions of white Americans lived in seething resentment, waiting for a demagogue to arrive who would legitimize their worst selves and channel them into political power? Perhaps we had been living in a fool’s paradise. Now we aren’t. ...
Sounds like a sober assessment. This year will pass soon enough. We shall see what shape we're in next New Years plenty soon. ____________________________________________________ This one is damned spot on!
The virus that kills democracy is extremism because extremism disables those codes. Republicans have disrespected the process for decades. They have regarded any Democratic president as illegitimate.
Trump was absolutely correct when he bragged that he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and his supporters wouldn’t care. It was a dictator’s ugly vaunt, but one that recognized this election never was about policy or economics or the “right path/wrong path," or even values. It was about venting.
Hell just consider our pal V, venting then nothing. ____________________________________________________ Hmmm, and Alt-Right sees it quite different you can be sure But they don't understand the difference between personal fantasy and objective facts - nor do they give a damned - the bullies get there way as America whimpers.
The media can’t be let off the hook for enabling an authoritarian to get to the White House. Long before he considered a presidential run, he was a media creation — a regular in the gossip pages, a photo on magazine covers, the bankrupt (morally and otherwise) mogul who hired and fired on The Apprentice. When he ran, the media treated him not as a candidate, but as a celebrity, and so treated him differently from ordinary pols. The media gave him free publicity, trumpeted his shenanigans, blasted out his tweets, allowed him to phone in his interviews, fell into his traps and generally kowtowed until they suddenly discovered that this joke could actually become president.
Like Goebbels before them, conservatives understood they had to create their own facts, their own truths, their own reality. They have done so, and in so doing effectively destroyed the very idea of objectivity. With Trump’s election, I think that the ideal of an objective, truthful journalism is dead, never to be revived. Like Nixon and Sarah Palin before him, Trump ran against the media, boomeranging off the public’s contempt for the press. ...
Show us where this assessment is wrong ! :smirk:
With the mainstream media so delegitimized — a delegitimization for which they bear a good deal of blame, not having had the courage to take on lies and expose false equivalencies — they have very little role to play going forward in our politics.
Stark, but with all checks and balances both within our government and within our thinking processes (the death of critical thinking skills and all that) seems like another sober extrapolation of recent history Ah here we get what must drive V to distraction -
What’s more, Trump already has promised to take his war on the press into courtrooms and the halls of Congress. He wants to loosen libel protections, and he has threatened Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos of Amazon with an antitrust suit. Individual journalists have reason to fear him as well. He has already singled out NBC’s Katy Tur, perhaps the best of the television reporters, so that she needed the Secret Service to escort her from one of his rallies. Jewish journalists who have criticized Trump have been subjected to vicious anti-Semitism and intimidation from the white nationalist “alt-right." For the press, this is likely to be the new normal in an America in which white supremacists, neo-Nazi militias, racists, sexists, homophobes and anti-Semites have been legitimized by a new president who “says what I’m thinking." It will be open season.
Like I said, this year will pass soon enough. But all indications are that being scared, being very scared is not an unreasonable reaction. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Here's an interesting little case in point.
What happened when I went for a run in my I’M WITH HER shirt after the election

Being scared doesn’t mean inaction!!!

Wow, that about sums it up and uses the correct terms...the Repubs ARE fascists, they DO hate democracy, etc. Article btw is not by Bill Moyers though. Still...excellent.
Cuthbert, this is not an excellent article. In fact I'll go out on a limb and say that within a year this article along with thousands more just like it will be relegated to a huge rubbish pile that most journalists won't want to discuss. Perhaps in the future a few journalists will revisit articles like this one and write a story about the crazed hysteria and panic baiting that many journalists took part in around the 2016 election cycle. You were correct in pointing out that Moyers didn't write this though. There's no way a "seasoned" journalist like Moyers would stoop to claptrap like that. Anyways, you mark my words. Peace.Well of course you think it's a bad article. You're a Trump supporter. In a couple years the gays will be back where they belong, those damn foreigners will be out of your country, and all those peskey nig, oh wait, African Americans will stop voting and stay in their ghettos. Oh and the Bible will reign supreme and all those poor minorty gals will finally stop forcing you to pay for their abortions. All will be at peace for you.
Well of course you think it's a bad article. You're a Trump supporter. In a couple years the gays will be back where they belong, those damn foreigners will be out of your country, and all those peskey nig, oh wait, African Americans will stop voting and stay in their ghettos. Oh and the Bible will reign supreme and all those poor minorty gals will finally stop forcing you to pay for their abortions. All will be at peace for you.
These kinds of replies are despicable. If you have to use racial epithets you don't really have much worth saying. Where's the Moderation around here anymore?
Well of course you think it's a bad article. You're a Trump supporter. In a couple years the gays will be back where they belong, those damn foreigners will be out of your country, and all those peskey nig, oh wait, African Americans will stop voting and stay in their ghettos. Oh and the Bible will reign supreme and all those poor minorty gals will finally stop forcing you to pay for their abortions. All will be at peace for you.
Its thinking like that, that got Trump elected by the people who live in the real world. The media scared people to voting for stability when they stepped over the line of logic and reality into headlines with these same idealistic and notional ideas.
Well of course you think it's a bad article. You're a Trump supporter. In a couple years the gays will be back where they belong, those damn foreigners will be out of your country, and all those peskey nig, oh wait, African Americans will stop voting and stay in their ghettos. Oh and the Bible will reign supreme and all those poor minorty gals will finally stop forcing you to pay for their abortions. All will be at peace for you.
These kinds of replies are despicable. If you have to use racial epithets you don't really have much worth saying. Where's the Moderation around here anymore?Hey don't blame me. Blame yourself for supporting Trump. I love the way you clowns act: support something reprehensible, then when someone calls you out on it, you cry like babies that someone's calling you reprehensible.
Its thinking like that, that got Trump elected by the people who live in the real world. The media scared people to voting for stability when they stepped over the line of logic and reality into headlines with these same idealistic and notional ideas.
Very well said. Good gracious, think of the exciting times to come. The SCOTUS appointments. Don't forget those! Whew wee. We have such a vibrant democracy, a living, pliable government that can be interpreted in oh so many ways under the US Constitution. Finally we can get down to brass tacks and cease these endless distractions concerning these notional ideas. I like that term Mike..."Notional ideas".
Well of course you think it's a bad article. You're a Trump supporter. In a couple years the gays will be back where they belong, those damn foreigners will be out of your country, and all those peskey nig, oh wait, African Americans will stop voting and stay in their ghettos. Oh and the Bible will reign supreme and all those poor minorty gals will finally stop forcing you to pay for their abortions. All will be at peace for you.
These kinds of replies are despicable. If you have to use racial epithets you don't really have much worth saying. Where's the Moderation around here anymore? It was Trump who used racial and religious bigotry to advance his cause. Why shouldn't we mock it by throwing it back into his face and the faces of the people who agreed with him? If you thought it was despicable why didn't you csll it despicable when Trump was making bigoted remarks as a candidate for President? Why do you only attack the people who attack him for being a bigot? Lois
Well of course you think it's a bad article. You're a Trump supporter. In a couple years the gays will be back where they belong, those damn foreigners will be out of your country, and all those peskey nig, oh wait, African Americans will stop voting and stay in their ghettos. Oh and the Bible will reign supreme and all those poor minorty gals will finally stop forcing you to pay for their abortions. All will be at peace for you.
These kinds of replies are despicable. If you have to use racial epithets you don't really have much worth saying. Where's the Moderation around here anymore? It was Trump who used racial and religious bigotry to advance his cause. Why shouldn't we mock it by throwing it back into his face and the faces of the people who agreed with him? If you thought it was despicable why didn't you csll it despicable when Trump was making bigoted remarks as a candidate for President? Why do you only attack the people who attack him for being a bigot? Lois I don’t think people agreed with Trump on any bigotry or any of his remarks that were taken as a put down to people. And we know that it is very hard to change a Christian’s or Atheist’s thinking about religious ideas. We may have given power to the Christian belief system that will take ten years to get back to where we are today in creation vs. evolution. And we may have damage advancements in the marijuana movement. But, when we vote, we have to judge what is best for the country overall. Weighing the bad against the good. And I really don’t care if Trump is a womanizing bigot. As long as he can turn this country around. Earlier this year I posted about government over regulating and the caste system as being just a couple of the major problems we are facing in the election. Nobody here seemed to care. But bigotry was talked about a lot. Point being that balance of the people of this country is not really represented on this website. And instead of now try to review the problems with the over regulating and caste system, we are still stuck on bigotry remarks, which we should leave to the daily talk shows. I get the feeling that people want Trump to fail so they can feel vindicated. We have to give up this thinking that we are going to be a country that is going to give special rights and monetary backing to different groups if we want to be a player in the Climate Change. We are way to far in debt for that.

That’s damned disconnected from how real life works.
We have a pathological liar who will say anything to suit anyone, if it serves his narcissistic purposes,
and who has no depth beyond the understanding of how to manipulate gullible people and promote himself,
who is filling position of power with extremist ideologies,
who likewise believe they can fabricate faux facts when the real deal is inconvenient for their personal faith.
To believe that good outcomes can come from people who have unhinged themselves from objective facts and observable reality, is the stuff hollywood thinking .
Oh yeah, that’s where most everyone’s heads are shoved up, these days. :sick: :down:

about government over regulating
But, will any of the jerks screaming about over regulation for once acknowledge how much regulations are needed to protect people and food and waters and air, etc, etc ! ?
about government over regulating
But, will any of the jerks screaming about over regulation for once acknowledge how much regulations are needed to protect people and food and waters and air, etc, etc ! ?
I am one of those Jerks. And I just saw a trillion dollars’ worth of stimulus do very little to create a better business environment. 2015 was a record year for new federal regulations. We don’t need all those regulations. For example, if auto traffic was managed by federal regulations at the same rate as social and economic regulations have been increasing. You would have thousands of regulations to contend with on a trip across the country. And it would cost you tens of thousands in fees to travel across the country. Instead we use insurance and the court system. Do you think it is right that the average person unknowingly breaks at least three federal criminal laws every day? You are telling me that to have safe food and water that we have to have the average American breaking a thousand federal criminal laws each year. When is enough, enough? Two thousand or five thousand federal criminal laws broken per person every year. What is your number? Mine is zero. We need to fix the system.
Mine is zero.
That about sums it up for you. This sums it up for me
Making your starting position that "Regulations suck and need to be done away with." - is an insane way to approach this problem.
Mine is zero.
That about sums it up for you. This sums it up for me
Making your starting position that "Regulations suck and need to be done away with." - is an insane way to approach this problem.
That is not my position. I said too many regulations. Then I point out how regulations are not across the board in our industries. I also point out that I don’t think it is good that Americans are breaking the laws on a daily bases because of these regulations. And yes, ZERO does sum it up for me. That’s exactly how many Federal criminal laws I think an average American should have to break on a daily bases.